13 August 2024

On Today Show
— Gereng Jadum, Resident of Penan Murum – Penan Workers Fight Back: Compensation Delays and Employment Fraud in Murum
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park – Sabah Activist's Solo Run Stalled by Authorities, But Campaign Presses On
— Jimi Arifin of Pos Pasik, Gua Musang Kelantan – River Pollution and Cultural Loss: Pos Pasik's Struggle Against Environmental Threats

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Gereng Jadum, Penduduk Penan Murum – Pekerja Penan Berjuang Kembali: Kelewatan Pampasan dan Penipuan Pekerjaan di Murum
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Penduduk Taman Perumahan SFI – Larian Solo Aktivis Sabah Tergendala Oleh Pihak Berkuasa, Tetapi Kempen Tetap Diteruskan
— Jimi Arifin dari Pos Pasik, Gua Musang Kelantan – Pencemaran Sungai dan Kehilangan Budaya: Perjuangan Pos Pasik Terhadap Ancaman Alam Sekitar

  • Special Randau
                    1. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim will announce the percentage increase in civil servants' salaries this Friday in the 19th public service prime minister's ceremony, at PICC Putrajaya. Civil servants salary increases are expected to be between 15-42 percent. The highest in the history of the Malaysian public service.

                    2. The decision on the application for release and acquittal of former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin, which was supposed to be on August 20, 2024, was postponed to September 11, 2024. Muhyiddin requested the court to reinstate the court order that released and acquitted him of charges of corruption and abuse of power in the Jana Wibawa project.

                    3. Danum Sinar should be charged in court for violating the Sarawak Labor Ordinance 1959. The Sarawak Labor Ordinance states that workers paid less than rm2500 must be given a service contract. However, Gereng Jadum stated that Danum Sinar did not give them a service contract, but was instead creating a fake service contract.


    Gereng Jadum, Resident of Penan Murum

    Penan Workers Fight Back: Compensation Delays and Employment Fraud in Murum

    Gereng is also a spokesperson for the local Murum workers who were laid off by the Danum Sinar plantation company. The situation went viral on social media a few weeks ago when 126 local workers, all from the Penan Murum community, were suddenly fired by the Danum Sinar oil palm plantation in Murum. In response, the workers set up a blockade. Despite the intervention of the police, the labor department, and Penan lawyers, the blockade was dismantled with the promise from Danum Sinar to pay compensation to the laid-off workers.

    However, according to Gereng, the payment has been delayed because Danum Sinar is falsifying employment documents. He claims that the lawyer appointed by the Penan workers informed them that the employment entry forms for the 126 Penan workers had been altered. The documents were redesigned to show a shorter employment period and were modified and signed by Danum Sinar itself, not by the workers. Gereng believes this was done to reduce the amount of compensation the workers are entitled to. "In reality, we have been working here for more than seven years," said Gereng Jadum. "We are giving the management of Danum Sinar three more chances. After that, if compensation is not paid, we will re-establish the blockade."

    Regarding the recommendation from Sarawak Premier Johari Openg to establish a special committee involving the plantation, construction, and manufacturing sectors to expedite the issuance of work permits for foreign workers, Gereng expressed his concerns. He stated that the labor law clearly requires companies to prioritize hiring local workers first. Only if no local workers are interested can foreign workers be employed, and they must have valid work permits. In the case of Danum Sinar, the foreign workers do not have work permits. "This issue is not isolated to Murum," Gereng said. "I have been told by others that employing foreign workers without permits is happening all over Sarawak. By employing undocumented foreign workers, employers neglect the welfare of the workers, and their salaries are uncertain. Often, wages are paid too low, and the workers are completely exploited."


    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park
    *Sabah Activist's Solo Run Stalled by Authorities, But Campaign Presses On*
    Jeffrey Baudi was forced to cancel his 150KM solo run because he could not obtain a permit from the police and the authorities. It was likely difficult to get approval due to vested interests in SFI (Sabah Forest Industries). However, the permit application will be resubmitted soon, as the run is scheduled to take place on September 13, 2024. Despite this setback, the social media campaign will continue.

    Even though the permit may be challenging to secure, widespread support, including from opposition members in Sabah, has been encouraging for the solo run. Media outlets, including RTM, have also shown support and inquired why the run was canceled. This issue is putting pressure on government politicians and individuals with vested interests in SFI, as they are turning a blind eye to the people’s problems, which are more about humanitarian issues. Sabah government representatives have completely ignored the people's problems and have never met with the SFI residents. However, we are very grateful to the opposition leaders for their continuous support.

    The solo run is struggling to obtain a permit because it is perceived as being driven by opposition parties, but in reality, this is not a political agenda. It is a humanitarian agenda, a fight for their lives. There are still 647 families holding out in SFI housing, and they will not leave because they cannot afford to buy houses or have no land to build homes.

    NGOs in Sabah have also done little to fight for the SFI issue, with only a few individuals stepping forward to help personally. Those who wish to contribute to the Tube Well Fund can contact Jeffrey Baudi directly at 01136633628.


    Jimi Arifin of Pos Pasik, Gua Musang Kelantan

    River Pollution and Cultural Loss: Pos Pasik's Struggle Against Environmental Threats

    Jimi Arifin of Pos Pasik is deeply concerned about the current situation in Pos Pasik, which involves river pollution, logging, and the construction of a dam. Logging activities are occurring in their water catchment area, even though this area is outside the designated logging zone. During the rainy season, the water becomes milky and is no longer suitable for bathing or drinking. The community is worried that the water may be contaminated with toxins released by the logging company.

    Regarding compensation, the issue is not about money; the community seeks a court order to permanently gazette their native territory for the sake of future generations. Concerning the dam, the state government has approved the construction of the Nengiri Dam. However, the community is worried that many historical sites along the river, including Gua Cha in Pos Tohoi, will be submerged. This is why Jimi and his fellow villagers strongly oppose the construction of the Nengiri Dam.

