30 July 2024

On Today Show
— Willie Kajan, Tour Guide from Long Terawan, Mulu – Community-Driven Tourism: Willie Kajan Advocates for Local Benefits in Sarawak
— Apai Mei from Sg Tangap Niah – Connectivity and Comfort: Addressing the Needs of Niah Cave
—  Diog Dios, the head of the PKR Puncak Borneo branch – Helping Hands: MADANI Aid Boxes Reach Puncak Borneo's Needy

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Willie Kajan, Panduan Pelancong dari Long Terawan, Mulu – Pelancongan yang Didorong Komuniti: Willie Kajan Memperjuangkan Manfaat Tempatan di Sarawak
— Apai Mei dari Sg Tangap Niah – Konektiviti dan Keselesaan: Menangani Keperluan Gua Niah
— Diog Dios, Ketua Cabang PKR Puncak Borneo – Bantuan Tangan: Kotak MADANI Sampai kepada Mereka yang Memerlukan di Puncak Borneo

  • Special Randau

                    1. Don't embarrass Sarawak, immediately upgrade the facilities at the Niah Cave Unesco World Archaeological Heritage Site. The news of Niah Cave being recognized as a new World Heritage Site by Unesco is very exciting. But a lot of work needs to be done such as upgrading hotels, toilets, roads and eating places. If tourists from all over the world come and see dirty toilets and hotels. That is a shame, said Willie Kajan.

                    2. The condition of roads in rural areas is very bad, said Mulu-Datu Gerawat Gala assemblyman. Gerawat claims more than 1000km of roads in the Baram area are in bad condition and need immediate repair. More than a million Sarawakians live in 6000 settlements outside the city. So the allocation to provide facilities for rural residents is very urgent - Gerawat Gala said. Therefore, because of that we often say that Sarawak is not a developed state. Infra facilities are still far behind and there are still many poor people in the countryside.

                    3. “PH does not have a presence in Sarawak” The Premier of Sarawak's harsh remarks on the 'Keluar Sekejam' podcast have been the talk of the week. Leaders from DAP and PKR Sarawak have labeled these comments as the arrogance of Premier Abang Jo. However, It underscores the need to confront and overcome GPS's dominance in the upcoming 2026 state elections.


    Willie Kajan, Tour Guide from Long Terawan, Mulu

    Community-Driven Tourism: Willie Kajan Advocates for Local Benefits in Sarawak

    Willie Kajan is a tourist guide in two national park areas, Mulu National Park and Niah Cave National Park. Last weekend Unesco recognized the archaeological Heritage Site of Niah Cave as a new Unesco world heritage site. Making Sarawak have 2 unesco recognized world heritage sites. For Willie, this is a huge recognition and will bring new tourist attractions to Sarawak. However, according to Willie, the facilities to Niah Cave are so disappointing. The condition of the accommodation hotel, public facilities such as toilets and eating places is quite bad and needs to be upgraded immediately. Before the construction of Pan Borneo- the road to Niah Cave was so bad and narrow. Now it's quite good after Pan Borneo is ready. The situation at the Gunung Mulu World Heritage Site (2000) is quite satisfactory. Flights from Miri to Mulu every day. Traveling by river takes about 1 day while traveling by road takes 8 hours. Small craft businesses run by local people. However, I expect that local residents who are not working or involved in the tourism industry will be given some return in the form of royalties. Currently Mulu National Park is managed by SFC and Borsarmulu. Willie emphasized that taking care of the environment and maintaining the original and natural habitat in our forest is important for the long-term sustainability of the forest. Currently, hot temperatures are hitting almost all districts in Sarawak. I believe this is due to deforestation in Sarawak and also in other places in the world. Therefore, we in Baram have been campaigning "Zero Logging" for a long time to save the forest and save this most unique World Heritage Site. Both the Mount Mulu World Heritage Site and the Unesco World Archaeological Heritage Site Gua Niah are located within the Miri/Baram Area. I urge the Sarawak government to seriously stop logging. Stop the granting of oil palm plantation licenses and stop the dam construction plan.


    Apai Mei from Sg Tangap Niah

    Connectivity and Comfort: Addressing the Needs of Niah Cave

    Apai Mei lives in a longhouse that is only a 15-minute walk from Niah Cave, a World Heritage Site. The longhouse in Sg Tangap Niah also offers homestays for both local and international tourists. However, despite Niah Cave being a tourist attraction, the Sarawak or federal government has not done much to support or organize any events for tourists who visit and stay at the homestay before or after visiting Niah Cave. Only tourism agencies have significantly helped homestay operators generate income.

    Each year, more than a thousand tourists stay at the homestay, but this number is not encouraging due to the lack of solid support from the government.

    To reach Niah Cave, one can walk or take a land route through a plantation. Unfortunately, the road through the Cosa plantation is also in poor condition, especially during the rainy season. Why is the government not serious about building proper roads for tourists? There have been instances where tourists arrived by bus, but the bus could not enter due to the terrible road conditions.

    Besides the road issue, Apai Mei also told RFS that their longhouse has a poor internet connection. Internet access is crucial for tourists to communicate with the outside world about Niah Cave.


    Diog Dios, the head of the PKR Puncak Borneo branch

    Helping Hands: MADANI Aid Boxes Reach Puncak Borneo's Needy

    Diog Dios has successfully distributed MADANI Aid Boxes to the B40 group in the Puncak Borneo area. This initiative by PMX aims to assist the poor by alleviating their burdens through food aid.

    It cannot be denied that many people criticize the MADANI government due to the rising cost of living and the lack of reduction in fuel prices. However, members of the Puncak Borneo Justice Party have explained the country's burden of trillions of ringgit in debt due to the previous government's mismanagement and misuse of public funds. They emphasize that it will take time to restore the nation's economy and hope that the people will understand this situation.

    The distribution of MADANI Aid Boxes will continue, along with helping the B40 group apply for welfare assistance from Sarawak government agencies, as there are still many elderly people without jobs who do not receive subsistence aid from the Sarawak government.

Guest User
29 July 2024

On Today Show
— Tr. Panting ak Baling, Head of Sg Agricultural Heritage Village. patin, Similajau Bintulu – Villagers Detained by SFC for Harvesting in Contested National Park Area
— Dennis Along, Activist of Long Terawan, Mulu – Starting an inquiry into the claim without prior consultation is an unreasonable procedure!
— Michael Jok, Secretary-General of Scrips – Indigenous Communities Urged to Assert Adat Laws for Land Boundary Determination
— Bruce Yee, an independent observer of the re-delineation process – Re-delineation and Voter Relocation: Opposition Raises Alarm in Sarawak

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr. Panting ak Baling, Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian Sg. Patin, Similajau Bintulu – Penduduk Kampung Ditahan oleh SFC kerana Menuai di Kawasan Taman Negara yang Dipertikaikan
— Dennis Along, Aktivis Long Terawan, Mulu – Memulakan siasatan mengenai tuntutan tanpa rundingan awal adalah prosedur yang tidak munasabah!
— Michael Jok, Setiausaha Agung Scrips – Komuniti Orang Asli Digesa untuk Menegakkan Undang-Undang Adat dalam Penentuan Sempadan Tanah|
— Bruce Yee, pemerhati bebas proses penyeragaman semula – Penyeragaman Semula dan Penempatan Pengundi: Pembangkang Menyuarakan Keresahan di Sarawak

  • Special Randau            

    1. The expansion of Taman Negara is the reason for the administration of Sarawak Premier Johari Openg to drive the poor people away from the agricultural land, the source of their daily income. This is what happened in Similajau Bintulu. The SFC began to evict and prevent residents from entering their agricultural land areas. For Dennis Along - The expansion of national parks is a license for the government to seize the land of Tutoh-Apoh residents.

