10 January 2024

On Today Show
— Dr. John Brian, Dayak Activist and Political Analyst – Bintulu Port handed over to Sarawak Gov, means GPS has a new financial source to enrich cronies
— Dennis Along, Activist from Long Terawan Mulu – Land Grabbing Investigation: Land Survey Department Collaborates with Private Firm in Mulu Land Takeover
— Paul Nunggang from Ulu Baram – Controversial Village Head Appointments Trigger Resource Exploitation Concerns in Baram
— Diog Dios from Puncak Borneo – Religious Rights in a Democratic Framework: The Controversy of Quran Recitation in Kuching School

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Dr. John Brian, Aktivis Dayak dan Analis Politik - Penyerahan Bintulu Port kepada Kerajaan Sarawak bermaksud GPS mempunyai sumber kewangan baru untuk memperkayakan kroni-kroninya.
- Dennis Along, Aktivis dari Long Terawan Mulu - Siasatan Perobohan Tanah: Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Berkerjasama dengan Syarikat Swasta dalam Pengambilalihan Tanah di Mulu.
- Paul Nunggang dari Ulu Baram - Pelantikan Ketua Kampung yang Kontroversi Menimbulkan Keprihatinan Eksploitasi Sumber di Baram.
- Diog Dios dari Puncak Borneo - Hak Keagamaan dalam Kerangka Demokratik: Kontroversi Program Bacaan Al-Quran di Sekolah Kuching.

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The handover of Bintulu Port from the federal government to the Sarawak state government in June will increase revenue for the Sarawak GPS government. However, from the beginning, Premier Abang Johari appointed GPS cronies as Chairman of the Bintulu Port Authority and Bintulu Port Holding. The increase in revenue will benefit only GPS cronies, not the poor people of Sarawak.

    2. Daim's wife claims that the MACC investigation into the former finance minister is an act of persecution and jealousy over Daim's wealth and success.

    3. The residence of Member of Parliament for Beruas, Ngeh Koo Ham, was set on fire with a Molotov cocktail. Ngeh believes that the attack is a result of his previous statements against non-Muslims being part of committees reviewing Sharia legislation. Ngeh blames PAS and PPBM for fueling hatred against him.


    Dr. John Brian, Dayak Activist and Political Analyst

    *Bintulu Port handed over to Sarawak Gov, means GPS has a new financial source to enrich cronies*

    John Brian was the former Chairman of Bintulu Port when PH ruled in 2018. Yesterday the newspaper reported that Bintulu Port will be handed over to the Sarawak state government effective June 2024. According to John - this is good news. According to him, Bintulu Port (BP) is the richest port authority in Malaysia. Has a cash reserve of RM 2 billion and handles trade worth RM800 million a year. BP was established in 1981 and was funded by the federal government at a cost of RM500 million. The main businesses are LNG, ABF and Shell MDS. In addition to handling the export of palm oil and logs, chemicals, oil, gas and container ships. The state government holds a 17% interest in BP. With his submission to the Sarawak government next June. So Sarawak has 100% power, there will be an increase in revenue for Sarawak and this strategic holding makes BP the strategic location of the most important Deep Sea port on the island of Borneo. BP's distance is only 700 km from the archipelago and Indonesia does not have a deep sea port on the island of Borneo and neither does Sabah. BP sailing distance from China is only 48 hours. With all these advantages, Sarawak- will get a decent result. The result of GPS's collaboration with PMX Leader Anwar Ibrahim's government. But the large amount of revenue will not necessarily be returned to the people. It was reported that Sarawak Premier Abang Johari's cronies have been appointed as the chairman of BP and Bintulu Port Holding respectively. This means GPS has a new financial source to enrich cronies.


    Dennis Along, Activist from Long Terawan Mulu

    *Land Grabbing Investigation: Land Survey Department Collaborates with Private Firm in Mulu Land Takeover*

    Yesterday Dennis and Friends visited the SFC- Sarawak Forest Corporation Office and the Land and Survey Department in Miri to deliver objections and a copy of the police report against the activities of measuring the land of long terawan villagers with sec 6 and increasing the area and changing the name of Taman negara Mulu. As a result, the sec 6 measure work has been stopped and a dialogue with the villagers was held in Long Terawan today. However, if the dialogue does not succeed in stopping the sec 6 measures involved. Then a report to MACC will follow (abuse of power) and court action will also follow. Dennis wondered why the Land and Survey Department cooperated with a private company, Geometric, to measure the villagers' land. We are still investigating this matter, said Dennis.


    Paul Nunggang from Ulu Baram

    *Controversial Village Head Appointments Trigger Resource Exploitation Concerns in Baram*

    Yesterday, RFS interviewed lawyer Roland Engan regarding cases where headman was allegedly appointed invalidly. Three such incidents occurred in Ba Pakan, Ba Abang, and Batu Bungan in Baram. The former headman of these villages was unjustly removed from their positions and replaced by political figures or parties. However, the new headman does not possess proper appointment letters.

    Paul Nunggang stated that such incidents have been happening for a long time, especially when the village holds resources beneficial to politicians or businessmen, such as land and timber. When negotiations with the original village headman fail to secure approval for resource extraction, alternative methods are sought, including the unauthorized appointment of individuals not favored by the villagers as new village headman.

    He mentioned that these appointed village headmen only show allegiance to political figures or parties, becoming mere "yes men" who abandon the interests of the villagers and the village. As long as they receive money or profits, these appointed headmen do not care about the well-being of the villagers. He pointed out that, under the influence of these "invalid village headman", the villages not only fail to develop but also expedite the exploitation of the villagers' interests, selling off the forests and land resources that belong to the villagers.

    He strongly urged political parties or politicians not to resort to such unethical methods to strip villages of their resources, which also adversely affect the harmony within the villages.


    Diog Dios from Puncak Borneo

    *Religious Rights in a Democratic Framework: The Controversy of Quran Recitation in Kuching School*

    A primary school in Kuching, Sarawak, identified as a missionary school, is not permitted to organize a Quran recitation ceremony. This issue was brought to light by parents and shared online, leading to a significant discussion.

    Cikgu Diog Dios, a retired teacher, shared views on the teaching of Quranic recitation in Mubaligh School. Cikgu Diog considers the Quranic recitation learning not wrong and believes it will not have any adverse effects on non-Muslim students if the program is closely monitored by teachers and parents.

    The school administration cannot prohibit the Quranic recitation program because our school is not only fully sponsored by the church but also receives support from the Malaysian Ministry of Education and uniform funds. Therefore, we must respect the rights of Muslim students to learn.

    What is crucial is periodic monitoring by the Parents-Teachers Association (PIBG), and we must uphold the democracy that we have been practicing for so long.

Guest User
9 January 2024

On Today Show
— Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst – Najib's Lawsuit on "Man on The Run" on Clare and Tommy Thomas : A Potential Embarrassment in the UK Court
— Roland Engan, Human rights lawyer – Empowering Villagers: Ending GPS Interference in Village Chief Appointments
— Thomas Jalong, activist from Baram – Logging Wealth, Rural Neglect: A Decades-Long Struggle in Baram
— Rahmat Mosa of Iskul DiLaut Omadal – Unveiling Education Rights: The Plight of Statelessness in Sabah and Malaysia


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Iswardy Morni, Pakar Analisis Politik – Saman Najib ke atas "Man on The Run" terhadap Clare dan Tommy Thomas: Potensi Mencemarkan Nama Najib di Mahkamah UK
— Roland Engan, Peguam Hak Asasi Manusia – Memberdayakan Penduduk: Mengakhiri Campur Tangan GPS dalam Pelantikan Ketua Kampung
— Thomas Jalong, Aktivis dari Baram – Kekayaan Pembalakan, Pengabaian Luar Bandar: Perjuangan Berdekad-di Baram
— Rahmat Mosa dari Iskul DiLaut Omadal – Menyingkap Hak Pendidikan: Cabaran Kewarganegaraan Tanpa Negara di Sabah dan Malaysia

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Appointment crisis of village chief - GPS should stop interfering in the appointment of village chiefs. Let the villagers choose someone they trust the most.

