30 June 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Peter Kallang, Pengerusi SaveRivers – Komitmen Malaysia terhadap SDG dan Potensi Panel Suria Terapung untuk Penjanaan Tenaga Mampan
> Bill Jugah, Pengasas Independent Council Of Natives (ICON) – Pengundi sentiasa menjadi mangsa mungkir janji
> Marcus Hugo, DAP Telang Usan – GPS, tahukah anda orang lain ketawa melihat kemunduran Sarawak
> Encik Robert dari Miri – Kritikan kepada Menteri John Sikie Tayai Berkenaan Penggunaan Istilah "Dayak" dan Hari Gawai di Sarawak

On Today Show
> Peter Kallang, Chairman of SaveRivers – Malaysia's Commitment to SDGs and the Potential of Floating Solar Panels for Sustainable Energy Generation
> Bill Jugah, Founder of Independent Council Of Natives (ICON) – The voters are always victim of broken promise
> Marcus Hugo, DAP of Telang Usan – GPS, do you know that others are laughing at Sarawak's backwardness
> Mr. Robert from Miri – Criticism Directed at Minister John Sikie Tayai Regarding the Usage of the Term "Dayak" and Hari Gawai in Sarawak

  • Special Randau

    > www.ikr.economi.gov.my - allocation of 500 million from the Ministry of Economy. How to apply? > The Social Security Organisation (Socso) has suspended a People's Volunteer Corps (Rela) personnel following allegations that he prevented a woman from entering a government office in Penang due to the skirt she was wearing.

    > Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) has urged the government to consider the proposal by PKR Pasir Gudang Pak Hassa Karim, of presenting the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's (MACC) annual report directly to Parliament.


    Peter Kallang, Chairman of SaveRivers

    *Malaysia's Commitment to SDGs and the Potential of Floating Solar Panels for Sustainable Energy Generation*

    In 2015, the United Nations set 17 SDG goals and aims to achieve them by 2030. Malaysia is one of the countries that agreed to sign compliance with the SDGs. In short, the 17 goals; Zero poverty, zero hunger, good health systems, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, clean and affordable energy, responsible consumption and disposal, life in water and on land, peace/justice and shared goals.

    From Peter's observation, less than 20% of this goal was achieved in Baram, Hulu Rajang and Kapit parliaments. These areas are located in the interior and are active logging and plantation areas. Therefore, there is much more that the Malaysian government should do to achieve this goal. Related to reuters report dated 27 June 2023. Malaysia, through SEB plans to install floating solar panels at 3 main dams - Bakun, Murum and Batang AI. This according to Peter is a good idea. Because solar energy is much cleaner than coal or hydro. Although there are still issues related to solar batteries. Not only the installation of floating solar on dams but also on buildings that require a lot of energy consumption should be accelerated. To find out more about the development of the SDGs in each parliament in Malaysia. Please visit atpgm sdg.com


    Bill Jugah, Founder of Independent Council Of Natives (ICON)

    *The voters are always victim of broken promise*

    Sarawak aims to complete the construction of some 5,000 kilometres (km) of new roads connecting various villages and scattered settlements in the interior areas before 2030, said Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

    Bill Jugah comment that, 7 years time to complete 5,000 km road, we are given 70 percents from allocation of 6.8 billions for rural development, meaning it is 4.9 billions. What he knows for 5,000 km, whereby cost for per km is aproximate 4 mill to 12.5 mill. This source is from tvs Website. Another 1200 roads which is pending for implemention which are support to link to 182 settlements of the Indigenous peoples. This is a huge challenge to our state govt.

    For 5,000 km roads by 2030, he dont know what to say, to believe or not. The voters are always victim of broken promise. This what the voters always complained. Regardless of which party govt of the day, the very first thing they should implement is building the roads, water and electricity supply, now plus Internet. These are the basic. We also need these four element for our income like business. Especially for oil palm small holders, even factory if no road also affected


    Marcus Hugo, DAP of Telang Usan

    *GPS, do you know that others are laughing at Sarawak's backwardness*

    there is a statement wrote by netizen from Peninsular, expresses a negative view of Sabah and Sarawak as places for pursuing a career, raising a family, and experiencing a challenging life. It highlights the perceived lack of development and progress in the two states despite their abundant resources. The statement suggests that sending civil servants from Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah and Sarawak is seen as a form of punishment, and emphasizes the reliance on individuals from Peninsular Malaysia to fill job positions in the two states. The statement concludes by questioning the viability of Sabah and Sarawak's survival without sufficient qualified individuals and discourages discussions about secession from Malaysia.

    Many netizens from East Malaysia feel angry about this article, seeing it as a form of disrespect. However, Marcus Hugo states that if this is true, then the Sarawak GPS government should reflect on why there has been no progress in development despite 60 years of development, and why people from Peninsular Malaysia have such perceptions about East Malaysia. He argues that the underdevelopment of East Malaysia is an undeniable fact, and while the GPS claims to allocate funds for development, there is a lack of tangible action. As a result, people from East Malaysia are forced to leave their hometowns to seek employment or pursue education in other cities.


    Mr. Robert from Miri

    *Criticism Directed at Minister John Sikie Tayai Regarding the Usage of the Term "Dayak" and Hari Gawai in Sarawak*

    Mr Robert share to RFS that he is disappointed with the statement made by Minister John Sikie Tayai, which states that the term "Dayak" should not necessarily be used exclusively with Hari Gawai, as for decades Hari Gawai Dayak has been used in Sabah and Sarawak to symbolize the celebration of various ethnic groups in Sarawak such as the Iban, Bidayuh, and Orang Ulu as a harvest festival.

    John Sikie Tayai is a Deputy Minister in the Chief Minister's Department (Law and Native Custom of Sarawak), A leader should not touch the term "Dayak" and should respect it.

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