    2. Sarawak state election 2026- PKR will consider participating in the election to ensure Sarawak moves in the right direction. This is the brief response of the Sarawak PKR chairman when asked by the Borneo Post. Earlier today, several analysts gave their views on the need for PKR to avoid participating in state elections in order to maintain good relations with the unity government at the central level.


    Tr. Panting ak Baling, Head of Sg Agricultural Heritage Village. patin, Similajau Bintulu.

    Villagers Detained by SFC for Harvesting in Contested National Park Area

    Panting gave an update on what happened last Friday night. While the residents are collecting agricultural produce in their gardens. 3 villagers of agricultural heritage were arrested by SFC authorities. They were detained for several hours at the SFC HQ in Similajau. Realizing that, all the villagers gathered along the road leading to the SFC HQ. By 4pm the three were released. The problem faced by the residents is that they are driven out and are not allowed to collect their agricultural produce which is included in the Similajau National Park area (addition). During the administration of Sarawak chief minister Adenan Satem. Adenan visited the village and gave permission for the villagers to cultivate agriculture and Adenan also ordered the Land and Survey department to measure and issue a map of the agricultural lot for the residents involved. Unfortunately before the process is complete. Adenan Satem united the world. The Johari Openg administration has canceled the grant of the agricultural lot and approved the addition/expansion of the Similajau National Park to include the Sungai Patin Agricultural Heritage village. According to Village Chief Panting ak Baling. Even if the National Park is expanded. Our crops and gardens should be compensated. We should be given time and should still be given the opportunity to harvest our agricultural produce because that is the source of our income. We have all the evidence of dialogue and photos and documents with Adenan and all the departments involved during the agricultural lot approval process for us. The SFC challenged us to take the case to court. But we are aware that we will lose in court. Because they control all the information and we have no money to take our case to court. We appeal to YB Datuk Majang Renggie - Samalaju area assemblyman. YB did not want to interfere and even asked us not to fight the SFC. In these few days we have not entered the forbidden area. The situation is very tense now. We will set up a blockade in the near future. After getting the consent of all the villagers.


    Dennis Along, Activist of Long Terawan, Mulu

    Starting an inquiry into the claim without prior consultation is an unreasonable procedure!

    At the end of last year, the GPS Sarawak government announced that it was targeting to gazette a land area of one million hectares (ha) as Totally Protected Areas (TPA) by 2025. Through the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC), the government has designated another five land areas to be gazetted as TPA. They are Tutoh-Apoh National Park; Bukit Lima Nature Reserve (Extension 1); Kubah National Park (Extension 1); Mature Nature Reserve; and Bako Buntal Bay National Park. All of these areas are already at the initial gazetting stage and are expected to contribute to the increase in land area that will be gazetted as TPA.

    Among the communities affected by the Tutoh-Apoh National Park plan, opposition was raised earlier this year. They stated that Tutoh-Apoh National Park is a way of confiscating their land. The SFC will also introduce/enforce the TPA - Total Protection Area law, which will drive the indigenous people out of the area.

    Today, the SFC held a "sesi inquiry into claim untuk Kawasan Cadangan taman negara tutoh-apoh di mulu" in Miri, where Denis Along appeared to voice his opposition. He stated that the SFC’s actions have confused the villagers, leading many to sign the claim under the mistaken belief that they would receive direct compensation, but if they cannot prove land ownership later, it will be too late. He cannot understand why the SFC started an inquiry into the claim without prior consultation.

    He said that over 100 people have already signed the claim, and after talking to them, he found that they did not understand the situation. This is very dangerous, as signing the claim is equivalent to agreeing to the plan. Dennis believes that the 520,000-hectare Mulu National Park is already enough for the government to manage and develop, and there is no need to target other lands. He said that once the land is designated as a national park, agricultural activities, taking forest products, and hunting are prohibited. "We should be the ones appointed to look after the forest in Mulu because we Orang Asal are the most skilled forest keepers."


    Michael Jok, Secretary-General of Scrips

    Indigenous Communities Urged to Assert Adat Laws for Land Boundary Determination

    The indigenous people of Sarawak have the legal authority under native customary laws to determine the boundaries of their land. However, many remain unaware of this crucial right, according to the Society for Rights of Indigenous Peoples of Sarawak (Scrips).

    Scrips has initiated a statewide campaign to educate the public about these laws, known as "adat." Michael Jok, Secretary-General of Scrips, emphasized that adat laws on land boundaries are applied based on communal evidence such as: Ancestral graves, Crops and trees, Natural borders such as rivers and streams and Physical evidence of dwellings.

    Jok highlighted the importance of natives exercising their rights to self-determination of their ancestral land boundaries. "If they do not exercise their rights, impose their influence, and cooperate with each other in determining their land boundaries, they will end up being victimized by those seeking to grab their native land for development," he warned

    The urgency of this campaign is underscored by the numerous disputes between natives and powerful entities such as land developers, logging companies, and plantation companies in Sarawak. Jok pointed out that these conflicts often arise because native communities are not fully exercising their adat rights.

    He said that, it is crucial for native communities to be aware of and exercise their adat rights to protect their ancestral lands. By doing so, they can prevent exploitation and secure their heritage for future generations

    This call to action by Scrips aims to safeguard the rights and lands of Sarawak's indigenous people, ensuring that they are not left vulnerable to external pressures and land grabs.


    Bruce Yee, an independent observer of the re-delineation process

    Re-delineation and Voter Relocation: Opposition Raises Alarm in Sarawak

    Bruce Yee emphasizes that all activists, NGOs, and opposition political parties in Sarawak should focus on the imbalance in the results of the last Sarawak State Legislative Assembly (DUN) elections. The previous results were seen as unreasonable, lacking in-depth research. The Sarawak State Election (PRN) will take place soon, and we, as the opposition, must be cautious of upcoming fraud.

    The Election Commission (SPR) needs to re-delineate electoral constituencies (DUN/PARLIAMENT) because over the past eight years, there have been increases or decreases in the number of voters in certain areas. Therefore, the work of redrawing constituency boundaries is done periodically when eight years have passed.

    One important constitutional principle, stated in the thirteenth schedule 2(c), is that each DUN/PARLIAMENT constituency must have approximately the same number of voters. However, exceptions are allowed for large, rural areas to have a lower number of voters compared to urban areas.

    The re-delineation in 2015, which is suspected to have political motives and to favor certain parties, could result in political party victories in specific constituencies. According to the comparative chart of the number of DUN voters after the 2015 re-delineation, the extraordinary increase or decrease in the number of voters in several selected DUN constituencies in Sarawak has successfully changed the political landscape in those areas. For example:

    1. Senadin: From 22,432 (2011) jumped to 27,874 (2016).

    2. Batu Kawah: From 20,664 (2011) decreased to 16,991 (2016).

    3. Dudong: From 26,251 (2011) jumped to 29,028 (2016).

    The campaign of large-scale and illegal voter relocation can also result in an extraordinary and suspicious increase in the number of voters in a particular electoral area, thus increasing the victory of certain parties during the new elections. In the attached bar chart, there are extraordinary jumps in the number of voters in several selected DUN constituencies.