    They are also concerned about losing their traditional medicines and natural resources, as well as the potential loss of traditional knowledge on healing practices that could affect future generations.

Guest User
12 August 2024

On Today Show
— Roland Engan, Chairman of the Sarawak People's Justice Party (PKR) – PKR Sarawak Prepares for Election Showdown with GPS, Emphasizes Local Autonomy
— Gebriel Atong, Land Rights Activist from Punan Bah – Indigenous Communities Demand Transparency and Inclusion in Sarawak's Development Plans
— Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan – Ongoing Neglect of Indigenous Issues During Nenggiri By-Election


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Roland Engan, Pengerusi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sarawak – PKR Sarawak Bersiap Sedia untuk Pertarungan Pilihan Raya dengan GPS, Tekankan Autonomi Tempatan 
— Gebriel Atong, Aktivis Hak Tanah dari Punan Bah – Komuniti Pribumi Tuntut Ketelusan dan Penyertaan dalam Rancangan Pembangunan Sarawak 
— Nasir Nash, Aktivis dari Gua Musang, Kelantan – Pengabaian Berterusan Terhadap Isu Pribumi Semasa Pilihan Raya Kecil Nenggiri

  • Special Randau
                    1. We will still compete in the Sarawak election - said Sarawak state PKR chairman - Roland Engan. In fact, we are more confident that we will record a better performance this time. By supporting with more advanced data analysis technology, the involvement of young people in the party as well as the prime minister's party pkr narrative. Roland is confident that this time the GPS seat will decline.

                    2. The second Malaysian cabinet reshuffle - due to the unsatisfactory performance of some ministers. PMX is quick to deny that that won't happen. But in politics, what is denied, is what will be done. We wait and see.

    Roland Engan, Chairman of the Sarawak People's Justice Party (PKR)

    PKR Sarawak Prepares for Election Showdown with GPS, Emphasizes Local Autonomy

    The Sarawak Justice Party finished holding its annual convention on Sunday 11 August 2024. Meanwhile on 4 August in Sabah. The Sabah People's Justice Party held a state convention as well. But in Sabah PKR President Anwar Ibrahim attended with a speech full of energy and enthusiasm - while in Sarawak the President and deputy both did not attend the convention. Is this a signal that PKR has handed over all the dun seats to GPS? Roland quickly replied that PKR will still contest in Sarawak. The absence of the president and deputy is our party's strategy - said Roland. We want to give a signal to the people of Sarawak that we can make a decision to fight GPS without instructions from the president or the party leadership at the federal level. We PKR Sarawak have our own autonomy and power. So because of that, in my basic speech, I have emphasized that PKR will still compete in the general election that will be held in Sarawak and we are confident that we will perform better. With the increase of PKR members in Sarawak so suddenly and this is a sign of PKR - the prime minister's party being supported by the people of Sarawak - especially the young generation. According to Roland, this convention is a training ground for party activists to use digital data to win elections. It was driven by Sarawak's own young people and in the next few months the voting pattern will be more visible - Said Roland. I will declare at the right time- that ph/pkr is the main party that will compete with GPS in Sarawak. In this convention, PKR launched the latest line of election machinery at the state level.

    Gebriel Atong, Land Rights Activist from Punan Bah

    Indigenous Communities Demand Transparency and Inclusion in Sarawak's Development Plans

    Activist Gebril Atong shared his views on the statement made by the Premier of Sarawak during the Indigenous Peoples' Day celebration in Kuching. Gebril Atong welcomed the Premier's statement, which emphasized that through discussions, the best possible resolution could be reached, serving as guidelines for planning development programs and welfare for the indigenous people. Gebril urged Abg Jo to fulfill his promises made in his speech, delivered by Deputy Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah. He emphasized that after 61 years of Sarawak's independence, the indigenous communities have contributed significantly to the ruling party's votes, and it is long overdue for the Sarawak government to deliver on the commitments made during the recent Indigenous Peoples' Day celebration. He stressed the need to involve indigenous-based NGOs and activists in the process, not just community leaders, as the government must be more transparent in carrying out its duties.

    The purpose of Indigenous Peoples' Day, as established by the UN, is to raise awareness among indigenous people about their rights and to help others understand the situation of indigenous communities. The current situation of the indigenous people is deeply saddening. As activists, we see the unwavering support that indigenous people have given to the government, but in return, they are treated like foreign settlers, like squatters, as their ancestral land rights are not recognized by the government. Their land has been seized and handed over to plantation or logging companies. Indigenous people are not treated as partners in development, despite the wealth being generated from their lands, while they bear the burdens of development that does not favor them. What is happening is that the government is simply taking away the rights of the indigenous people, despite the fact that they have occupied the forested areas for hundreds of years, and this is not being taken seriously by the government.

    Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan

    Ongoing Neglect of Indigenous Issues During Nenggiri By-Election

    As everyone knows, the peak of the Nenggiri by-election brings to light ongoing issues. Nasir said that logging activities in Pos Pasik are not new to Gua Musang; these concerns were raised a long time ago. However, during elections, political parties tend to highlight such issues. There’s no doubt that indigenous communities are facing significant problems, particularly with land issues, large-scale forest plantations, logging, mining, and other activities that lead to environmental destruction.

    Nasir emphasized that indigenous concerns are not limited to a single state but span across all states in Peninsular Malaysia, regardless of which political party is in power. He urged the respective state governments to commit to addressing these matters. Nasir pointed out that it’s common to hear statements from the Menteri Besar claiming that such incidents were overlooked or that they had no knowledge of them. He said it’s essential to know if the Menteri Besar has taken any action to investigate. Nasir consistently urges the government to consult with the communities whenever there is any development in Orang Asli areas. Unfortunately, he noted, there has been little political will to address issues related to indigenous communities.