    2. 1MDB trial - an SPRM investigator informed the court that Najib did not inform the cabinet about the issuance of a $3.5 billion 1MDB bond. What was Najib's motive for doing so?

    3. GRS Sabah Member of Parliament - Armizan Mohd Ali stated that he did not sign the statutory declaration to bring down PM Anwar.


    Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst

    *Najib's Lawsuit on "Man on The Run" on Clare and Tommy Thomas : A Potential Embarrassment in the UK Court*

    The documentary film Man On The Run has been shown on the NETFLIX streaming since 5 January 2024. The film tells the story of the role of the former Malaysian prime minister - Najib Razak and his accomplice Jho Lo in misappropriating 1MDB funds for personal gain. Najib was found guilty of 7 charges of corruption, money laundering and embezzlement of RM42 million SRC international funds and was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined RM210 million.

    Najib's lawyer requested that the film be stopped because it is subjudicial to the trial he is currently facing.

    According to Iswardy- it is up to the court to determine whether this film can cause subjudice or not. But look at the country's judicial system which consists of 3 or 5 judges who judge the trial. Judges are not easily influenced. Compared to trials in UK courts which use a jury system. It will have a different impact. But according to Iswardy, another important question is, is the NETFLIX server located in Malaysia or abroad. If in Malaysia, it is relatively easy for the court to give instructions/orders. But if abroad, it will involve a long process and not necessarily successful.

    Regarding Najib's arrogance, he wants to sue Tommy Thomas and Clare Brown. Looks like Najib will have to go to UK court, if he dares face Clare. But if what Clare and Tommy say is true. So it is most likely that Najib will lose and be embarrassed.

    Watching the film Man on The Run - according to Iswardy made you realize that Malaysia has been mired in corruption for a long time. Najib is just a prime minister who does not fight corruption and only continues it. Through this movie everything is explained clearly and simply. But PMX Anwar Ibrahim is the strongest person against corruption. First day as PM. He exposed himself by declaring that corruption is the number one enemy of the country and that he has declared his wealth and does not want to receive a salary. Yesterday the Anwar administration introduced a new format for property declaration. Anwar with the entire government machinery is trying to restore the glory of national administration and asking Malaysians to fight corruption together.


    Roland Engan, Human rights lawyer

    *Empowering Villagers: Ending GPS Interference in Village Chief Appointments*

    Roland handled at least 4 cases involving the appointment of village heads in Baram. Among them is the famous case in Ba Pakan involving the appointment crisis of Pada Jutang vs Sakaria Pada. Ba Abang involves the appointment of Panai Erang vs Arun Nyaling. In Batu Bungan involving the appointment of Ukau Lupong vs Avit Turau.

    Tomorrow the decision involving the case in Ba Pakan, Padda Jutang vs Sakaria Pada- will be known. Roland applied for a judicial review of Sakaria Pada's appointment as the head of the tribe, dismissing Pada Jutang (Sakaria's father), who no appointment letter from the Resident's office. Instead, the Resident's office issued an appointment letter for Sakaria Pada. When this case is examined in depth, why is Sakaria so desperate to oppose his father to be appointed to the position of village head. Apparently he was motivated because he was supported by a logging company and supported by Yb Dennis Ngau. Which in turn allowed him to work with the GPS government, YB Dennis and the logging company to log in the Ba Pakan forest area. Recognizing injustice occurs. Roland acts to help those who are oppressed and wants a village head to be appointed - chosen by the villagers themselves. It was opened by politicians such as YB or the Resident Office representing the GPS government. The GPS government used all the powers they had to interfere in the affairs of the Penan villages, so that the village chiefs they appointed agreed to the logging.


    Thomas Jalong, activist from Baram

    *Logging Wealth, Rural Neglect: A Decades-Long Struggle in Baram*

    When Minister of Women, Early Childhood, and Community Wellbeing Development, Fatimah Abdullah, expressed the Sarawak government's commitment to ensuring that its development agenda extends to benefit rural communities, Thomas Jalong questioned what the people of Baram are gaining from sources like logging. Despite decades passing, they still do not seem to enjoy the fruits of government development. Roads and bridges to Ulu Baram remain neglected, with logging companies attributing the lack of repairs to diminishing timber, making it seemingly impossible to carry out necessary maintenance. Despite the government's wealth, the interior residents continue to use roads that have gone without upkeep for decades. The pressing question remains: What development benefits has the GPS government brought to the region?


    Rahmat Mosa of Iskul DiLaut Omadal

    *Unveiling Education Rights: The Plight of Statelessness in Sabah and Malaysia*

    Iskul DiLaut Omadal is a school established by an NGO for undocumented Bajau children on Omadal Island, Semporna, Sabah. The critical issue arises from government schools prohibiting undocumented students, affecting communities like Omadal. In a poignant example, a relative from this very village, hailing from Tawau, attempted to enroll his nephew in a government school. Unfortunately, after only three days of study, the nephew was compelled to leave due to incomplete documentation.

    Iskul Omadal plays a vital role in providing education for stateless children in Sabah, with approximately 300 below the age of 18 on Omadal Island alone, all of whom should have access to education. The school currently caters to 34 students, offering education from Pre-school (Stage 1) to Primary One (Stage 3) with its own set of educational standards and subjects.

    Education is considered a fundamental human right, and Malaysia is a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). According to Article 28 of the CRC, all children below 18 years old have the right to basic education, regardless of their citizenship status.

Guest User
8 January 2024

Topik Pada Hari Ini

— Dennis Along, Aktivis dari Long Terawan Mulu, Sarawak – Pencerobohan Tanah dan Perluasan Taman: Perjuangan Mulu tidak akan Berhenti

— Dr Michael Teo Yu Keng, Mantan MP PKR Miri – Autonomi Kesihatan Tidak Bererti Jika GPS Tidak Boleh Selesaikan Isu Kesihatan di Dalam Negeri

— Encik Roma, Warga Sarawak yang bekerja di Selangor – Tiket Mahal, Cabaran Pulang Kampung: Warga Sarawak di Semenanjung Menghadapi Dilema Kembali ke Kampung

— Encik Velon Lavinon, Pegawai Bertanggungjawab Komuniti SSCR Sumindak Sirung – Memberdayakan Komuniti: Kemunculan Pelancongan Komuniti Sumindak Sirung

On Today Show
— Dennis Along, Activist from Long Terawan Mulu, Sarawak – Land Invasions and Park Expansion: Mulu's Battle for Survival
— Dr Michael Teo Yu Keng, PKR ex MP of Miri – Healthcare Autonomy in Vain If GPS Can't Solve Interior Healthcare Issues
— Mr. Roma, A Sarawakian who works in Selangor – Costly Tickets, Homebound Struggles: Sarawakians in West Malaysia Facing Back Hometown Dilemma
— Mr. Velon Lavinon . Person in charge of SSCR Sumindak Sirung Community – Empowering Communities: The Rise of Sumindak Sirung Community Tourism

  • Special Randau

    1- Pro-PN activists question why MACC only probing Daim over Pandora Papers

    2- Najib Abdul Razak wants the government to make Netflix take down the 1MDB-linked documentary “Man on the Run”. The former prime minister claimed the show was “contemptuous and sub judice” to the ongoing RM2.27 billion 1MDB corruption trial against him.

    3- The Dubai move is an attempt to divert attention from the major news of the MACC investigation against three former prime ministers and Tun Daim Zainuddin.


    Dennis Along, Activist from Long Terawan Mulu, Sarawak.

    *Land Invasions and Park Expansion: Mulu's Battle for Survival*

    Today Dennis and his villagers drove more than four hours to the Marudi District Office to meet the Marudi District Officer to protest against the land department's encroachment and survey of their land. They received a notice from the Land and Survey Department that the land survey in Long Terawan village will be done under section 6 and a dialogue related to the matter will be held on 10 January 2024 in Long Terawan village. Even before the dialogue was held, the Land and Survey Department started the land measurement work under section 6 today without the consent of the villagers. This is a fraud and an invasion. We have made a police report regarding this matter.