    Furthermore, the implementation of the 18-year-old voter eligibility and automatic voter registration (PPSA) at the beginning of 2022 also contributed to the increase and jump in the number of voters in all selected DUN constituencies as shown in the chart, especially in 2022 compared to 2021.

Guest User
26 July 2024

On Today Show
— Ben Lenjau- Resident of Uma Sambop Batu Pilau, Belaga – Illegal Logging in Belaga: Deputy Minister-Linked Companies Under Fire
— Joseph Jinggut from Baleh – From Logging Roads to Isolation: The Aftermath of Sg Antaroh Bridge Collapse
— Charles Santiago, former MP for Klang – Charles Santiago Pushes for Wealth Redistribution to Aid Low-Income Families

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Ben Lenjau- Penduduk Uma Sambop Batu Pilau, Belaga – Pembalakan Haram di Belaga: Syarikat Berkaitan Timbalan Menteri Dikritik Hebat
— Joseph Jinggut dari Baleh – Dari Jalan Balak ke Pengasingan: Kesan Runtuhan Jambatan Sg Antaroh
— Charles Santiago, bekas Ahli Parlimen Klang – Charles Santiago Mendesak Pengagihan Semula Kekayaan untuk Membantu Keluarga Berpendapatan Rendah

  • Special Randau            

    1. With so many cases of land encroachment, violation of human rights, illegal logging and illegal quarry mining, is this a sign that GPS is issuing as many licenses/permits to loggers in order to obtain financial rewards - funds for the 2026 elections?. For last week and this week alone we reported logging in Ba Data Bila ulu Baram by the Borneoland company, logging in Ulu Belaga by M.M Golden, eviction of residents in agricultural heritage villages by sfc, blockade residents in Kelawit tatau river and blockade residents in Merakai- Serian , against oil palm plantation company Trade Wind. Contact us to express your opinion.

    2. Police prohibit the public from joining the anti-Anwar rally at the Tambun parliament tomorrow, Perak Police reported that the rally did not comply with the conditions set under the peaceful assembly act 2012. An anti-Anwar and save Malaysia rally is planned in 3 places, namely in Tambun, Permatang Pauh and ends in Kuala Lumpur.


    Ben Lenjau- Resident of Uma Sambop Batu Pilau, Belaga

    Illegal Logging in Belaga: Deputy Minister-Linked Companies Under Fire

    Last July 2023 rfs reported an incident of illegal logging in Uma Long Bangan Belaga. Two logging companies named M.M Golden and U.U Green are each linked to the deputy minister of natural resources, environment and climate change- Huang Tiong Sii. Residents of Long Bangan objected to the illegal logging and filed a police report. But the latest development is now that the same company (known as Babi company) by the locals has infiltrated Uma Sambop. Ben Lenjau said, these few days the residents of Uma Sambop tried to stop the logging that was done across the long house of Uma Sambop. Further intelligence shows that the company has logged in the most extensive part, namely in Penyuan - this is also the area of ​​Uma Sambop's land - according to Ben. Ben and the residents in the next few days will collect information and will make a report to the police and SPRM. For now we are not sure what to do. Because we still lack information and most of the people living in the village are the elderly - the young and educated are in the city to work. For the record M.M Golden is a logging company that was once chased away by Baram residents for trying to enter the Baram dam site to log. Now the same company is in the Belaga river. Is it because Sungai Belaga is proposed to be dammed by the Premier of Sarawak - Johari Openg.


    Joseph Jinggut from Baleh

    From Logging Roads to Isolation: The Aftermath of Sg Antaroh Bridge Collapse

    The log bridge across Sungai Antaroh collapsed early yesterday, severing the main road link between Nanga Antaroh and Ulu Ga’at.

    Joseph Jinggut from Baleh explained that the bridge, originally constructed by Rimbunan Hijau for logging activities in the early 1970s, had fallen into disrepair after logging operations ceased. This bridge was the only main road for the community in Ulu Sg Antaroh, apart from using the river route. "This is the treatment logging companies provide: once the timber is gone, the roads or bridges are not maintained anymore," Joseph remarked. He hopes that the government will act quickly to facilitate the people who rely on this crucial route.

    The bridge had undergone repair works in 2022, despite the logging industry being considered a sunset industry with production significantly reduced. Today, the bridge is still used by some companies and is vital for the communities in Nanga Antaroh and Ulu Ga’at. It serves the pupils of SK Nanga Antaroh and SK Nanga Balang, as well as the longhouse villagers of Rumah Jugah, Rumah Belikau, Rumah Johny, and those in the Stapang area.

    Mr. Joseph also touched on the ongoing construction of the Baleh Dam. He believes that the people of Baleh will suffer losses similar to those experienced by the Orang Ulu in Sg ASAP, who were relocated from their original land. He explained that the community accepted the dam project because of the promise of roads. However, now that the road is there, their lives remain the same or even harder, with the loss of forest and river resources compared to before the Baleh Dam was built.

    The collapsed bridge has highlighted the community's vulnerability and the urgent need for sustainable infrastructure development in the area.


    Charles Santiago, former MP for Klang

    Charles Santiago Pushes for Wealth Redistribution to Aid Low-Income Families

    Charles Santiago has urged the government to tackle the rising cost of living and low wages with "bold political determination." He proposed a 2.5% wealth tax on the 50 wealthiest individuals in Malaysia, potentially generating RM10 billion to fund social protection and welfare programs.

    Santiago highlighted the plight of B40 families and the growing economic gap. Reports from Unicef show worsening poverty among low-income families, with many struggling to afford necessities.

    To combat malnutrition among children, Santiago suggested reviving free meal programs for school students, in collaboration with GLCs and local entrepreneurs. He also proposed providing solar panels to low-income and rural communities to reduce energy poverty and support renewable energy transition.

    Santiago raised concerns about the lack of savings in the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), calling it a "worsening crisis," especially for the elderly. Emphasizing the need for inclusive policies, Santiago noted that the progressive wage policy should also cover the three million informal and gig workers to lift them out of poverty and ensure financial stability.

Guest User
25 July 2024

On Today Show
— Nick Kelesau, spokesman for the Penan Keruan Organization – Tensions Rise Between Penan Leaders Supporting Logging and Penan Communities Opposing It
— John Bara from Uma Akeh Baram – Uma Akeh Villagers Take Legal Action Over Unpaid Land Lease Funds


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Nick Kelesau, jurucakap untuk Organisasi Penan Keruan – Ketegangan Meningkat Antara Pemimpin Penan yang Menyokong Pembalakan dan Komuniti Penan yang Menentangnya
— John Bara dari Uma Akeh Baram – Penduduk Uma Akeh Mengambil Tindakan Undang-Undang Mengenai Dana Sewa Tanah yang Belum Dibayar

  • Special Randau

                    1. GPS gives responsibility to logging companies to implement projects to advance the Penan people. Borneoland Timber Resources Logging Company sdn.bhd was asked to build roads and houses for 4 Penan communities in Ulu Baram and in return this company was allowed to log.

                    2. Forest therapy is internationally recognized for its mental and physical health benefits. Dr kareen Rajoo from Malaysia initiated scientific research on forest therapy, making Malaysia one of the first countries in Southeast Asia to conduct such research. In 2022, the global tourism industry is estimated to be worth 172.4 billion dollars. Why is Sarawak still interested in destroying the forest? Why not take advantage of the existing forest, in this context the Penan people are the most experts.

                    3. Water quality and modeling expert - prof Zaki Zainudin said, don't let sources at risk of pollution operate upstream. Referring to the recent disruption of water supply in Selangor contributed by pollution from factories processing acrylic materials. If seen in the state of Sarawak. It is very foolish to build mega hydro dams that will surely pollute the environment in the long run.