Guest User
9 August 2024

On Today Show
— Tr.  Keliang ak Suat, Head of Merakai Village, Gedong, Serian – Merakai Village Faces Corporate Aggression: Residents Demand Compensation for NCR Land
— Maria Nexion from Ba Data Bila, Upper Baram – Ba Data Bila Villagers Stand Against Logging, Demand Action from Sarawak Premier
— Mr. Lau, a member of the SUPP Youth Wing from Jakar, Sarikei – SUPP Youth Criticizes Ignored Plea Over Pan Borneo Highway Rerouting

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr. Keliang ak Suat, Ketua Kampung Merakai, Gedong, Serian – Kampung Merakai Berhadapan dengan Serangan Korporat: Penduduk Menuntut Pampasan untuk Tanah NCR
— Maria Nexion dari Ba Data Bila, Hulu Baram – Penduduk Ba Data Bila Berdiri Menentang Pembalakan, Menuntut Tindakan dari Premier Sarawak
— Encik Lau, ahli Sayap Pemuda SUPP dari Jakar, Sarikei – Pemuda SUPP Mengkritik Rayuan yang Diabaikan Berhubung Pengalihan Laluan Lebuhraya Pan Borneo

  • Special Randau

                    1. Tensions peaked at the Kampung Merakai blockade site, Gedong-Serian. A group of 60 armed thugs tried to break down the blockade that had been set up by the villagers for 2 months and 20 days. The effort failed because it was prevented by the residents who had to act aggressively. We will not retreat until compensation is paid for our land or our land is returned.

                    2. Former Malaysian finance minister Daim Zainuddin and his wife request to be tried by a separate judge. Both of them were charged in the Kuala Lumpur sessions court for failing to comply with the SPRM notice - failing to declare assets. They were charged separately but tried by the same judge Azura Alwi. Deputy public prosecutor Wan Shaharuddin said the trial was guaranteed to be fair because the judge's decision was based on facts. Today Daim and his wife requested that judge Azura Alwi not hear their case.

    Tr.  Keliang ak Suat, Head of Merakai Village, Gedong, Serian

    Merakai Village Faces Corporate Aggression: Residents Demand Compensation for NCR Land

    Merakai village residents have set up a blockade to prevent the Tridewind Melor Gemilang plantation company from harvesting palm oil. The blockade was initiated after the company, which claimed to be in a joint venture with the people of Merakai village, failed to deliver on its promise to return a portion of the revenue to the villagers who own the land.

    Tr. Keliang ak Suat said that, the blockade has been in place for 2 months and 20 days. Yesterday, the company reportedly sent 60 individuals armed with sharp weapons and clubs to dismantle the blockade under the guise of negotiation. Feeling threatened, the villagers acted aggressively to defend their blockade. No discussion took place, and the residents are demanding compensation for their NCR land, which is part of the Melor Gemilang oil palm plantation area. If compensation is not paid, they insist that the land be returned to them.

    The village head has stated that the blockade will not be lifted until their demands are met. The villagers are aware that the company may continue to apply pressure and bring more thugs in the future, so they are calling on activists in Sarawak, Malaysia, and internationally for support. Keliang ak Suat expressed gratitude to RFS for providing a platform to voice their concerns.

    Maria Nexion from Ba Data Bila, Upper Baram

    Ba Data Bila Villagers Stand Against Logging, Demand Action from Sarawak Premier

    Recently, the logging issue in Ba Data Bila remains unresolved. According to the latest updates, Borneoland Timber Resources Sdn. Bhd. has incited local supporters to put up a banner rejecting the interference of BMF and its supporters in the ongoing projects in the Ba Data Bila area. The banner declares that BMF and its supporters have no rights in the Ba Data Bila area and asserts that the local residents fully support the Sarawak Premier and the logging company in their projects.

    Maria Nexion stated that in the village of Ba Data Bila alone, a total of 42 people are actually opposed to Borneoland Timber's intrusion, while only 21 people support it. However, the minority does not comply with the majority.

    Maria Nexion and some villagers attended the International Indigenous Peoples' Day forum organized by JOAS from the 7th to the 9th in Bau. With the help of The Penan NGO-Keruan, they were brought to Kuching to advocate against this destructive operation. A letter of protest and demand has been issued to the company, demanding an immediate stop to the logging. They also plan to submit a petition to the ITTO and Sarawak Premier Abang Johari.

    Mr. Lau, a member of the SUPP Youth Wing from Jakar, Sarikei

    SUPP Youth Criticizes Ignored Plea Over Pan Borneo Highway Rerouting

    Mr. Lau, a member of the SUPP Youth Wing from Jakar, Sarikei along with other members of the SUPP Youth Wing, expressed their dissatisfaction with the rerouting of the Pan Borneo Highway from its original plan. The latest plan does not include the route passing through the Jakar market, which has long been a popular stopover point for travelers on their journey from Miri to Kuching. The Jakar market is a rapidly growing community market, attracting many visitors who stop to purchase their necessities. However, the rerouting of the Pan Borneo Highway now requires a 5-kilometer U-turn to access the market, which will likely result in economic decline for the Jakar market traders.

    When the SUPP Youth Wing raised this issue with their elected representative, their concerns were ignored, and the request to use the original Pan Borneo Highway route was dismissed. As a result, the SUPP Youth Wing had to seek assistance from DAP Senator Roderick Wong of Sarikei, who has brought the matter to the attention of the Dewan Rakyat. However, they believe it would be unfair to proceed with the Pan Borneo Highway project without considering the impact on the traders at Jakar market.