    The second thing we object to is the increase in the area of Mulu National Park and the name of Mulu National Park being changed to Tutoh Apoh National Park. We object to the addition of the area and Tutoh Apoh's name. Tutoh Apoh is an area far from Mulu. Second, increasing the area of mulu national park is a way of confiscating our land. The SFC will also introduce/enforce the TPA- Total Ptotaction Area law. Where the original people will be driven out of the area. Agricultural activities, taking forest products and hunting are prohibited. We should be the ones who are appointed to look after the forest in MULU because we Orang Asal are the most skilled forest keepers. We will meet the SFC in Miri tomorrow to express our objection. In 2018 we fought with Radian Legoon for land in Mulu. Three years we fought and we won. Now the SFC and the GPS Sarawak government are happy to designate the area as a National Park. We protested and asked for it to be cancelled


    Dr Michael Teo Yu Keng, PKR ex MP of Miri

    *Healthcare Autonomy in Vain If GPS Can't Solve Interior Healthcare Issues*

    A delegation from the Ministry of Health (MoH) is scheduled for a meeting this Friday to discuss matters related to Sarawak's healthcare autonomy, announced Deputy Premier Dr. Sim Kui Hian. The GPS state government strongly advocates for healthcare autonomy, but Dr. Teo emphasized that if Sarawak regains healthcare autonomy, effective oversight by the GPS government is crucial.

    Dr. Teo highlighted the unique challenges faced by Sarawak compared to West Malaysia, emphasizing the vast geographical area and sparse population. He suggested that healthcare specialists from West Malaysia might not fully grasp the complexities of Sarawak's situation, making local governance more favorable. However, delays and complications in hospital construction projects under GPS management have posed challenges to healthcare development.

    While acknowledging the completion of Lawas Hospital, Dr. Teo stressed the need for adequate resources to address internal requirements such as specialized personnel and equipment. He urged GPS to listen to the voices of the interior population, understand their challenges, and provide effective healthcare facilities while maintaining control over healthcare.

    Dr. Teo emphasized that after decades of GPS administration in Sarawak, if healthcare autonomy cannot be effectively managed, there might be no necessity for GPS to oversee it.


    Mr. Roma, A Sarawakian who works in Selangor

    *Costly Tickets, Homebound Struggles: Sarawakians in West Malaysia Facing Back Hometown Dilemma*

    AirAsia has introduced fixed one-way economy tickets to Sabah and Sarawak at RM348 and RM298, respectively, for the Chinese New Year period starting Jan 5. Transport Minister Anthony Loke praised AirAsia for providing affordable options to manage the surge in demand during festive seasons. These fixed-fare tickets can be purchased until Feb 15 or while stocks last.

    However, Sarawakians residing in Peninsular Malaysia, like Roma, expressed concern about the high airfare rates during the festive season, priced at 295+ one way. Roma finds these rates to be still high, especially for families. Checking online prices from KL to Sibu, Roma was surprised to discover one-way fares ranging from 300 to 400 ringgit per person. As a result, Roma had to cancel plans with his family due to the high cost for a round trip to Sarawak.

    Roma suggests that flight fares be reduced to ease the financial burden on those wishing to return to Sabah and Sarawak, particularly given the current uncertain economic conditions.


    Mr. Velon Lavinon . Person in charge of SSCR Sumindak Sirung Community

    *Empowering Communities: The Rise of Sumindak Sirung Community Tourism*

    When the government neglects community development and the promotion of local economic growth, communities must rely on their own initiatives to organize projects and drive tourism activities to showcase local attractions.

    The community at Sumindak Sirung Community Resort (SSCR), Kg Timpangoh Sugud, Penampang, has successfully established another Community-Based Tourism (CBT) destination. Situated at the hilltop, this location boasts an extraordinary natural environment. The community-based tourism project started in 2018, initiated by the communities of Timpangoh Sugud and Simangan Laut Penampang. In 2018, an outsider proposed the idea of initiating tourism activities in the area. The locals swiftly decided to take charge and manage the project themselves. They promptly organized a community meeting and formed the Sumindak Sirung Community Resort. The process took some time, especially due to the challenges posed by COVID-19 and the application process with the Land Department. It was eventually completed by the end of 2023, culminating in a soft opening.

    Despite facing challenges with insufficient water supply at the mountain's peak, the community successfully overcame this issue by constructing a small reservoir. The resort offers picturesque scenery, a cool climate, views of the Crocker Range, and a panoramic view of the Town of Kota Kinabalu towards Tanjung Aru during both sunrise and sunset.

    The purpose of this community resort is to stimulate social and economic participation within the community. It will operate during weekends and holidays, allowing those working or studying in urban areas to participate. Local residents express that Sabah has numerous distinctive places worth promoting for tourism, but due to a lack of government action, communities have had to rely on themselves and have achieved remarkable success.

Guest User
5 January 2024

Topik Pada Hari Ini

— Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak – Kematian Tragis Bayi di Pedalaman Menunjukkan Pengabaian di Sarawak Yang Kaya
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Penduduk Taman Perumahan SFI - Industri Hutan Sabah – Kerajaan GRS Menjerumuskan Pekerja Sabah SFI ke Dalam Krisis
— Dr. Vivienn How, Pensyarah Kanan di Jabatan Kesihatan Alam Sekitar dan Pekerjaan, Universiti Putra Malaysia – Dilema Pembalakan: Impak Pembalakan ke atas Iklim, Kesihatan, dan Pertanian
— Clare Rewcastle Brown, aktivis alam sekitar dan anti-rasuah, pengasas Sarawak Report – Man on the Run: Mendedahkan Kedalaman Skandal 1MDB Malaysia

On Today Show
— Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak – Desperate Cry: Interior Infant's Tragic Death Exposes Neglect in Wealthy Sarawak
— Jeffery Baudi, resident representative of SFI Housing Park- Sabah Forest industry – The GRS-Led Government Plunges SFI Sabahan Employees into Crisis
— Dr Vivienn How, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Universiti Putra Malaysia – Deforestation Dilemma: Logging's Impact on Climate, Health, and Farming
— Clare Rewcastle Brown, environmental and anti-corruption activist, founder of Sarawak Report – Man on the Run: Unveiling the Depths of Malaysia's 1MDB Scandal

  • *Special Randau*

    1. 647 families of Sabah Forest Industry factory workers are still in the dark after more than 8 months. They have no salary and no job. There is no electricity and clean water supply. The GRS Sabah government has failed to protect the fate of Sabah's own citizens.

    2. The Sarawak election boundary will begin shortly. The public is asked to propose electoral boundaries to enhance efficient services to the people. MPs who are incapable should not be voted in again.

    3. Najib's administration is extravagant. Paying Trump International Hotel RM1.5 million from 2017 to 2020 during Najib's visits to the White House. Najib stayed in the presidential suite at a cost of US$10,000 per night. Don't forget to watch Najib's extravagant behavior in the documentary film "Man On The Run" on NETFLIX starting today.


    Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak

    *Desperate Cry: Interior Infant's Tragic Death Exposes Neglect in Wealthy Sarawak*

    Muda Sarawak has consistently been in contact with the Penan Baram community. Recently, he received a distress call reporting the tragic death of a 7-month-old baby en route to Miri Hospital via helicopter. As the baby did not pass away at the hospital, the family had to return to the interior clinic to obtain a death certificate. However, they couldn't afford the transportation cost, and the process of handling the death certificate was complicated due to the baby's mother lacking a Malaysian identity card.

    Jeffrey mentioned that this incident involved the Penan community from Long Jekitan. Reportedly, the infant sought medical attention at an interior clinic for a persistent stomachache, but as the clinic lacked specialized doctors, the baby's condition worsened. On January 1st, the clinic arranged for an emergency helicopter transfer to Miri Hospital. Unfortunately, the baby passed away during the journey.

    According to Jeffrey, the journey from Long Jekitan to Miri by car takes 8 hours, and due to the critical condition of the baby, the clinic arranged for a helicopter. However, the baby did not survive despite these efforts. Since the death did not occur in the hospital, the institution claimed they couldn't issue a death certificate, necessitating the family to return to the interior clinic. Faced with financial constraints, the family sought assistance from Muda Sarawak.