    Nick Kelesau, spokesman for the Penan Keruan Organization

    Tensions Rise Between Penan Leaders Supporting Logging and Penan Communities Opposing It

    Nick reported that the logging company appointed by GPS/Borneoland Timber resources sdn.bhd-has started a smear campaign against NGOs that oppose logging in the Taman Damai Baram-UBFA area. According to Nick, lately many meetings have been arranged by the company involved with the Penan people and with YB of the Baram and Dun Mulu areas. The Penan people who are affected by the anti-BMF campaign, SAVE RIVERS AND THE Penan Keruan Organization forbid these NGOs to speak or give their views. They erected a banner that said bmf and supporters were not allowed to interfere with the ongoing project in the Ba Data Bila area. BMF and their supporters have no rights in the Ba Data Bila area and we Ba Data Bila residents fully support the efforts of the Premier of Sarawak and the Balak company to make projects in our area. The intended project is to build a road from Ba Data Bila to Long Lelang and all over the land and build houses for four penan communities in Ba Data Bila, Ba Mubui, Ba Sebatou and Ba Pengaran Kelian. Nick insisted that Penan did not prevent development but the way the mentioned projects were done was wrong. Just by building roads, our logs are cut down greedily. The logging company wants to build a road to Long Lelang while cutting logs in the area it passes through. All this is not allowed in the original plan of UBFA. Even the original UBFA plan also included the development of infrastructure for the penan community. With transparent funds from the Japanese and Korean governments as well as donations from NGOs such as BMF. Why do penan groups led by Pemanca Uning Bong and Penghulu Daud anger the BMF and other parties over penan poverty. These two Penan leaders should have angered GPS because the Penan people's forest has been looted but they have still failed to build a basic infrastructure for the Penan people.


    John Bara from Uma Akeh Baram

    Uma Akeh Villagers Take Legal Action Over Unpaid Land Lease Funds

    John Bara reported the postponement of the case against KK Anthony Ngau of Uma Akeh. According to John, KK Anthony Ngau promised to give the land rental proceeds to Lian Api, Michael Api, and Laeng Api. These promises were made last September and November but have yet to be fulfilled. KK Anthony Ngau claims the money is still in the bank, repeating the same excuse for nearly a year. Feeling deceived, the three have taken KK Anthony Ngau to the magistrate's court, but a new date has been set. Allegedly, the land rental money was deposited into the AJKKK account. Holly Enterprise rented the villagers' land for palm oil cultivation and made payments, but KK Anthony Ngau has been untrustworthy in his duties.

Guest User
24 July 2024

On Today Show
— Tr. Panting ak Baling, Head of Sg Agricultural Heritage Village. Batin Similajau – Bintulu – From Detention to Defiance: The Villagers' Struggle for Their Farm Land
— Nicholas Mujah, the general secretary of SADIA – Land Encroachment and Rights Violations in Sarawak
— Professor Dr. Madeline Berma, Dayak Sarawakian economist – Economic Gains, Living Pain
— Paul Wan from Long Lama – Cronies Prosper, People Lag: The Dual Reality of Development in Sarawak

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr. Panting ak Baling, Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian Sg. Batin Similajau – Bintulu – Dari Penahanan ke Pembangkangan: Pertarungan Penduduk Kampung untuk Tanah Pertanian Mereka
— Nicholas Mujah, Setiausaha Agung SADIA – Pencerobohan Tanah dan Pelanggaran Hak di Sarawak
— Profesor Dr. Madeline Berma, Ekonom Dayak Sarawak – Kelebihan Ekonomi, Kesakitan Hidup
— Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Kroni Makmur, Rakyat Ketinggalan: Realiti Dua Dimensi Pembangunan di Sarawak

  • Special Randau
                    1. People were driven from their own garden land solely for the expansion of Similajau National Park in Bintulu.  What are the rights of the people in a free country? People have basic rights, people should be given space to develop themselves and be treated fairly by the law. Special rfs interview with the head of the Batin river agricultural heritage village, Bintulu.

                    2. The legal body brought the DNAA case of deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to the Court of Appeal. Last year the high court acquitted Zahid with the DNAA decision in the Akalbudi Foundation corruption case and on June 27 the high court rejected a judicial review related to the case and now the Malaysian Bar Association appealed to the Court of Appeal to challenge the Attorney General's decision to retract the corruption involving Zahid Hamidi.

                    3. The DOJ reached an agreement with Jasmine Loo to get back Picasso paintings and financial accounts in Switzerland linked to funds allegedly embezzled from 1MDB.


    Tr. Panting ak Baling, Head of Sg Agricultural Heritage Village. Batin Similajau - Bintulu.

    From Detention to Defiance: The Villagers' Struggle for Their Farm Land

    Panting informed that Jalani and his wife were detained by SFC enforcement officers for entering their garden to collect palm oil and coffee beans. While they were working, they were surprised when SFC enforcers arrested them and took them to the SFC HQ. The villagers gathered in large numbers to exert pressure so that the SFC enforcers would release Jalani and his wife. Their efforts were successful, and Jalani and his wife were later released. However, when they brought Jalani to make a police report about the incident, he looked scared and did not dare to speak. Efforts to make a report failed because he was scared and seemed to lose his memory. Therefore, Tr. Panting, as the head of the village, made a police report and informed that the villagers would enter their farm land to collect agricultural produce, such as harvesting palm oil and coffee.

    Additionally, the villagers have been banned from entering their farms since April 2024, and now they have no other way to obtain economic resources or buy food for the children at home. During the interview with the head of Panting village, an SFC patrol car with seven members arrived and warned the villagers to stop working. However, the residents ignored the warning and continued to work. The SFC cut down some oil palm trees to prevent residents from taking out their agricultural produce, but the residents still managed to bring their agricultural produce out using several other roads. The villagers are unsure of what actions the SFC will take next.


    Nicholas Mujah, the general secretary of SADIA

    Land Encroachment and Rights Violations in Sarawak

    Nicholas Mujahh reported that SADIA has been quite busy lately with many cases involving rights violations, land encroachment, and logging in several parts of Sarawak. However, in an interview with RFS today, Mujah described the case of the arrest of Jalani and his wife by the SFC that happened yesterday. Jalani and his wife are accused of encroaching on the national park area of Bintulu. Jalani and his wife are residents of the agricultural heritage village of Batin Samalaju River. They have worked together with more than 100 other families on palm oil and coffee plantations near Samalaju National Park. During the administration of Chief Minister Adenan Satem, the village community officially applied for the zoning of the village area and the plantation area they have worked on. In principle, Adenan agreed and ordered the land office to measure and issue maps and land titles to residents. Correspondence related to the application is kept by the village head, Tr. Panting and Baling.

    However, since a year ago, the SFC has issued an order for residents to vacate the village and farm area because the area is included in the Samalaju National Park expansion. Residents feel sad and cheated, questioning why Adenan allowed it but during the administration of Prime Minister Johari Openg, the permission was withdrawn. According to Mujah, the implementation of government plans, such as the expansion of national parks, should also take into account human rights and the agreement that was made with Chief Minister Adenan Satem. The SFC cannot arbitrarily violate and evict villagers who have engaged in agriculture that provides them with income to support their families. Jalani and his wife were arrested and taken to the SFC HQ in Similajau. Aware of the incident, the villagers gathered en masse in front of the SFC office and pressured the authorities to release Jalani and his wife. By 5 pm, Jalani and his wife were released, and a police report was made regarding the incident.