Guest User
8 August 2024

On Today Show
— Dennis Along, President of Tering Miri Community Association – From Logging to Carbon Trading: Tering-Berawan Question Government's Intentions
— Freddie Wan from Baram, Long Tebangan – Political Threats and Broken Promises: Villagers Challenge to Baram Leader
— Mustafa Along, chairman of the Indigenous People's Network of Kelantan (JKOAK) – Orang Asli Reject PN: Focus on Land Rights in Nengiri By-election

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Dennis Along, Presiden Persatuan Komuniti Tering Miri – Dari Pembalakan ke Perdagangan Karbon: Tering-Berawan Mempertikaikan Niat Kerajaan
— Freddie Wan dari Baram, Long Tebangan – Ancaman Politik dan Janji Yang Tidak Ditunaikan: Penduduk Cabar Pemimpin Baram
— Mustafa Along, Pengerusi Jaringan Kampung Orang Asli Kelantan (JKOAK) – Orang Asli Tolak PN: Fokus kepada Hak Tanah dalam Pilihan Raya Kecil Nengiri

  • Special Randau

                    1. The National Park is used as an excuse to seize people's land. Thus Dennis Along's statement criticized the action of the Sarawak state government through the SFC to propose the expansion of mulu national crops to the settlement and farming areas of the people in Mulu. This area used to be a former logging area. So what is the importance of turning a former logging area into a national park, asked Dennis Along.

                    2. Sarawak Premier - Johari Openg is not only the highest paid state chief executive in Malaysia - RM54,000 per month. But he is the chief executive of the state holding the most power in the state cabinet. Apart from being the premier of Sarawak. Johari Openg also held the positions of minister of finance and new economy, minister of urban development and natural resources and minister of energy and environmental sustainability. Does Johari Openg also receive a salary from these ministerial positions?. Contact us if you have information.

    Dennis Along, President of Tering Miri Community Association

    From Logging to Carbon Trading: Tering-Berawan Question Government's Intentions

    Today, almost all local newspapers in Sarawak reported the Tering-Berawan community's protest against the expansion of the Mulu National Park to include the Tutoh Apoh area, which is set to be named Tutoh Apoh National Park. Despite the general purpose of national parks being to protect biodiversity, ecosystems, endangered habitats, flora, and fauna, and to avoid excessive development, the Tering-Berawan community objects to this expansion. According to Dennis, this is not the intention of the Sarawak government through the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC).

    Dennis explained that all the areas proposed for the expansion of the Mulu National Park are the lands of the Tering-Berawan communities, which have been damaged and logged by logging companies. This area was previously given as a logging concession to Abu Bekir Taib through Radian Lagoon and is now proposed to be changed into a national park. Dennis believes that the SFC has hidden intentions, either to seize their native customary rights (NCR) land or to cover up the damage caused by previous logging activities. He highlighted that this area is crucial for agriculture and residential purposes. If the area is entirely converted into a national park, the community would struggle to find food and forest products. Dennis noted that the current Mulu National Park is already extensive, covering 52,000 hectares, compared to the 4,400 hectares of NCR land they are defending.

    Dennis suspects that the Sarawak government, through the SFC, intends to gazette the land as a national park and later convert it into a carbon trading zone. Yesterday, Dennis and his friends visited the SFC office to deliver a protest letter, demanding the proposed expansion be cancelled. They were informed by the Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA) that residents in Batang Ai are also protesting the expansion of Batang Ai National Park in Lubok Antu.

    Regarding the Sarawak Premier's proposal to tighten environmental and national park laws to include fines and prison terms, Dennis expressed his full support. However, he insisted that the law should not only be used against the weak. He pointed out that the logging licenses are issued by members of the GPS party, implying that the Premier should first act against his own party members.

    Freddie Wan from Baram, Long Tebangan

    Political Threats and Broken Promises: Villagers Challenge to Baram Leader

    Freddie Wan expressed his concern about the rampant corruption in the area. He believes that for the people of Baram to achieve better progress, corruption between elected representatives (YB) and village leaders must be eradicated for the sake of the people's well-being.

    He pointed out that as long as corruption persists, the welfare of the people cannot be guaranteed. For example, the bridge leading to Long Tebangan was originally promised to be made of iron according to the initial agreement, but instead, a wooden bridge was constructed. If the community leaders and elected representatives had been firm from the start, the logging companies would have adhered to their agreements. However, due to monetary bribes, the community ended up with a wooden bridge.

    Freddie also criticized the overall performance of the elected representatives in Baram, stating that they do not work seriously for the benefit of the people. Although not all elected representatives are negligent, the overall achievements for the people of Baram have been inadequate. When government projects or allocations are managed by intermediaries, be they YBs or community leaders, the allocated funds do not match the amount received by the people due to corruption, which has become a pervasive problem among leaders.

    Freddie also highlighted the issue of political threats, which have become a concerning practice. People are often threatened with the withdrawal of projects if they do not support certain leaders. He emphasized that YBs should not practice political threats, as it is the people who grant them power. He cited the phrase "No Dam, No Road" as an example of such threats. Despite receiving millions in allocations each year, if a YB were honest, the people would have enjoyed progress long ago. Recently, the Deputy Premier allocated RM15 million for repairing bridges and roads in Baram, which Freddie considers insufficient, given Baram's size comparable to the state of Pahang.

    To address these issues, Freddie outlined several steps:

    1. Eradicate Corruption: Eliminate corruption between the villages and logging camps.

    2. Stop Misappropriation of Funds: Ensure that allocations provided by YBs are not misused.

    3. Responsible Leadership: Community leaders must be responsible and not complacent just because they receive a salary.

    4. Vocal Advocacy: Leaders must courageously voice the problems faced by villagers and not become puppets for logging companies and YBs.

    Freddie believes that if community leaders in each village can follow these steps, significant progress and change will come to every village in Baram. He emphasized that leaders should prioritize the community's interests over personal gain and remember that their position comes from the villagers, not themselves. If a leader's community is only filled with livestock and not people, they would not be able to sustain a village. He urged leaders to be grounded in reality, asserting that the actions they take will have consequences in this world and the hereafter.

