Radio Free Sarawak

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5 February 2024

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On Today Show
— Pushpan Murugiah, CEO of the Center to combat corruption and cronyism (C4) – Malaysian Voices Against Pardon: A Plea for Restructuring the System
— Wesley from Miri – Family Drama Unfolds: Ragad and Taib Face Accusations of Exploitation
— Shahrizal Denci, Vice President of Muda – Challenges to Freedom of Expression: The Tony Pua Incident and Sedition Laws

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Pushpan Murugiah, CEO Pusat Memerangi Rasuah dan Kronisme (C4) – Rakyat Malaysia Menentang Pemberian Pengampunan kepada Najib: Menuntut Penstrukturan Sistem
— Wesley dari Miri – Drama Keluarga Terbongkar: Ragad dan Taib perlu disiasat.
— Shahrizal Denci, Naib Presiden Muda – Cabaran kepada Kebebasan Bersuara: Insiden Tony Pua dan Undang-undang Hasutan