    Professor Dr. Madeline Berma, Dayak Sarawakian economist

    Economic Gains, Living Pain

    Malaysia’s economy is heading in the right direction, but this will not alleviate the high cost of living, economists said. The Statistics Department reported that Malaysia’s GDP is expected to expand by 5.8% in the second quarter of 2024, which economists view as a positive sign for the economy.

    Datuk Madeline Burma commented that the cost of living issue is very stressful because it is a very real concern. Some people say it is a political game. Datuk Madeline Burma, an economist who frequently conducts research, explained that there are two kinds of economy: macroeconomy and microeconomy.

    Macro is about the world or a country like Malaysia, and it involves large indicators such as GDP and production index. Microeconomy pertains to individual actions, such as small-scale shopping.

    She stated that while indicators like GDP are good economic values and show that we are monitoring economic growth, they do not necessarily reflect the real situation of individual costs. The ministers are eager to present macroeconomic data, showing that our economy is growing. Premier Snang Jo proudly announces our growing economy, which is true. However, despite our economic growth, the people suffer the most because the cost of living remains consistently high. This is because economic growth is not equivalent to a reduction in living costs.


    Paul Wan from Long Lama

    Cronies Prosper, People Lag: The Dual Reality of Development in Sarawak

    Paul Wan from Long Lama is the grandson of one of the co-founders of PBB (Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu), Temenggong Oyong Lawai Jau.

    However, since BN (Barisan Nasional) took over PBB before it was renamed GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak), the name PBB has been tarnished by the Chief Minister of Sarawak, from Taib Mahmud to the current leadership. Dato Temenggong Oyong Lawai Jau was also one of the signatories of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) when it was signed in 1963.

    However, MA63 was not upheld by PBB GPS for 60 years until PMX DSAI (Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim) became the Prime Minister, and MA63 has been progressively revived.

    In conclusion, while the cronies have been developed, the overall rakyat (people) still lag behind in terms of development.

Guest User
23 July 2024

On Today Show
— Ujan ak Lalong, resident of Rumah Rima Sungai Kelawit ,Tatau- Bintulu – Expired License Ignored: Tatau Longhouses Unite Against Illegal Quarry and Logging Activities
— Mr. Elias from Marudi – Critics Question Sarawak's High-Income Status Amid Persistent Poverty
— Thomas Fann, Chairman of Engage – Activists and Politicians Demand Moratorium on Sedition Act

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Ujan ak Lalong, penduduk Rumah Rima Sungai Kelawit, Tatau-Bintulu – Lesen Tamat Tempoh Diabaikan: Rumah Panjang Tatau Bersatu Menentang Aktiviti Kuari dan Pembalakan Haram
— Encik Elias dari Marudi – Pengkritik Mempertikaikan Status Berpendapatan Tinggi Sarawak Di Tengah Kemiskinan yang Berterusan
— Thomas Fann, Pengerusi Engage – Aktivis dan Ahli Politik Menuntut Moratorium Akta Hasutan

  • Special Randau
                    1. For ten days residents of the Kelawit Tatau river, Bintulu staged a blockade to prevent the Stone Head quarry company, a subsidiary of TAAN, from continuing stone mining. The company's stone quarry permit has expired and they are doing illegal mining and quarrying. But until today no party has acted on them.

                    2. Media reports - Najib Razak's son met with the opposition to topple the Pahang state government. In the last election, Umno won 17 seats, PN-17 seats and PH- 8 seats. With the support of PH umno formed the Pahang state government. Mohammad Nizar Najib quickly denied the report and claimed it was slander.

                    3. The US court ordered Jho Low to forfeit the rm5.5 million diamond and a rm2.9 million pair of earrings bought for his mother using 1mdb money that was embezzled.


    Ujan ak Lalong, resident of Rumah Rima Sungai Kelawit ,Tatau- Bintulu

    Expired License Ignored: Tatau Longhouses Unite Against Illegal Quarry and Logging Activities

    Ujan reports that it has been 10 days since the residents of 10 longhouses along the Kelawit river staged a blockade to prevent the Stone Head quarry company - a subsidiary of TAAN from continuing to break and unload stones in their land area. The license/permit to mine stone issued by the government to this company has expired. However, the company is still working on processing and breaking the quarry stone. So we stopped them from continuing the work of Ujan ak Lalong. Not even our problem with the quarry company is over- a logging company is entering our ncr land. The company Capter Group belongs to billionaire Datuk Hee. We are asking our leaders in these 10 longhouses together to solve the problem of our encroached land. But they refuse, maybe they have received remuneration from logging or quarry companies. They should stop or at least demand compensation for us poor longhouse residents. But they don't want to speak on our behalf. For now we blockade and report this case to Penghulu. The headman informed us that he would call all 10 village leaders and ask them why they did not help solve the problems faced by the villagers.


    Mr. Elias from Marud

    Critics Question Sarawak's High-Income Status Amid Persistent Poverty

    Premier Abang Johari Tun Openg announced that the World Bank has recognized Sarawak as a high-income region in 2023. The state's gross national income (GNI) increased to US$17,000 from US$15,000 the previous year.

    Elias commented on Sarawak's status as a high-income state, confirming that the World Bank's report is accurate. However, he pointed out that the state's wealth is not reaching those in extreme poverty. Many people still do not have high incomes.

    One reason is the lack of proper roads, which prevents residents from bringing forest products to town to generate income. Additionally, job opportunities are dominated by foreign workers who are willing to accept low wages.

    Therefore, it is requested that the Sarawak government take the initiative to help the people so that the level of poverty can be eradicated.


    Thomas Fann, Chairman of Engage
    *Activists and Politicians Demand Moratorium on Sedition Act*
    Pasir Gudang MP, Hassan Karim, has urged the Anwar Ibrahim-led government to reimpose the moratorium on the Sedition Act 1948, as was done under the PH 1.0 administration. The veteran PKR leader noted that despite many weaknesses during PH's first term, the moratorium on the Sedition Act was successfully implemented until the PH government fell in February 2022.

    Thomas fully agrees with the proposal raised by Pasir Gudang MP, YB Hassan Karim, that the Madani government should implement a moratorium on the Sedition Act. PH had promised to abolish this act, but it has not been materialized, as the current PH government led by Anwar Ibrahim is still imposing the Sedition Act against those who voice their dissent. Activists and political members from both sides, such as Tony Pua, have been investigated under the Sedition Act. This is not healthy for a government that claims to champion reformation. There seems to be no initiative to abolish the Sedition Act.

    The Madani government, the Prime Minister, and the Minister of Internal Affairs should instruct the police and other agencies to use other laws if they wish to conduct investigations.