    Freddie also mentioned a past agreement with the Interhill logging camp, where an iron bridge was promised. However, due to corruption between the logging company and the village, this promise was never fulfilled, and the bridge remains wooden. He urged for the elimination of such corrupt practices to ensure promises are kept. He called for leaders to speak up and pressure the logging companies, rather than negotiating behind the scenes. He stressed the importance of fighting for justice with courage.

    Mustafa Along, chairman of the Indigenous People's Network of Kelantan (JKOAK) 
    *Orang Asli Reject PN: Focus on Land Rights in Nengiri By-election*
    In the upcoming Nengiri By-election, the Orang Asli voting trend, based on previous elections and by-elections in Kelantan, has traditionally favored Barisan Nasional. However, the recent statement suggesting that the Orang Asli are now favoring PN is not entirely accurate, according to Mustafa. He argues that, given several incidents and ongoing issues over the past five years, the Kelantan PAS government has failed, particularly in securing Orang Asli land rights. For the Nengiri By-election, we are observing our comrades in interior villages such as Pos Bok, Pos Simpoh, Pos Basik, and Jias, who are supporting the land rights struggles. Therefore, the Orang Asli will not favor PN. The Kelantan government has not demonstrated any significant effort to ensure the rights of the Orang Asli thus far. Hence, there is no significant voting trend in favor of PN.

Guest User
7 August 2024

On Today Show
— Mutang Tuo, Head of Long Iman Penan Village, Mulu – Shin Yang Intimidates Penan Villagers Over Carbon Trading Opposition
— Diog Dios, the head of the PKR Puncak Borneo branch – Diog Dios Criticizes Government's Approach to Teacher Training and Employment
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park – Fundraising Run Seeks to End Water Woes for SFI Workers

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Mutang Tuo, Ketua Kampung Penan Long Iman, Mulu – Shin Yang Mengugut Penduduk Penan Berhubung Penentangan Perdagangan Karbon
— Diog Dios, Ketua Cabang PKR Puncak Borneo – Diog Dios Mengkritik Pendekatan Kerajaan Terhadap Latihan dan Pengambilan Guru
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Residen Taman Perumahan SFI – Larian Amal Bertujuan Mengakhiri Masalah Air bagi Pekerja SFI

  • Special Randau
                    1. Shin Yang threatened and intimidated us who signed the form protesting the carbon trading project. Shin Yang's agents often come to our village Long Iman and scare the villagers that anyone who has signed a form objecting to the carbon project will be prosecuted in court - said Mutang Tuo.

                    2. The salary of the Sarawak premier is the highest in Malaysia. A detailed comparison released by newslab malaysiakini shows that the Sarawak Premier's salary and allowances are 27 times higher than the median salary in Sarawak. The highest state chief executive salary is Sarawak followed by Sabah, Terengganu, Pahang, Perak and Selangor. And the lowest salary is the chief minister of areca nut island. The salary of 6 chief executives is higher than the salary of prime minister Anwar Ibrahim. For the record since becoming prime minister. Anwar refused to accept the prime minister's salary. Does Johari Openg deserve to receive such a large salary?  Let us know what you think at RFS.


    Mutang Tuo, Head of Long Iman Penan Village, Mulu.

    Shin Yang Intimidates Penan Villagers Over Carbon Trading Opposition

    Mutang Tuo, the head of Long Iman village, shared with RFS that the residents of Long Iman (more than 60 households) are striving to repair their houses, which were severely damaged by heavy floods. According to Mutang, major floods now occur two or three times a year, which he attributes to logging and farming activities in the Mulu area. The main logging companies operating in the Tutoh river area are Shin Yang and Samling. When floods hit, piles of logs get washed away, demolishing their houses. Mutang also mentioned that there used to be a plywood processing factory upstream, which has now closed.

    Mutang highlighted three primary concerns troubling the community:

    1. The carbon trading project

    2. The construction of the Tutoh Dam

    3. The expansion of Taman Negara Mulu up to Long Besanan

    He explained that the proposed expansion of the Mulu National Park is very close to the Penan people's settlement, only 30 minutes by boat. The community objects to this expansion because it encroaches on their hunting grounds and areas where they gather forest products for crafts. They also oppose the construction of the cascading Tutoh Dam, as it would take away their land. Additionally, they are against the carbon trading project due to the anticipated legal restrictions on their movement.

    A few days ago, representatives from Shin Yang began investigating the villagers. Those who signed a form opposing the carbon trading project are allegedly being threatened with court action. Shin Yang representatives visit the village almost every week to intimidate those who oppose the project. Mutang emphasized that Shin Yang and Samling should compensate the community every time a flood occurs, as these floods are a direct result of the logging activities.


    Diog Dios, the head of the PKR Puncak Borneo branch
    *Diog Dios Criticizes Government's Approach to Teacher Training and Employment*

    Diog Dios, a former teacher with over 30 years of service, has observed that the Ministry of Education has been unable to resolve the issue of teacher shortages in Sarawak.

    Yesterday, the Minister of Education, Innovation, and Talent Development (MEITD), Datuk Seri Roland Sagah Wee Inn, stated that 1,000 teaching positions have been offered by the Ministry of Education Malaysia and the Education Services Commission (SPP) to address the teacher shortage issue across all 30 District Education Offices throughout Sarawak.

    For over 60 years, the unchanged government of Sarawak has been unable to solve the issue of teacher shortages. The recent offer to graduates to fill these vacancies highlights the weakness of the education system in Sarawak.

    There are still too many degree holders who cannot find jobs with their degrees. Why? Is it that the fields they studied and paid thousands of ringgit for at university do not provide employment opportunities? Is becoming a teacher the last resort for graduates?