    Jeffrey stated that the deceased baby remained in the hospital's mortuary for three days until the support from NGOs and Miri MP allowed the family to return to the interior clinic and arrange for the baby's burial.

    He expressed dissatisfaction, pointing out that despite Sarawak having billions in revenue and funds, the condition of interior roads and healthcare remains poor. Jeffrey emphasized that there might be excuses for the time required to build interior roads due to the terrain, but clinics should have adequate services and facilities with professional doctors. He questioned why, in this age of AI, while the world talks about renewable energy, there are still people in the interior areas lacking education, unaware of their healthcare rights, and facing citizenship issues. He asked, "How many lives must we sacrifice?"

    Jeffrey strongly urged the Sarawak government to prioritize human lives, not just enjoy superficial achievements (flagpoles), and ensure equal citizenship rights for people, regardless of whether they are from the city or interior. After decades, it's enough. Help them and save them!


    Jeffery Baudi, resident representative of SFI Housing Park- Sabah Forest industry

    *The GRS-Led Government Plunges SFI Sabahan Employees into Crisis*

    Through a media statement dated November 26, 2023, the Sabah State Government claimed victory in a 13,000-hectare land dispute case. The court ruled that Grant Thorn (GT) was a trespasser, and the state government's land acquisition process was deemed complete. This implies that GT, its agents, and employees must vacate the land immediately, allowing the Sabah state government to implement forest sustainability programs, research, and conservation. However, according to Baudi, this statement is not entirely accurate. The court allowed GT to appeal, and GT was appointed by four banks to handle SFI's assets, challenging the court's decision.

    The Sabah state government (GRS) is utilizing Section 3(b) of the Sabah Land Code, citing public interest, to control SFI land. However, contrary to this claim, the Sabah government, through SILICO ASIA, ESL, and UNIGLORY (mentioned by Jeffrey Baudi and noted to be a Sarawak-based company), has commenced logging all acacia trees in the SFI land area.

    Residents of the SFI factory have filed a report with the MACC, but as of now, there has been no investigation. According to Baudi, it has been eight months since SFI workers have been living in darkness in the SFI housing area, lacking clean water supply, electricity, and employment. The GRS-led state government continues to struggle with the business crisis surrounding SFI, and the victims are the SFI employees, who are Sabahans. They are demanding their rights, employment, and resolution of business disputes.


    Dr Vivienn How, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Universiti Putra Malaysia

    *Deforestation Dilemma: Logging's Impact on Climate, Health, and Farming*

    Dr. Vivien emphasizes that many people tend to overlook the environmental impact of climate change on agricultural production. The effects of climate change extend beyond influencing yields; they also impact the environment and the health of farmers. For instance, prolonged periods of drought or flooding may lead farmers to use excessive pesticides, fertilizers, or chemicals to enhance or increase production. Paradoxically, the more these chemicals are used to combat climate change, the less fertile the land becomes.

    Furthermore, climate change contributes to the spread of infectious diseases. Both droughts and floods influence the breeding of diseases, ultimately affecting farmers. Recent surveys indicate that farmers relying heavily on pesticides are less adaptable to climate change.

    Dr. Vivien urges the government to address these issues, especially since farmers fall under three different ministries. She suggests that the government should consolidate these ministries to create a unified approach aimed at providing a healthy environment for farmers. Encouraging reduced dependence on pesticides, chemicals, and weedicides during planting, along with promoting composted fertilizers, is crucial. In Malaysia, there are activists advocating for organic farming as a sustainable alternative.

    Dr. Vivien highlights that logging activities contribute to climate change, as trees play a vital role in producing oxygen and serving as natural filters. As industries continue to grow, preserving natural filters becomes essential. Trees' roots also help retain topsoil and deep soils during both rainy and dry seasons, absorbing carbon dioxide in the process.


    Clare Rewcastle Brown, environmental and anti-corruption activist, founder of Sarawak Report

    *Man on the Run: Unveiling the Depths of Malaysia's 1MDB Scandal*

    "Man on the Run" is a Netflix documentary that brings closure to the 1MDB scandal, a major story in Malaysia. Filmed by a South Korean filmmaker with an Asian perspective, it focuses on how the scandal impacted Malaysians. Despite not securing an interview with Jho Low, the documentary explores the real people behind him, including powerful figures. Interviews with journalists, politicians, and insights from FBI and DOJ agents provide a comprehensive view. The film even features an interview with Najib Razak just before his imprisonment, offering Malaysians a chance to hear his side. The documentary highlights the profound consequences of a leader embezzling billions, shedding light on Malaysia's struggle. The international involvement, geopolitical rivalry, and the debt incurred with China add depth to the narrative. Despite Jho Low's elusive status, the documentary provides a comprehensive overview of a complex scandal.

Guest User
4 January 2024

On Today Show
— Special Randau – Environmental Concerns: Sarawak's Forests Sacrificed for Tall Towers
— Baru Bian, Assemblyman of Bakelalan Sarawak cum PSB Secretary-General – Unreserved Acclaim: PSB's Appreciation for GPS Management
— Dennis Along, Social activist from long Terawan Mulu – Disapproval and Critique: Dennis Counters Baru Bian's Statements on GPS and Dayak Land
— Abun Sui, Senator of PH Sarawak – Internet Access Disparity: Abun Sui Addresses PADU's Impact on Rural Communities
— Willy Kajan, social activist from Mulu – Assemblymen Urged to Witness and Address Community Hardships

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Randau Khas – Kebimbangan Alam Sekitar: Hutan Sarawak Dikorbankan Demi Menara Tinggi
— Baru Bian, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Bakelalan Sarawak dan Setiausaha Agung PSB – Penghargaan Tanpa Sempadan: Penghargaan PSB terhadap Pengurusan GPS
— Dennis Along, Aktivis Sosial dari Long Terawan Mulu – Penolakan dan Kritikan: Dennis Menentang Kenyataan Baru Bian mengenai GPS dan Tanah Dayak
— Abun Sui, Senator PH Sarawak – Jurang Akses Internet: Abun Sui Menangani Impak PADU ke atas Komuniti Luar Bandar
— Willy Kajan, Aktivis Sosial dari Mulu – Ahli Dewan Digalakkan untuk Saksikan dan Tangani Penderitaan Komuniti

  • Special Randau

    *Environmental Concerns: Sarawak's Forests Sacrificed for Tall Towers*

    The GPS administration becoming more efficient and positive, as depicted by YB Baru Bian, is untrue. Instead, GPS seems to be increasingly evading responsibility for advocating for the poor residents of Sarawak. Despite the revenue of RM13.1 billion in 2023, there is no clear effort by the state government to assist the impoverished population. Instead, they are using billions to construct the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) and a 99-meter flagpole named "Tiang Ibu Pertiwi." The Sarawak government continues to proudly destroy forests and cut down trees.

    In 2020, a team of researchers from the University of Nottingham and Oxford discovered a Yellow Meranti tree measuring 100.8 meters in height in the forests of Sabah. It is not implausible that similar or even taller trees could be found in the forests of Sarawak. However, the state government persists in its policy of logging trees and constructing tall towers without regard for the invaluable treasures within Sarawak's forests. Could it be possible that the forests of Sarawak harbor the tallest tropical trees in the world?

Guest User
3 January 2024

On Today Show
— Iswardy Morni, Activist and Political Analyst – Monopolies and Oligopolies: Unraveling the Causes of Sarawak's High Inflation
— Nick Kelesau, leader of Penan NGO Keruan – Rethinking Investments for the People's Welfare in Sarawak
— Rosemarry Jagak from Balai Ringin Serian Sarawak – Sarawak Farmers in Crisis: Addressing the Aftermath of Floods and Environmental Issues

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Iswardy Morni, Aktivis dan Pakar Politik - Monopoli dan Oligopoli: Meneroka Punca Inflasi Tinggi di Sarawak
- Nick Kelesau, Ketua NGO Penan Keruan - Merangka Semula Pelaburan untuk Kesejahteraan Rakyat Sarawak
- Rosemarry Jagak dari Balai Ringin Serian Sarawak - Petani Sarawak Dalam Krisis: Menangani Selepas Banjir dan Isu Alam Sekitar

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Strongman Tun Mahathir - Khairuddin Abu Hassan denies. Tun M is not involved in the Dubai plan. The Dubai Move does not exist; it is a scheme created by the UMNO president, says Khairuddin.