Guest User
22 July 2024

On Today Show
— Tuai Rumah Keliang  anak Suat, head of Merakai village, Serian – Sarawak Day at the Blockade: Merakai Villagers Stand Firm for Land Rights
— Gereng Jadum, Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum Sarawak – Sarawak Independence Day Highlights Inequality
— Dennis Along, activist from Mulu –Sarawak Day Message: Empowering the Marginalized for a Fair Future
— Mukmin Nantang, founder of Borneo Komra – Borneo Komrad: Fighting for Rights and Education in Sabah

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tuai Rumah Keliang anak Suat, ketua kampung Merakai, Serian – Hari Sarawak di Sekatan: Penduduk Merakai Bertegas untuk Hak Tanah
— Gereng Jadum, Penduduk Penan Metalun, Murum Sarawak – Hari Kemerdekaan Sarawak Menyoroti Ketidakadilan
— Dennis Along, aktivis dari Mulu – Pesanan Hari Sarawak: Memperkasa Golongan Terpinggir untuk Masa Depan yang Adil
— Mukmin Nantang, pengasas Borneo Komrad – Borneo Komrad: Memperjuangkan Hak dan Pendidikan di Sabah

  • Special Randau
    1. Sarawak Day is celebrated all over Sarawak. Bintulu city is beautifully decorated with lights and an entertaining party atmosphere. TYT and Premier of Sarawak are in Bintulu for the purpose of official reception. But according to Gereng Jadum, only urban areas are developed in Sarawak. We in the countryside are poor and needy. Infrastructure is not built to our area in Murum- said Gereng. Even more ironic, the villagers celebrate Sarawak Day at the blockade site. Demanding that their rights to the land be returned and certified. The head of Kampung Merakai reported to the RFS from the blockade site in Serian.

    2. UMNO denies that there are discussions to form a collaboration with the PAS party. The denial was expressed by umno secretary general Asraf Wajdi Dusuki. Discussion may be among supporters. But not among the leaders, said Asraf.

    3. No release without the release of DNAA to Najib Razak and Irwan Serigar in the breach of trust case involving RM6.6 billion. The Kuala Lumpur High Court today rejected Najib's defense team's application for DNAA. JUDGE Jamil Hussin ordered the trial in another 3 months, which is on 14 Nov 2024.


    Tuai Rumah Keliang  anak Suat, head of Merakai village, Serian

    Sarawak Day at the Blockade: Merakai Villagers Stand Firm for Land Rights

    Tuai Rumah Keliang reported that he and 95 villagers who blockaded against the company Trade Winds/Melor Gemilang Plantation were celebrating Sarawak Day 22/7 at the blockade site inside the Palm Oil Plantation Area. The irony is that Sarawak has been independent for more than 61 years, so the people should not have to blockade anymore to claim their rights and land ownership. Residents of Merakai village celebrated Sarawak Day under close supervision by the police and security enforcement. According to him, we have been blocked for over a month and last week our lawyer had a consultation with the tradewinde plantation company. If the company agrees to our proposal/ is adequately compensated. We will stop the blockade. If not, the blockade will continue indefinitely. My message to the people of Sarawak who are facing the problem of land grabbing. Do not give up. If the land is yours and your right. You must dare to fight until your goal is achieved. Once again happy Sarawak day from us Merakai villagers from Trade Winds- Serian farm blockade site. My message to the Sarawak GPS government, return our rights to our ancestral heritage.


    Gereng Jadum, Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum Sarawak

    Sarawak Independence Day Highlights Inequality

    According to Gereng, today the celebration of Sarawak Day was celebrated in the city of Bintulu with the presence of TYT and the Premier of Sarawak. The streets are beautifully decorated and lights are installed with different colors. As the official center for Sarawak's 61st year of independence. Bintulu is seen as a modern yet luxurious city. Gereng said - only a part of the state of Sarawak is developed and independent. What progress do we outside the city have.? Gereng asked. Try TYT and the Premier of Sarawak to come to the hinterland like in Murum?. We live in poverty and have no infrastructure facilities. More than ten years have been transferred to the Murum resettlement area. Primary schools have not even been built for our children. We use log roads to get to nearby towns and cities. No health clinic and no jobs for us. We are still living as poor as before the Murum dam was built. In fact, our life is even more difficult because there is no more forest for us to hunt and find food. I ask TYT and the Premier of Sarawak to come and see our living conditions, see how bad our roads are and how poor our lives are in the new Murum settlement area. Independent Sarawak does not mean anything to us - Gereng Jadum said - Penan people from Murum. 7 penen communities were moved from their original settlements to make way for the construction of the murum dam. But after more than 10 years the Murum dam was built. The people there are still oppressed by poverty. Gereng also warned Yb the gloomy area - if our area continues to be left behind in the tide of progress and poverty. In the next election we will not vote for GPS again.


    Dennis Along, activist from Mulu

    Sarawak Day Message: Empowering the Marginalized for a Fair Future

    Dennis Along is indeed proud of Sarawak Day as it commemorates the state's liberation from colonization. However, what is the meaning of being a rich and independent state if the people are neglected and impoverished? The rights of the people are often denied for the sake of political gain.

    He expresses that true independence should not only be a celebration of historical events but also a reflection of the well-being and prosperity of all its citizens. Dennis emphasizes that many rural and marginalized communities in Sarawak continue to live in poverty, lacking basic infrastructure, healthcare, and education. The wealth of the state seems to be concentrated in urban areas, leaving the hinterlands and their inhabitants struggling to survive.

    Dennis urges the people of Sarawak not to be mentally colonized by the politics of PBB GPS any longer. He calls for a collective awakening and a courageous shift in the political landscape of Sarawak. True independence, according to Dennis, can only be achieved when the people rise up to demand their rights and ensure that the benefits of development are equitably distributed.

    The true essence of Sarawak Day should be reflected in the empowerment of its people, the protection of their rights, and the pursuit of a fair and prosperous society. Dennis hopes that this year's Sarawak Day will inspire a renewed commitment to these ideals and a collective effort to bring about meaningful change.


    Mukmin Nantang, founder of Borneo Komra

    Borneo Komrad: Fighting for Rights and Education in Sabah

    Borneo Komrad was formed with the aim of fighting for environmental and human rights, especially for marginalized and discriminated communities in Sabah.

    They started by introducing alternative schools for communities that were denied the right to education, including access to health care, good security, and a proper childhood environment for their children. Currently, there is no specific data to tally the number of undocumented communities, but many NGOs estimate the number to be around 800,000. Some NGOs even predict that over one million people are undocumented.

    With this kind of education, at least those undocumented communities can learn about their own identity, history, and rights.

Guest User
19 July 2024

On Today Show
— Micheal Mering Jok, secretary general of the Sarawak indigenous people's rights organization – Empowering Indigenous Voices: The Role of Territory Mapping in Land Rights
— Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh, head of the Agricultural Bureau for the MPN of PKR – Enhancing Self-Sufficiency: Sarawak's Call for Broader Crop Cultivation
— Yusri Ahon of Kpg Sg Mai Pahang – Indigenous Land Rights Ignored in Pahang Replanting Projects

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Michael Mering Jok, setiausaha agung organisasi hak-hak orang asli Sarawak – Memperkasakan Suara Orang Asli: Peranan Pemetaan Wilayah dalam Hak Tanah
— Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh, ketua Biro Pertanian untuk MPN PKR – Meningkatkan Kemandirian: Seruan Sarawak untuk Penanaman Tanaman yang Lebih Luas
— Yusri Ahon dari Kampung Sungai Mai Pahang – Hak Tanah Orang Asli Diabaikan dalam Projek Penanaman Semula di Pahang

  • Special Randau

                    1. The Natives/Dayaks and Bumiputras of Sarawak do not need to request land from the GPS minister according to sec 6a of the Sarawak land code - according to the principle of native territorial domain NTD.  NTD limits any village can request 500 to 1000 hectares of land from Sarawak's minister of land and natural resources. According to Micheal Mering Jok. NTD applies to newly created villages after Jan 1, 1958. For villages that existed hundreds of years before the formation of Malaysia. We have land ourselves, so there is no need to beg. Just ask the king to issue a land letter.