    According to the statement given by the Ministry of Education regarding these special teacher positions, the contract is for 2 years, but it is suggested that they continue as permanent teachers at the Teacher Training Institutes, financed by the applicants themselves.

    Diog is very disappointed with this arrangement. Is it logical to pay for this without government assistance?

    Diog hopes the government will review this matter.


    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park

    Fundraising Run Seeks to End Water Woes for SFI Workers

    Jeffrey Baudi will begin a solo run to raise funds for a tube well project to provide water for SFI residents who have been without a water supply for one year and two months since the SFI paper mill ceased operations.

    SFI workers have been waiting for compensation for a year now and have not yet received any response from SFI. The situation has become increasingly desperate as they struggle to sustain their lives.

    Therefore, Jeffrey Baudi has decided to take the initiative to embark on a solo run to raise funds for the tube well project, which will meet the water needs of SFI residents. Despite his poor health, Jeffrey Baudi is determined to carry out his mission.

    Public response has been very positive, but there has been no response from the SFI residents themselves, as many have reported health issues.

Guest User
6 August 2024

On Today Show
— Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan, Mulu – Dennis Demands Accountability for Environmental Destruction Tied to GPS Leaders
— Paul Nungang from Long Kaliman, Baram – Pressure Mounts on Logging Firms to Contribute to Baram’s Infrastructure Repair
— Meor Razak, SAM research & field officer – NGOs Push Back Against State Government’s Logging Policies Affecting Ulu Muda Dam

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Dennis Along, Penduduk Long Terawan, Mulu – Dennis Menuntut Pertanggungjawaban untuk Kerosakan Alam Sekitar yang Dikaitkan dengan Pemimpin GPS
— Paul Nungang dari Long Kaliman, Baram – Tekanan Meningkat kepada Syarikat Penebangan untuk Menyumbang kepada Pembaikan Infrastruktur Baram
— Meor Razak, Pegawai Penyelidikan & Lapangan SAM – NGO Menentang Dasar Penebangan Negeri yang Mempengaruhi Empangan Ulu Muda

  • Special Randau            
    1. Fire and imprison Huang Tiong Sii, for committing environmental crimes. Dennis Along said. Huang has relinquished his positions in MM Golden and UU Green. But he is still the largest shareholder. He has deceived the prime minister and the people of Malaysia - Said Dennis Along. Dennis also wants strict environmental laws to be imposed on GPS cronies - such as the families and children of former Sarawak chief ministers who own almost all the land in Taman Negara Mulu. The law should not be two degrees.

    2. Allocation of 15 million to repair roads and bridges that collapsed due to natural disasters - not enough, said Paul Nungang. He commented on the media statement by Sarawak deputy premier Douglas Ungah who said that studies and tests proved that the amount allocated was not enough for the scope of the repair works. However, we think that logging companies and oil palm plantations that operate in landslide areas should be held responsible for covering the cost of repairs. Those who pollute the environment, profit hundreds of millions. But when it comes to improving the road that they themselves use to transport logs and palm oil - use money from taxpayers.


    Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan, Mulu

    Dennis Demands Accountability for Environmental Destruction Tied to GPS Leaders

    At the World Herpetology Conference held at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) on Monday, Sarawak Premier Johari Openg announced that Sarawak is considering implementing harsher punishments for environmental criminals, including fines and imprisonment. According to Johari, Sarawak's Attorney General is conducting a study to improve the national park law and the environmental ordinance, which have significant weaknesses. The Attorney General will make recommendations, which will then be brought to the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) for approval.

    Dennis, a Sarawakian environmental activist, expressed his support for Johari's proposal. However, he pointed out that the primary culprits behind the environmental destruction in Sarawak, from Kuching to the interior regions, are allegedly the cronies of the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS). Dennis mentioned Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change, Huang Tiong Sii, whose logging company is involved in deforestation activities in the land areas of Baram and Belaga residents. Despite some residents blocking these activities, the companies, MM Golden and UU Green, which are wholly owned by Huang and his family, have continued logging operations forcefully and secretly.

    Dennis hopes that stricter law enforcement will result in fines and imprisonment for Huang and his family. He also mentioned that Huang might have to resign from his deputy minister position due to a conflict of interest, as per the conditions set by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

    Dennis highlighted another example of environmental exploitation in Mulu, where the family of former Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud owns significant land within Mulu National Park. Raziah Mahmud, Taib Mahmud's sister, runs hotel and tourism businesses in the area, while Taib Mahmud's son, Abu Bekir, through Titanium and Radian Lagoon, owns 4,400 hectares of land in Mulu. Recently, the Sarawak government, through the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC), plans to gazette 4,300 hectares of the NCR Long Terawan land to create the Tutoh-Apoh National Park.

    Dennis announced his intention to lodge an objection at the SFC office in Miri, armed with all the evidence he mentioned. He urged Premier Johari Openg to take decisive action against the family of former Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, rather than targeting ordinary citizens.


    Paul Nungang from Long Kaliman, Baram

    Pressure Mounts on Logging Firms to Contribute to Baram’s Infrastructure Repair

    Paul Nungang has highlighted significant concerns regarding the RM15 million allocated for repairing roads and bridges in Baram’s interior. According to Nungang, this amount is grossly insufficient for addressing the extensive repairs needed due to the poor condition of the roads and the scale of the required work. He emphasizes that the repair and maintenance of these infrastructure elements should be the government’s responsibility, as effective infrastructure is critical for community development and well-being.

    Nungang also points to the role of logging companies, which have made substantial profits from their operations in Baram. Despite their financial gains, these companies have not been held accountable for the damage inflicted on the infrastructure. Nungang criticizes the government for its failure to address this issue publicly and for not involving logging companies in contributing to repairs and maintenance.