    2. Merger of PSB and PDP - PSB deceives the people of Sarawak. During the election campaign, PSB campaigned that they would replace GPS, which brings poor and unfair administrative policies. But after supporting GPS for 2 years, why?

    3. Sarawak state income for 2023 - RM13.1 billion, why is it not used to cope with the rising prices of goods and reduce the burden of the cost of living for the people?


    Iswardy Morni, Activist and Political Analyst

    *Monopolies and Oligopolies: Unraveling the Causes of Sarawak's High Inflation*

    Minority leaders in the interior of Sarawak complained that the prices of goods and the cost of living in Sarawak were still high and the prices of food items had reached unprecedented levels. Iswardy admitted that this really happened in Sarawak. Although in general Malaysian inflation is decreasing. But inflation in the state of Sarawak is still high, Second highest in Malaysia.

    This happens because many industries in Sarawak are monopolized or oligopoly by small groups controlled by politicians or tycoons. The Premier of Sarawak is proud of the state's income in 2023 with a total revenue of RM13.1 billion. Is there a small amount allocated by the GPS government to cover the increase in the cost of living and the soaring prices of goods. The people should hold the GPS government accountable. Sarawak is said to be a high-income state, but at the same time the number of poor people is also large.

    Regarding the merger of PSB and PDP. The PSB is expected to be dissolved before the Chinese New Year 2024. According to Iswardy, the existence of the PSB is indeed to break the opposition vote and make it easier for the GPS to win in the state election. Once the GPS wins, now PSB wants to return to the state government. Iswardy's message - the people should be smarter than the leaders of political parties such as PSB and GPS. The results of the last state election, with the sneaky role of PSB. GPS-76, PKR-0, DAP-2, and PSB-4.


    Nick Kelesau, leader of Penan NGO Keruan

    *Rethinking Investments for the People's Welfare in Sarawak*

    Deputy Premier Dr Sim Kui Hian describes the towering flagpole at Dataran Ibu Pertiwi here as a gift to the people of Sarawak, thanks to a collaborative effort by petroleum industry giants Petros, Petronas and Shell Malaysia.

    Nick Kelesau expressed his views on the RM30 million highest flagpole, stating that it does not bring any benefits to the people. He questions the purpose of taking pride in a flagpole when many Sarawakians still do not enjoy the wealth of Sarawak, such as the deplorable condition of roads to Ulu Baram, lack of clean water, and a significant portion of the population still not having access to 24-hour electricity for decades. According to Nick, the flagpole serves merely as a showpiece.

    He suggests that it would be better to allocate the cost of the flagpole to help the people. Nick also questions why logging activities are still ongoing. He points out that many Penan and indigenous people still depend on the forest for their livelihood.


    Rosemarry Jagak from Balai Ringin Serian Sarawak

    *Sarawak Farmers in Crisis: Addressing the Aftermath of Floods and Environmental Issues*

    In Malaysia, the climate’s ebb and flow are choreographed by the Southwest and Northeast Monsoons.

    From late May to September, the Southwest Monsoon ushers in drier conditions, while the Northeast Monsoon, prevailing from November to March, brings heavy rainfall - impacting regions such as the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia and parts of Sarawak and Sabah.

    Rosemarry Jagak from Balai Ringin Serian Sarawak is a full-time farmer. Every year, she plants paddy/rice and various other vegetables. Additionally, she is an oil palm smallholder and a crafter.

    Currently, her paddy farm has been submerged in floodwater for the past two days due to continuous rain. This has caused damage to her paddy crop, especially during the sensitive pinnacle period when the rice is in the unripe stage. The flooding is partly attributed to the environmental situation, where there is no more forest in the upper river. Furthermore, farmers in the area are concerned about the presence of crocodiles from nearby oil palm plantations.

    The impact of the flood is not limited to her paddy fields; her vegetable crops have also suffered. In total, 11 families in that particular area are affected by the flood.

    Given this dire situation, it is imperative for the government to step in and address these issues promptly. Rosemarry and other farmers urgently need assistance in dealing with the aftermath of the flood, including measures to restore their farmlands and prevent future environmental degradation. It is crucial for the government to collaborate with affected farmers to formulate sustainable solutions and allocate resources to rebuild and protect their livelihoods.


Guest User
2 January 2024

On Today Show
— Voon Lee Shan, President of Bumi Kenyalang Party (PBK) – "Dubai Move" gives GPS an open opportunity to accept the offer or reject it
— Thomas Jalong, activist from Baram – Sponsoring the Tallest Flagpole: Is it True CSR? Questioning the Meaning of CSR by Petro Companies
—  (call-in) Mr. Veron, A Sarawakian working in Johor – Sarawak's Wealth Divide: Unanswered Questions After 30 Years of Leadership
— Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan – Rising Waters and Broken Bridges: The Crisis in Kuala Betis, Kelantan


Topik Pada Hari Ini

- Voon Lee Shan, Presiden Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) - "Dubai Move" memberikan peluang terbuka kepada Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) untuk menerima atau menolak tawaran tersebut.

- Thomas Jalong, aktivis dari Baram - Menaja Bendera Tertinggi: Adakah Ini CSR Sejati? Menyoal Makna CSR oleh Syarikat Petro

- (panggilan masuk) Encik Veron, Warga Sarawak yang bekerja di Johor - Pembahagian Kekayaan Sarawak: Persoalan yang Belum Dijawab Selepas 30 Tahun Pemimpinan

- Nasir Nash, aktivis dari Gua Musang Kelantan - Banjir dan Jambatan Rosak: Krisis di Kuala Betis, Kelantan

  • *Special Randau*

    1- "Primary Data Hub (PADU) Launched by PM Anwar at PICC Putrajaya Today"

    PADU integrates hundreds of databases under one roof, streamlining government subsidy targeting, saving costs, and reducing wastage. PADU will assist the government in obtaining accurate information and enable the withdrawal of subsidies from wealthier groups.

    2- "Daim Zainuddin and Tun Mahathir Under Investigation by MACC Following Pandora Papers Leak"

    The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is investigating Daim Zainuddin and Tun Mahathir based on leaked information from the Pandora Papers.

    "Dubai Move: An Attempt by PN Leaders to Undermine PM Anwar, Says PM Anwar Ibrahim"

    3- PM Anwar Ibrahim dismisses the Dubai Move as an attempt by Perikatan Nasional (PN) leaders to undermine him. He asserts that he remains focused on working to assist the people.


    Voon Lee Shan, President of Bumi Kenyalang Party (PBK)

    *"Dubai Move" gives GPS an open opportunity to accept the offer or reject it*

    Today, deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi confirmed that he had received intelligence that the "Dubai Move" was carefully planned by a group of PN leaders and government parliamentarians to topple Anwar Ibtahim as prime minister. According to Voon, the information he received, Abang Johari (Premier of Sarawak) was offered the position of PM of Malaysia. Voon thinks that GPS should support Dubai Move and take the opportunity to be appointed to the position of prime minister in order to take back the rights of Sabah/Sarawak that have been usurped by Malaya - especially in relation to oil, gas and the continental shelf and another is that it gives Sarawak an opportunity to reassess its position in Federation of Malaysia.

    Asked if that will once again cause political instability in Malaysia. Voon thinks "Dubai Move" gives GPS an open opportunity to accept the offer or reject it. If GPS rejects the offer and agrees to continue supporting PM Anwar Ibrahim. This also gives more space to GPS to demand more from Anwar. The current situation is so much in favor of GPS and it is up to GPS to take advantage of the current situation for the benefit of Sarawak.