                    2. The state of Kedah asks Sarawak to cover part of the cost of sending the contingent to the sukma sports that will take place in Sarawak. It is not fair to ask the host state to cover the cost of sending athletes to sukma - said the youth and sports minister - Hannah Yoh. It is hoped that this episode will open the eyes of the government that eastern Malaysian states such as Sabah and Sarawak face high costs when dealing with Putrajaya in relation to various matters. It is hoped that the government can build a mechanism to lower the price of goods and transport costs to East Malaysia.


    Micheal Mering Jok, secretary general of the Sarawak indigenous people's rights organization (SCRIPS)

    Empowering Indigenous Voices: The Role of Territory Mapping in Land Rights

    Micheal invited all the people of Sarawak who own NCR land to attend the one-day seminar/workshop that will take place on 27 July 2024. Located in MYY mall Miri. Participants will be taught to draw their own longhouse traditional territory boundaries. Micheal explained that each longhouse in the past had their own territory which was administered by the king for their respective tribes. The inj matter lasted until the time of Brooke's administration and during the British administration. But after Sarawak became independent and together formed Malaysia. The Political Party that governs Sarawak established the Sarawak land canon based on the principle of Terra Nullius - meaning no one owns land and all land belongs to the government. This is where the land ownership conflict in Sarawak began. How is it possible that the indigenous people who have occupied their land for hundreds of years and tens of generations can be deprived of their rights in an instant by a piece of land document drafted by a ruling party. SCRIPS will teach the indigenous people to write their own history and draw their own village boundary maps and will press the government to recognize the Dayak people's rights to their ncr land. Asked about the decision of the federal court which ruled that Dayak customary practices have no legal force to confirm customary land ownership. Micheal insists that the decision of the federal court in the Tuai Rumah Sandah case is 'inaccurate'. It happened due to some technical errors and there will be in the future another judge will make a different decision. Is it possible that the community map produced by a longhouse will conflict with the NTD map sec 6. Micheal explained that longhouses that existed after Jan 1, 1958 are eligible to apply for NTD- given at the discretion of the minister. But longhouses that have a clear and long history before the arrival of Rajah Brooke no longer need to apply for NTD (because it is their land) and the government must recognize and confirm the map. The more communities that have a map of the border of the customary territory - the stronger their demands will be and the government will finally agree. I implore you all to be present and we begin an effort to save our land from being seized or encroached upon by those who do not respect our rights. Confirm your attendance by contacting Micheal Mering Jok at 019-858 3967.


    Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh, head of the Agricultural Bureau for the Sarawak state leadership council (MPN) of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)

    Enhancing Self-Sufficiency: Sarawak's Call for Broader Crop Cultivation

    Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh has urged the Sarawak government to invigorate the cultivation of herbs and spices in addition to padi.

    Abang Zulkifli stated that diversifying into herbs and spices could reduce dependency on imports and enhance Sarawak’s agricultural resilience. "In addition to padi cultivation, the government should also take steps to boost the cultivation of herbs and spices. This is because our region still heavily relies on imports from foreign countries, with notable examples being onions and ginger.

    Commenting further on padi cultivation, Abang Zulkifli highlighted the recent announcement of a RM1 billion investment in padi cultivation by the Premier, calling it a major initiative for Sarawak that deserves widespread support. "Sarawak, with its vast and fertile land, is well-suited for various agricultural industries. The state government’s substantial investment is commendable, and we hope it opens opportunities across the entire state rather than focusing on specific areas.

    Abang Zulkifli emphasized that any effort to enhance the agricultural industry as a foundation for national food sufficiency and security will receive full support from all segments of society.

    He also called for continued support from both the federal and Sarawak governments to empower existing subsistence farmers, enabling them to engage in commercial padi farming and contribute to the nation’s rice supply.


    Yusri Ahon of Kpg Sg Mai Pahang

    Indigenous Land Rights Ignored in Pahang Replanting Projects

    The Pahang Orang Asli Village Network (JKOAP) has expressed disappointment with the Pahang government's decision not to gazette the commercial replanting (TSK) and grouped replanting (TSB) project areas as Indigenous Customary Land.

    The projects, previously managed by the Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (Risda), are now overseen by the Pahang Orang Asli Corporation (Oraco), a state-owned company.

    Yusri Ahon said that the JKOAP is frustrated the government failed to gazette the areas under commercial replanting and smallholders replanting projects as their customary territorial domain. Initially, those projects were under Risda, which was federally managed. But recently, they were taken over by Oraco, which is a state agency. Under Risda, the communities had 30 percent, while under Oraco, they are only given 25 percent. So how can the Orang Asli in Pahang develop?

    Yusri and his team have tried to meet with the Menteri Besar to sort out a better solution but have had to face obstacles from intermediaries.

Guest User
18 July 2024

On Today Show
— John Brian, Sarawak Political Analyst – Issues of Silence and Exploitation in Bintulu Port Development
— Wong Kueng Hui, director of Mandiri Borneo – 3,000 Families at Risk: Bajau Laut Face Uncertain Future in Sabah
— Paul Nungang from Long Kaliman – Roads First: Baram's Infrastructure Needs Over Bamboo Projects

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— John Brian, Pakar Analisis Politik Sarawak – Isu Senyap dan Eksploitasi dalam Pembangunan Pelabuhan Bintulu
— Wong Kueng Hui, Pengarah Mandiri Borneo – 3,000 Keluarga Berisiko: Bajau Laut Menghadapi Masa Depan Yang Tidak Pasti di Sabah
— Paul Nungang dari Long Kaliman – Keutamaan Jalan: Keperluan Infrastruktur Baram Lebih Penting daripada Projek Buluh

  • Special Randau

                    1. The successful return of Bintulu port under the jurisdiction of the Sarawak government due to the sincerity of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. Gps is just a barking party- said John Brian.  The people of Sarawak should remember the goodness of the prime minister and vote for his party during the next election.

                    2. The people of Baram were surprised when the state government announced a bamboo planting project in an area of ​​49,000 hectares of land in Baram. Are we once again at risk of losing the right to that much land. Will this incoming investment damage our environment. If true, it is a project that brings progress. Create roads and infra facilities along with it. - said Paul Nungang.


    John Brian, Sarawak Political Analyst

    Issues of Silence and Exploitation in Bintulu Port Development

    Yesterday, all 23 Sarawak GPS MPs expressed their happiness when the People's Assembly passed the Bintulu Port Board (Dissolution) Bill 2024 and the Bill declaring Bintulu a federal port (dissolution) 2024. Deputy Prime Minister Fadilah Yusuf thanked the Prime Minister. John Brian, a Sarawakian, shared his joy, stating, "As a Sarawakian, I certainly feel happy." He added that he knows the history of Bintulu Port well, having served as its chairman in 2018.

    Brian explained that Bintulu Port was developed with federal funds through PETRONAS to export natural gas to Japan and Korea. He questioned why the GPS had not spoken up about this sooner. He suggested that the BN's strong power at the federal level and GPS's fear at the state level were the reasons for their silence. He also criticized BN for not being sincere towards Sarawak, citing their exploitation of Sarawak's resources.

    However, with the political changes before and after PRU15, the return of Bintulu Port under MA63 became possible. Before PH's victory, Anwar Ibrahim promised to return all Sarawak rights, and after PH won in PRU15, he fulfilled his promise. Brian emphasized that these efforts were not due to GPS but to PH and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's goodwill. He urged the people of Sarawak to vote for PKR/PH in the next election, as this party has proven to be honest and has good intentions to help the people of Sarawak.