    The performance of local representatives in Baram is another area of concern. Nungang notes that the region is served by three state assemblymen who are perceived as drawing salaries without effectively working for the welfare of the local population. This lack of tangible development and improvement highlights a serious gap between the promises made and the actual progress achieved.

    After 61 years of independence, Baram remains significantly underdeveloped compared to other regions. Nungang underscores that this longstanding issue reflects inadequate investment and attention to the region’s infrastructure needs. The poor condition of roads and bridges impacts residents' access to essential services and markets, hampering their economic activities and overall quality of life.

    Nungang calls for greater accountability and transparency from both the government and private sector. He stresses the need for effective use of resources and equitable distribution of development efforts to ensure fair and sustainable progress. Addressing Baram’s infrastructure challenges requires a comprehensive approach that includes immediate repairs and long-term planning to prevent future issues and support meaningful development in the region.


    Meor Razak, SAM research & field officer
    *NGOs Push Back Against State Government’s Logging Policies Affecting Ulu Muda Dam*

    Recent statements by the Kedah Menteri deny that the decrease in water levels at the Ulu Muda Dam is due to logging activities in the surrounding areas.

    NGOs have been actively defending the 160,000 hectares of Ulu Muda, which includes eight forest complexes: Chebar Besar, Pedu, Padang Terap, Chebar Kecil, Ahning, and the largest, Ulu Muda Forest Reserve. These forest complexes play a crucial role in the social and economic well-being of Kedah, serving as a vital water source for agriculture, particularly rice cultivation. Kedah, known as the "rice bowl" of Malaysia, relies on a consistent water supply, which also supports rice fields in Seberang Prai and Perlis. Protecting these forests is essential to prevent water shortages that could impact 60,000 farmers and their livelihoods.

    The state government has prioritized logging as an economic resource but has not provided a list of logging licenses approved by previous administrations. NGOs are concerned about the significant impact of large-scale logging on agriculture and are advocating for the protection of these vital forest areas.

Guest User
5 August 2024

On Today Show
— Gereng Jadum, Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum – Broken Promises and Layoffs: The Penan's Battle for Fair Treatment
— Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung, environmental activist – Controversial Carbon Deal in Sabah: NGOs Take Legal Action
— Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan – Baram Residents Face Risky Journeys After Log Bridge Collapse

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Gereng Jadum, Penduduk Penan Metalun, Murum – Janji Yang Dilanggar dan Pembuangan Kerja: Pertarungan Penan untuk Layanan Adil
— Barnie Lasimbang, Pengasas Tonibung, aktivis alam sekitar – Perjanjian Karbon Kontroversi di Sabah: NGO Ambil Tindakan Undang-Undang
— Anyi Lah dari Long Tebangan – Penduduk Baram Menghadapi Perjalanan Berisiko Selepas Jambatan Balak Roboh

  • Special Randau
                    1. 126 Penan Murum workers working with the Danum Sinar plantation company were dismissed without notice. Companies replace them by employing Indonesian foreign workers without valid work permits. That's according to Gereng Jadum - the spokesman for the Murum Penan tribe who set up the blockade on July 28, 2024. A period of 3 weeks was requested from Danum Sinar to resolve the problem regarding the Penan people who were laid off.

                    2. Sarawak will send a delegation to Australia to study the conservation and management of crocodiles in that country - said Sarawak Premier Johari Openg. "it seems that the Sarawak river is full of crocodiles, so I decided that a team should be sent to Australia to do research to control the crocodile population". He said this while inaugurating the 10th World Herpetology Conference at BCCK-Kuching. There must be a right way to control the crocodile population, not by building cascading dams as claimed by Premier Johari Openg all this time.

    Gereng Jadum, Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum

    Broken Promises and Layoffs: The Penan's Battle for Fair Treatment

    Since the Penan were moved to the Tegulang and Metalun settlements in 2013 to make way for the construction of the Murum Dam, they have expected a better life than in their original place. However, after four years in the new Murum settlement, the monthly subsistence allowance of RM850 per family was stopped. The government had initially promised to continue providing subsistence assistance until the Penan people became independent and had their own income. Unfortunately, on May 28, 2024, 126 Penan Murum employees were laid off by the Danum Sinar company, where they worked as manual laborers in the company's oil palm plantations.

    On July 28, 2024, these 126 Penan set up a blockade, dissatisfied with being fired without notice. On July 31, 2024, Danum Sinar requested a period of three weeks to resolve the problem after the labor department and the police became involved. Now, the 126 laid-off workers are hoping for success in negotiations led by their lawyers. The Penan people are demanding compensation for being laid off and are also demanding that the Kelayan and Lakin Estates be given to them so they can manage the two farms themselves. In total, Danum Sinar owns six oil palm estates in Murum.

    When asked why their demand is rational, Gereng explained that the palm oil estates were opened on their land, so they have the right to them. They have already established their own company to manage the farm. Although Gereng is still working with Danum Sinar, he feels compelled to speak up on behalf of his dismissed colleagues. "I'm not afraid of being fired. I still speak up for my friends who were fired without notice," he said. Gereng also revealed that the Indonesian workers employed to replace the dismissed Penan do not have valid work permits.

    Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung, environmental activist
    *Controversial Carbon Deal in Sabah: NGOs Take Legal Action*

    The NCA agreement signed by the Sabah government with an unknown Singapore-based company, Hock Standard, has sparked significant controversy and legal action. Upon conducting research, Barnie Lasimbang discovered that Hock Standard has no experience in handling conservation or carbon marketing. The NCA agreement granted exclusive rights to Hock Standard to manage and carry out carbon marketing on 2,000,000 hectares of protected Sabah forests for a hundred years. This revelation was particularly shocking because the agreement was hidden from public knowledge until it was published by an international portal during COP25 in Glasgow.