    Thomas Jalong, activist from Baram

    *Sponsoring the Tallest Flagpole: Is it True CSR? Questioning the Meaning of CSR by Petro Companies*

    During the countdown event at Kuching Waterfront, the tallest flagpole in Southeast Asia, measuring 99 metres in height, flying the Sarawak state flag named officially as ‘Ibu Pertiwi’ was launched by Premier Sarawak Abang Johari. Abang Johari also revealed the RM30-million flagpole project was funded by Petroleum Sarawak Berhad (Petros), Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and Shell Malaysia as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR)

    What is CSR? CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is the responsibility of businesses to engage in meaningful actions for society. CSR refers to the corporate responsibility towards society and the environment, encompassing the impact of businesses on society and the environment, as well as the measures taken by businesses to assume responsibility and reduce negative effects. However, the highest flag, symbolizing positive impacts on society, is not being raised.

    Thomas Jalong mentioned that there are still many areas in Sarawak facing inadequate basic infrastructure, such as inland roads, water and electricity supply, clinics, and education. These are areas where businesses can contribute and take on CSR, but unfortunately, the most profitable companies sponsor the highest flags without providing assistance to inland roads, water and electricity supply, and medical education facilities.

    Regarding Abang Johari's statement about including more organizations, Thomas Jalong believes that the responsibility of NGOs is to supervise the government and help voice concerns for specific or vulnerable groups. If they become part of the government, they may lose the right to correct the government or propose policy reforms.


    (call-in) Mr. Veron, A Sarawakian working in Johor

    *Sarawak's Wealth Divide: Unanswered Questions After 30 Years of Leadership*

    Mr Veron criticizes the statement of Taib Mahmood regarding Sarawak's high income. Mr. Veron questions the evidence supporting the claim that Sarawak is a high-income state, pointing out that many Sarawakians still migrate to the peninsula for work. In Sarawak, there are also numerous individuals unable to find employment due to a lack of MyKard (identity card). Additionally, basic infrastructure such as good roads, electricity, and water treatment facilities have not reached many rural residents.

    He highlights that many Sarawakians lack land for development as the government grants licenses to logging and plantation companies on indigenous land. Mr. Veron questions the meaning of being a high-income state when the rights of the people are not protected.

    Despite Sarawak generating billions in profits, he questions whether the people benefit from these earnings. With over 3 million residents in Sarawak, he questions why the government hesitates to allocate even 1 percent of the billion-ringgit revenue to the people. According to him, Sarawak's wealth seems to be reserved only for the leaders.

    After over 30 years of Taib's leadership as the Chief Minister of Sarawak, Mr. Veron wonders where the state's profits from the past 30 years have gone and why Sarawak is still considered poor.


    Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan

    *Rising Waters and Broken Bridges: The Crisis in Kuala Betis, Kelantan*

    On the flood issue in Gua Musang since December 22nd, continuous rainfall in the interior has led to a sudden rise in water levels in the surrounding areas of Kuala Betis, Kelantan. Kuala Betis serves as a connection point for three rivers: Sg Broke, Sg Petrias, and is known as the mouth of the river.

    The ongoing rainfall in the interior has caused damages, including connection problems, broken bridges, and landslides. People in the affected areas are unable to access food supplies from the town, and currently, there is no news of food supplies from anybody. The speaker hopes that JAKOA, the welfare department, or government agencies can urgently supply food to the affected families via air transport.

    The affected communities include Pos Haw, Pos Balar, Pos Belatin, Pos Simpo, Pos Goh, Pos Tohoi, and Pos Pasih. Usually, school children experience delays in starting school.

Guest User
15 December 2023

On Today Show

> Dominic Langat, Kenyah Long Tungan, Ulu Baram – Worry and Reality: the Impact of False Diesel Subsidy Cancellation News on Rural Residents
> Anyi Lah from Long Telangan Ulu Baram – Holiday Homecoming Hurdles: Damaged Roads and Bridges in the Interior area
> Siti Kasim, Human rights Lawyer – No Legal Restrictions on Wearing Religious Accessories
> S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM – Unity in Diversity: A Call for Inclusive Nation-Building
> Anjang Aluej, Chairman of the Network of Kampung Sungai Papan – Summit Memo: Orang Asli Communities Appeal to Perak MB for Urgent Intervention

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Dominic Langat, Kenyah Long Tungan, Ulu Baram - Kebimbangan dan Realiti: Impak Berita Palsu Pembatalan Subsidi Diesel ke atas Penduduk Luar Bandar
> Anyi Lah dari Long Telangan Ulu Baram - Halangan Pulang ke Kampung: Jalan dan Jambatan Rosak di Pendalaman
> Siti Kasim, Peguam Hak Asasi Manusia - Tiada Had Undang-Undang Mengenai Memakai Aksesori Beragama
> S Arutchelvan, Timbalan Pengerusi PSM - Perpaduan dalam Kepelbagaian: Seruan untuk Pembinaan Negara yang Inklusif
> Anjang Aluej, Pengerusi Rangkaian Kampung Sungai Papan - Memo Orang Asli kepada MB Perak untuk Campur Tangan Segera

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The tallest flagpole in Southeast Asia will be launched by the Sarawak Premier on the night of 31/12/2023, awaiting the countdown to the new year. Only GPS leaders take pride in the construction of the flagpole. They should be ashamed of spending millions to build the flagpole, especially when thousands of people in Sarawak are still poor. The RM30 million should have been used to help the poor.

    2. The news about the removal of diesel subsidies before January 2024 is false.

    3. Baru Bian said, Member of Parliament from Sabah and Sarawak, will not support the idea that only Malays are eligible to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

    4. Rafizi challenges Tik Tok Pro PN to face off in a podcast debate. He claims they have been spreading slander against the government all this while.

    5. Why push for additional parliamentary seats in Sabah and Sarawak if existing MPs are not doing much to help? What should be emphasized are MPs who are more responsible and represent the voice of the people, says BERSIH 2.0 Chair Candidate P. Gopalan Krishnan.


    Dominic Langat, Kenyah Long Tungan, Ulu Baram.

    *Worry and Reality: the Impact of False Diesel Subsidy Cancellation News on Rural Residents*

    A notice went viral on social media stating that the diesel subsidy will be removed effective January 1, 2024. However, the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living - quickly denied that the news was true and informed that the ministry is conducting a pilot project to see the effectiveness of the fleet system card and Mysubsidi Diesel system. Involving 6 companies that received quotas for "skid tanks" that will expire on January 14 next. Even if it's fake news, it still worries us rural residents. Moreover, we are diesel users - Dominic Langat said. The majority of poor people in the interior use 4-wheel drive cars. Not because we are rich. But only this vehicle is able to move on rickshaw and muddy roads (log roads) in the interior. Our one-way trip to the village took 8 hours and a round trip would take over 16 hours. Therefore, the consumption of diesel for my car per month averages RM700. I am worried if the targeted subsidy that will be implemented next year does not provide as much subsidy as expected. Maybe the government thinks why poor people need to use a lot of diesel. The reason is, our village is far away. The distance between the garden and the place where we go hunting is deep in the forest. Therefore, I hope that the government will consider these factors when approving the amount of diesel subsidies that will be given to us


    Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan Ulu Baram

    *Holiday Homecoming Hurdles: Damaged Roads and Bridges in the Interior*

    Anyi Lah shared the challenges faced during every festive season, particularly the road conditions for the journey back to the village through logging roads that become slippery during the rainy season. Additionally, there are several damaged and unsafe bridges.

    The road, which takes several hours to travel to Long Tebangan, has been in use for a long time through logging roads that depend entirely on logging companies. It is disheartening for a wealthy state to have such road conditions used by the rural population for decades. Every return to the village results in vehicle damage, posing a significant burden on the people who have no choice but to use these poor roads.

    Anyi questions whether they can pay lower road taxes compared to the high rates for 4x4 vehicle owners, as it is unfair to pay the same road tax as urban areas for poorly maintained roads in rural areas for decades.