    Wong Kueng Hui, director of Mandiri Borneo

    3,000 Families at Risk: Bajau Laut Face Uncertain Future in Sabah

    Over the past two months, more than 3,000 families, predominantly Bajau Laut in Lahad Datu, have been living in fear of homelessness following the demolition of their homes, labelled as “squatter colonies” across Sabah. The state government’s ambitious “Operation Squatter Colony” has already demolished more than 1,300 houses, and many fear it will eventually reach their water villages. As a result, many families are packed and ready to leave but have nowhere to go.

    Wong Kueng Hui, Director of Mandiri Borneo(Mandiri Bornei, a coalition of 126 NGOs) expressed his concerns about the situation: “We have seen houses set on fire and demolitions carried out against Bajau Laut communities in Sabah’s water villages recently by the Sabah State government. Those displaced are now sheltering along the coast, exposed to social problems and lacking security. As a community, we do not like this situation, honestly. Where is the rationale of this government?”

    Annuar’s last visit to Sabah aimed to eradicate poverty, yet both Bajau Laut communities and urban settlers are now at risk. Wong questioned, “Is this the way to eradicate poverty?”

    Wong Keng Kui recently met with Jeffry Katingan and Shafie Abdal, MPs for Keningau and Samporna, respectively. They have agreed to work together to solve the Bajau Laut issue, emphasizing the need for a more compassionate and rational approach to addressing the community’s needs.


    Paul Nungang from Long Kaliman

    Roads First: Baram's Infrastructure Needs Over Bamboo Projects

    Paul Nungang questions the logic behind the project to plant bamboo on 49,000 hectares of land. We, the people of Baram, want paved roads leading to Bario so that we can cultivate our own crops and sell them to the city. Not everyone can afford a Hi-Lux to navigate the logging roads, which are the main problem for the poor who want to market their agricultural produce. With paved roads, transportation costs would undoubtedly be reduced without burdening all parties. Regarding the bamboo, what is the purpose that can prove that planting bamboo will be profitable? What type of bamboo? There is already plenty of bamboo in Baram.

    What guarantees are there that this project will not lead to the seizure of the indigenous people’s NCR (Native Customary Rights) land? The ancestral lands of the indigenous people of Baram still do not have grants. Can the government provide grants using the concept of Section 18? Once again, Paul Nungang urges the government to focus on building roads for the people.

Guest User
17 July 2024

On Today Show
— Agnes Padan, Human rights activist from Lawas – Improving MyKad Access: The Next Step for Citizenship Rights
— Bill Jugah, chairman SADIA Rejang – Education and Development Disparities in Kanowit
— Mariam from Bakong – Political Intrigue in Bakong: Longhouse Community Divided Over Leadership

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Agnes Padan, aktivis hak asasi manusia dari Lawas - Meningkatkan Akses MyKad: Langkah Seterusnya untuk Hak Kewarganegaraan
- Bill Jugah, pengerusi SADIA Rejang - Ketidaksamaan Pendidikan dan Pembangunan di Kanowit
- Mariam dari Bakong - Intrik Politik di Bakong: Komuniti Rumah Panjang Terbelah Mengenai Kepimpinan

  • Special Randau            

    1. The anti-government rally called save malaysia 2.0 will be held in three locations, namely in Tambun parliament, Permatang Pauh (both parliamentary constituencies where pmx has contested) and end in the capital Kuala Lumpur on September 16, 2024. According to the secretariat of the organizers - Tun Faisal Ismail Aziz said the gathering was to express the people's dissatisfaction with Anwar Ibrahim's administration.

    2. Inconsistencies in the law cause the 6 members of parliament who were dismissed by their party to remain and their seats are not automatically vacated. According to senior lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla subclause 49A states that a member of parliament will cease to be a member of parliament if he resigns or ceases to be a member of the political party on which he contested and won. However, according to Haniff, the subclause also states that a member of parliament will not cease to be a member of parliament/member of the People's House simply because he is dismissed from his political party.

    3. Update on the construction of old hospitals and applications for citizenship documents in Limbang and Lawas. Puan Agnes Padan stated that the right to obtain citizenship and health services is the most basic human right. We in Lawas have been denied this right and do not delay any longer.


    Agnes Padan, Human rights activist from Lawas.

    Improving MyKad Access: The Next Step for Citizenship Rights

    Today, Agnes shares the persistence of a family in obtaining citizenship rights for their child. After trying for 14 years, last Monday, the long-awaited MyKad was finally claimed from the Putrajaya NRD office. According to Agnes, the MyKad application for this male teenager started when he was 12 years old. Now, he is almost married, self-employed, and lives in Kampung Buangsiol, Limbang.

    Recently, there have been many successful MyKad applications for Category 15A, which are citizenship applications for children whose fathers are Malaysian citizens. However, according to Agnes, citizenship applications for foreign women married to Malaysian men have not yet been successful. She hopes that the government will simplify citizenship matters for those who are entitled and have complete documents.

    Agnes also hopes that the expectation of the people of Lawas district for a new hospital will be fulfilled this year. The hospital building currently in use was built in 1969 and only provides daily medical services. There are no specialist doctor services available. Agnes questions why Lawas, a district, should only have a health clinic when it should have a full hospital.

    She points out that many do not know that Lawas is located in the northern part of Sarawak, bordering Brunei and Indonesia, and neighboring Sabah. Due to its geography and border-crossing issues, the lives of the people of Lawas are in danger every day during emergencies. Agnes hopes that the construction of the new hospital will be completed this year, as the community has been waiting too long. Health facilities and citizenship rights are the most basic human rights, according to Agnes Padan.


    Bill Jugah, chairman SADIA Rejang

    Education and Development Disparities in Kanowit

    Bill Jugah comment on statement of  YB Anyi's Call for Grassroots Leaders to Collaborate for Improved Household Income in Kanowit.
    Bill Jugah emphasizes several critical aspects that need addressing. Firstly, the appointment of grassroots leaders, often politically chosen, is crucial for voicing community needs and fostering development. However, development efforts remain uneven due to the lack of education among longhouse residents, leading to compliance with government decisions without full understanding.
    Issues arise during land surveys where initial assessments lack clarity, often resulting in disputes that necessitate resurveys for accurate boundary delineations or land claims. Unfortunately, opinions from longhouses with significant voter populations are sometimes disregarded, further exacerbating disparities.
    Bill urges educated individuals, many of whom work outside their communities, to support fellow longhouse residents in developmental planning, including complex matters such as carbon trading—topics unfamiliar to most longhouse dwellers. He stresses the importance of recognizing the value of every tree, especially given the dwindling forest cover due to logging.
    In accordance with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), local indigenous communities have the right to self-governance over their resources, including rivers. Bill calls on the government to integrate these perspectives effectively into policymaking.


    Mariam from Bakong

    Political Intrigue in Bakong: Longhouse Community Divided Over Leadership

    Puan Mariam from Bakong shared with Radio Free Sarawak about the problems faced by their longhouse community of 36 doors. For the past 4 years, they have not received any assistance from the government. This is due to the division within their longhouse caused by interference in the selection of their headman. During the headman election, the headman who won the vote was not approved by the YB, and the candidate who lost was instead appointed as the headman by the representative. The longhouse community appointed their chosen headman even though he does not receive a salary, but he continues to shoulder the responsibilities of a headman without pay.

    Bakong is an area under DUN Lambir within the Sibuti parliamentary constituency. According to Puan Mariam, the harmony of the longhouse community should maintain unity, but unfortunately, most headmen prioritize political interests for themselves over the welfare of the people.


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