    S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM

    *Unity in Diversity: A Call for Inclusive Nation-Building*

    Arutchelvan argues that having an "Indian or Tamil-speaking" minister does not necessarily translate into better representation for the community, which continues to be plagued by socio-economic problems. He responds to the comments made by the former Penang deputy chief minister II P Ramasamy, who described the new cabinet as a "big disappointment" to the Indians for failing to appoint an Indian minister. Arutchelvan states that in the past, during Mahathir Mohamad's 22-year tenure as prime minister, there were calls for two full ministerial posts for Indians, but this did not materialize. "Then during Mahathir's 22-month reign (when Pakatan Harapan was in power), suddenly there were four Indian ministers. I am including Gobind as well for this one. But the point is, whether one, two, three, or four, was the community better represented?" Arutchelvan questions. For Arutchelvan, the fundamental question is whether cabinet ministers should represent all Malaysians or just their respective races. He also points out how the ideology of multiracial and class-based politics is challenged by mono-ethnic politics, emphasizing the importance of a nation-building project based on unity instead of divide and rule.


    Siti Kasim, Human rights Lawyer

    *No Legal Restrictions on Wearing Religious Accessories*

    Human rights lawyer Siti Kasim has criticized the recent incident where an employee of a Chinese-Muslim restaurant was terminated for wearing a cross necklace.

    She condemned the employer's actions and stressed that employees have the right to express their religious beliefs through symbols like the cross, which should not be linked to the nature of the food they serve. She urged employers to uphold their employees' rights and refrain from religious discrimination.

    Siti emphasized that religious matters should not be excessively sensitive, emphasizing that it's common sense, but societal manipulation and misunderstandings on social media have exacerbated the situation. This distortion led to instances like the restaurant owner misinterpreting the act of wearing a cross as inappropriate. Siti Kasim deems such perspectives as misguided.


    Anjang Aluej, Chairman of the Network of Kampung Sungai Papan

    *Summit Memo: Orang Asli Communities Appeal to Perak MB for Urgent Intervention*

    Encroachment logging activities are taking place in the Orang Asli communities of Kg Sg Papan, Kg Kensew, and Kg Janking in Grik, Perak, carried out by Majuta Sdn Bhd. The affected area, known as the Kensew ancestral domain, encompasses the Luakwang region and spans 80 hectares. The signboard indicates that the initial entry occurred in July 2023, marked by the construction of a logging road that traverses from Sg Papan straight to Felda FGV 1, then to Felda Tawai 2, and into the Luakwang area. The boundaries of this area connect with Kg Keyef, Ong Jemol, and Kg Cunek, forming four distinct territories.

    Anjang and the team submitted a memorandum to Menteri Besar Perak and JAKOA Perak on Tuesday. Earlier, the communities set up a new One Kensew AJK, which includes communities of Kpg Papan and Kpg Jenking as required by JAKOA. PEKA also intended to visit the encroachment site but needed to postpone due to cabinet reshuffling. Despite the company's attempts to seek permission and offer compensation, the communities, including Kg Keyef, Ong Jemol, and Kg Cunek, steadfastly refused, even declining a cash compensation proposal of RM100.00.


Guest User
14 December 2023

On Today Show
> Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung, environmental activist – Energy Transition Challenges: Advocating Ministerial Transparency and Community Involvement
> Lim Hui Ying, Former Senior Journalist – Pressing for Change: Evaluating Malaysia's Legislative Reforms After One Year
> Ms. Agnes from Dijih Selangau – Sarawak's Firm Stand: Rejecting PAS's 2R Politics
> Mr James of Kampung traditional Tukau Jaya – Broken Promises: The Plight of Tradisi Usaha Jaya Tukau Miri Residents

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Barnie Lasimbang, Pengasas Tonibung, aktivis alam sekitar – Cabaran Peralihan Tenaga: Membangkitkan Ketelusann Menteri dan Penglibatan Komuniti
> Lim Hui Ying, Mantan Wartawan Senior – Menekan Perubahan: Menilai Reformasi Undang-Undang Malaysia Selepas Setahun
> Puan Agnes dari Dijih Selangau – Pendirian Teguh Sarawak: Menolak Politik 2R PAS
> Encik James dari Kampung Tradisional Tukau Jaya – Janji Kosong: Penderitaan Penduduk Tradisi Usaha Jaya Tukau Miri

  • *Special Randau*

    There has been no approval for the redelineation of electoral constituencies in any state in Malaysia, according to the Deputy Chairman of the Election Commission, Dr. Azmi Shahrom. The addition of parliamentary seats can only occur through an amendment to the federal constitution. Media reports mention that the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) claims to potentially gain at least 12 new parliamentary seats after the redelineation of electoral constituencies.

    Constitutional expert Tan Sri Azizan Harun stated that any effort to redelineate parliamentary and state constituency electoral areas is subject to Article 113 of the federal constitution. Only the Election Commission (EC) has the authority to propose the number of additional seats. Redelineation can take place after 8 years and must be completed within 2 years. This implies that the last redelineation of parliamentary electoral constituencies occurred in 2018, and the next redelineation will commence in 2026, to be completed by 2028. If the 15th parliamentary term ends in 2027, the elections at that time will still use the old electoral format/constituencies. The redelineation of electoral constituencies is entirely guided by the federal constitution, not state constitutions, according to Azizan Harun. Contact us at 013-5515219. Your opinions are valued.


    Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung, environmental activist

    *Energy Transition Challenges: Advocating Ministerial Transparency and Community Involvement*

    In the recent cabinet reshuffle, the Ministry of Environment underwent a transformation, being split into the Ministry of Energy Transition and Public Utilities, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development. Deputy Prime Minister Fadhilah simultaneously assumed the role of Minister of Energy Transition and Public Utilities. Barnie Lasimbang expressed that the addition of the Ministry of Energy Transition and Public Utilities by the government reflects a heightened focus on energy transition, and there are expectations regarding the achievements this department will make in areas such as dams and solar energy.

    However, he also voiced concerns about Fadillah Yusof's appointment as the leader of this ministry. He pointed out that Fadillah Yusof hails from Sarawak's GPS, and the current GPS state government appears to be actively promoting projects such as carbon trading and the construction of giant dams. However, a critical issue arises when these projects lack transparency, potentially leading to significant environmental damage and adverse impacts on the land rights of indigenous communities.

    Barnie Lasimbang urged Fadillah Yusof to engage more actively in dialogue and communication, to listen attentively to the opinions of the communities, and to conduct more effective communication. Simultaneously, he called on the government to allocate funds to non-governmental organizations and the general public to collectively promote green energy, enabling broader societal participation in the pursuit of sustainable development goals. He believes that only sustained pressure from the people can prompt the government to act swiftly and fulfill its commitments.


    Lim Hui Ying, Former Senior Journalist

    *Pressing for Change: Evaluating Malaysia's Legislative Reforms After One Year*

    Hui Ying told that her name is the same as the name of a deputy minister in Anwar Ibrahim's PMX cabinet. But she is just a former senior journalist of a newspaper.

    Hui Ying gave a view in conjunction with the 1 year PMX administration and analyzed the report published by CIJ - Center for Independent Journalism. The CIJ survey related to the Madani government's commitment to the level of freedom of expression in Malaysia, is still far from fulfilling the promise of reform.

    She agree with the view of the CIJ, the Sedition Act of 1948 is still in place, despite pre-election promises that it will be repealed. In fact in 2023, 184 investigations were conducted and 29 of them were investigated under the sedition act. Not only the government has not abolished, in fact, no act to replace it has been proposed. If it is maintained? what is the reason and should there be a special provision. Not a one-size-fits-all/all-issues act. In addition, the amendment to the Official Secrets Act of 1927 has not yet materialized. The printing press and publishing act was still in force and there were several raids on bookshops. The amendments to the Communications and Multimedia Act and the 2010 Whistleblower Act amendments have not yet appeared in Parliament. The protection of whistleblowers should be taken seriously. Failure to do so will affect the outcome of cases being investigated in court, Hui Ying summed up.

    Although the government seems to be trying and there have been efforts, However, the failure to amend or improve these acts after a year, causes the government to be seen as a failure. Hui Ying believes that only pressure from the people can force the government to act quickly and fulfill their promises.


    Ms. Agnes from Dijih Selangau

    *Sarawak's Firm Stand: Rejecting PAS's 2R Politics*

    Ms. Agnes shares her perspective on PAS, which she believes often plays on religious and racial issues. She responds to Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang's statement regarding non-Muslims being able to become Prime Minister, criticizing PAS for rebuffing such statements.

    Ms. Agnes emphasizes that politics should not involve playing the "2R" card, as this can destroy unity. She expresses gratitude that PAS is not accepted in Sarawak, as she perceives that PAS remains unchanged and continues to use the "2R" issue in their political agenda.

    She asserts that individuals from other ethnicities can become Prime Minister, as what matters most is the sincerity and cleanliness of a leader, free from corruption and power abuse.

    Ms. Agnes urges the Malaysian people not to be swayed by the "2R" issue frequently raised by PAS. She cites Singapore as an example of advancement, attributing it not to race or reflecting the religion of a leader.

    She concludes with a plea not to exploit politics to spread religious ideologies.


    Mr James of Kampung traditional Tukau Jaya

    *Broken Promises: The Plight of Tradisi Usaha Jaya Tukau Miri Residents*

    Once again, the issue of evicting villagers from Tradisi Usaha Jaya Tukau Miri has resurfaced, and those who still reside there will be taken to court for questioning. What is surprising is that despite several houses, including Mr. James's house, being outside the company's designated area, why should he follow the directive to leave his area? During the agreement session with the Land and Survey office, they were accompanied by representatives from the ADUN office, Sibuti Parliament office, police, and Parabena company for a dialogue session and agreement between Parabena and the villagers. The developer agreed to replace the land taken by Parabena with a relocation area to help the villagers rebuild their homes. However, now the villagers are asked to leave peacefully, or their houses will be demolished without mercy or compensation. The question is, why not follow the terms of the agreement during the dialogue session?

    On 05.01.2024, the villagers were summoned to court for a case involving five villagers, raising concerns as to why only five residents who have been living on Lots 187 and 188 are involved. Regardless of winning or losing, information suggests that no compensation will be given for each demolished house.

    If the villagers go to court, they will not be represented by any lawyer. If they need legal services, the cost for each family to pay the fee is RM2,000 per unit, and there are more than 90 families.

    The villagers cannot afford to pay for lawyers, so they are highly stressed by the eviction threats from the developer.


Guest User
13 December 2023

On Today Show
> YB Baru Bian, Member of the Bakelalan State Legislative Assembly, Sarawak – Clear Constitutional Provisions: Non-Bumiputera, Non-Muslims Qualified for PM, Premier and Governor in Sarawak
> Nixin from Miri, Social Activist – Sarawak's Future Leadership: Nixin Advocates for Inclusive and Capable Dayak Leaders
> Jok Jau, co-ordinator of SAM Sarawak – Villages Unite, Seek Government Action on Key Issues

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> YB Baru Bian, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Bakelalan, Sarawak – Perlembagaan yang Jelas: Orang Bukan-Bumiputera, Bukan-Muslim Layak Menjadi PM, Ketua Menteri, dan Gabenor di Sarawak
> Nixin dari Miri, Aktivis Sosial – Kepimpinan Masa Depan Sarawak: Nixin Menganjurkan Pemimpin Dayak yang Inklusif dan Berkemampuan
> Jok Jau, Pemangku Koordinator SAM Sarawak – Orang Ulu Bersatu, Mencari Tindakan Kerajaan terhadap Isu-isu Utama

  • *Special Randau*

    1) Rosmah Mansor has applied for the third time for the Attorney General's Chambers (AGC) to review 12 charges involving money laundering, totaling RM7 million, and 5 charges of failing to declare income to the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN). The application and representation were submitted to the AGC yesterday.

    2) The Sultan of Johor's view (the upcoming King) is that more responsibilities should be given to the King, including direct monitoring of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (SPRM) and Petronas. According to PMX, this perspective can be discussed amicably as long as it upholds the principles of constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.

    3) The investigation into Lim Kit Siang - Putrajaya's signaling is unhealthy. The prime minister should rectify the situation.

    4) DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang emphasized that Malaysia needs to move away from the 2R (race and religion) sentiment to achieve world-class status. He was investigated by the police due to his statement that "non-Malays can be PM" and answered 27 questions during police questioning this morning.


    YB Baru Bian, Member of the Bakelalan State Legislative Assembly, Sarawak

    *Clear Constitutional Provisions: Non-Bumiputera, Non-Muslims Qualified for PM, CM, and Governor in Sarawak*

    The police confirmed the investigation into Lim Kit Siang following a blog post on Nov 30 that touched on the issue of the appointment of the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Lim, when speaking in front of Malaysian students in the UK, said that the future Prime Minister of Malaysia may be a non-Malay. According to Baru Bian, the police should not investigate Lim Kit Siang. Because what Lim said is clearly not illegal or against the federal constitution. The pressure and investigation against Lim should stop. According to Baru Bian- the Constitution does not limit the Prime Minister of Malaysia to only Malays or Muslims. Anyone can become prime minister, as long as he is a member of parliament, has the trust of the majority of members of parliament and is approved by the Yang-Di-Pertuan Agong. There is no reason why the police should investigate Lim, clearly Lim did not break the Law. Even according to Baru Bian. In Sarawak - the Sarawak constitution also does not prevent non-Malays or non-Muslims from becoming the Premier of Sarawak. This also includes the position of TYT/Governor of Sarawak. Therefore, the police investigation against Lim should be stopped.


    Nixin from Miri, Social Activist

    *Sarawak's Future Leadership: Nixin Advocates for Inclusive and Capable Dayak Leaders*

    Regarding Lim Kit Siang's recent statement that "non-Malays can become PM," which has sparked dissatisfaction from PAS, Nixin expressed that since the Federal Constitution does not specify or emphasize that non-Malays and non-Muslims cannot become prime ministers, Lim Kit Siang's statement is not incorrect. He believes that anyone capable should be eligible to become prime minister, which is the model expected in a democratic country.

    He stated that PAS has consistently played with racial and religious issues, and whenever something threatens PAS, they find fault. This, in his view, is regressive for reform. He thinks PAS's strong reaction to Lim Kit Siang is aimed at stirring up ethnic and religious identity within their community to collectively oppose Lim Kit Siang's statement. However, he sees this as baseless and an obvious attempt to play the race and religion card (2R). It's something all Malaysians should reject.

    Regarding the situation in Sarawak, currently, Abang Jo is Malay, and Taib is Dayak-Melanau (Muslim). The next Premier and TYT (Governor) are unknown. Similarly, the constitution does not specify any particular ethnicity or religion for these positions. Nixin looks forward to seeing capable individuals, particularly from the Dayak community, becoming leaders in Sarawak.


    Jok Jau, co-ordinator of SAM Sarawak

    *Villages Unite, Seek Government Action on Key Issues*

    The representatives of nine resident associations in Marudi, Baram Tengah, Bakong, and Niah recently gathered in a meeting organized by Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) to address vital development concerns in their villages. To coincide with Human Rights Day 2023, they plan to submit a memorandum to the Sarawak and federal governments, highlighting issues such as Native Customary Rights (NCR) land encroachments, increased flooding, the need for reform in village head appointments, and limited access to basic services.

    Despite more than 60 years since Malaysia's inception, concerns persist over inadequate land tenure security and flawed leadership appointment systems. The plea is for both the Sarawak and federal governments to take these issues seriously and work towards finding resolutions.

    Jok Jau, SAM Sarawak's coordinator, emphasized the urgency of the memorandum submitted by nine communities on Human Rights Day. SAM urges the government to promptly respond to their concerns. Notably, the federal government has approved allocations in the 11th Malaysia Plan (RMK 11), and it is crucial that these funds are used effectively. Jok Jau specifically highlights the importance of using allocations for building proper roads, especially during the rainy seasons, to facilitate the transportation of children to schools in these communities.


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