    Due to the lack of transparency and numerous arising questions, Barnie and several NGOs in Sabah filed an Originating Summons in 2022 to identify and produce documents related to the NCA. In December 2022, Barnie and his team were granted a court order, and in January 2023, they received copies of the original documents for review. They found that the agreement was highly one-sided and included a shocking term stating that the agreement was irrevocable and above the law. Consequently, Barnie and his team lodged a complaint with the United Nations, citing several violations of UN standards.

    Later, the Sabah Attorney General stated that the NCA could not be implemented. However, in August 2023, Sabah Chief Minister Dato Sri Hajiji announced that Sabah would proceed with the NCA agreement with some amendments to certain clauses. This announcement came as a shock to Barnie and his team. Another press release by Jeffrey Kitingan revealed that 600,000 hectares had been allocated for the initial project under the NCA in Nuluhon Terusmadi, raising further concerns. All these approvals were made in violation of the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) of the affected communities.

    In October 2023, a Judicial Review was filed, and the court started the process with written submissions from both parties via their respective counsel. The hearing of the case finally took place on July 31, in open court, where Jubili Anilik was appointed as Watching Brief on behalf of the CSOs. The counsel for the respondents argued that the Judicial Review was invalid for not being filed within the 60-day timeframe from the date the issue was known. However, Barnie and his team believed that the NCA could not be implemented as stated by the Attorney General.

    Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan

    Baram Residents Face Risky Journeys After Log Bridge Collapse

    Anyi Lah confirmed that a log bridge has collapsed, affecting the movement of residents from four villages who rely on this road as their main route. This is the fate of the Orang Ulu when timber becomes scarce, and logging companies abandon the bridges they built. The people often urge their representative, Dennis Ngau, to request the government to build a bridge using steel. Unfortunately, the representative only says he will discuss it with the logging companies, leading to increasingly risky journeys for villagers who must cross the deteriorating log bridge.

    Despite 61 years of independence, Baram remains underdeveloped, even though Sarawak is considered a high-income state according to the World Bank. Why does Baram still have dilapidated schools and insufficient clinics? Every week, Anyi delivers food supplies to remote schools and is saddened by the poor condition of schools in Ulu Baram.

    In the 61 years of the state government, only 10-20% of development goals for Baram have been achieved, which is not commensurate with Sarawak's independence.

Guest User
2 August 2024

On Today Show
— Gereng Jadum, Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum Resettlement area – Job Cuts and Blockades: The Penan's Struggle in Murum
— Dennis Along, President of the Tering Community Association Miri – Tering Community Leader Challenges Deputy Premier on Dayak Development
— Jeffrery Ngui, chairman of MUDA Sarawak – Opposition Unity and Democratic Values: Jeffrey Criticizes GPS's Remarks

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Gereng Jadum, Penduduk Penan Metalun, Kawasan Penempatan Semula Murum – Pemotongan Pekerjaan dan Sekatan: Perjuangan Penan di Murum
— Dennis Along, Presiden Persatuan Komuniti Tering Miri – Pemimpin Komuniti Tering Mencabar Timbalan Perdana Menteri Mengenai Pembangunan Dayak
— Jeffrery Ngui, Pengerusi MUDA Sarawak – Kesatuan Pembangkang dan Nilai-Nilai Demokrasi: Jeffrey Mengkritik Kenyataan GPS

  • Special Randau

                    1. Malaysia is among the top 10 countries that generate the highest amount of plastic waste in the world. Therefore, the minister of natural resources and natural sustainability - Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad issued a circular banning single-use plastics for all official functions and meetings of the government, local authorities and government-related companies. It is in line with the government's efforts to move towards a low carbon economy and net zero GHG emissions by 2050.

                    2. The construction of the dam failed to improve the economic status of the Penan people. The Penan clan set up a blockade in front of the entrance of the oil palm plantation company Danum Sinar where 126 Penan workers were dismissed and replaced by foreign workers from Indonesia. When campaigning and persuading the Penan people to agree to the dam construction project - the gps government promised modernity and progress for the Penan people. Those are all empty promises - said Gereng Jadum, the leader of the blockade.


    Gereng Jadum, Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum Resettlement area
    *Job Cuts and Blockades: The Penan's Struggle in Murum*

    On July 27, 2024, three Penan villages in Murum, namely Long Lua, Long Menapa, and Long Tangau, initiated a blockade in front of the Danum Sinar Estate Arau farm. This action was a protest against the abrupt dismissal of 126 Penan workers by Danum Sinar without the mandated three months' notice. For the past six years, these Penan individuals had been employed as oil palm fruit pickers in the Kelayan Estate and Lakin Estate areas. Danum Sinar, a plantation company owned by billionaires from peninsular Malaysia, manages six estates in the Murum area, including Estate Arau, Estate Marung 1, Estate Marung 2, Estate Jabon, Estate Lakin, and Estate Kelayan.

    On May 28, 2024, Danum Sinar terminated the services of the 126 Penan workers, citing financial difficulties as the reason for their inability to pay salaries and manage administrative expenses. However, Gereng Jadum, a Penan leader, believes this to be a mere pretext, pointing out that the company subsequently hired foreign workers from Indonesia to replace the dismissed Penan laborers.

    In response to their dismissal, the Penan people sought the assistance of YB Senator Abun Sui, requesting him to write a letter to Danum Sinar. Additionally, they enlisted the help of a Chinese lawyer to represent them legally. On July 31, 2024, the blockade was temporarily halted to facilitate negotiations between the Danum Sinar management, the police, the Sarawak Labor Department, Penan lawyers, and Penan residents. The Penan community, led by Gereng, demanded compensation and job opportunities, along with the management of the Kelayan Estate being handed over to them. Gereng warned that failure to meet their demands would result in the reinstatement of the blockade.

    The Penan people, resettled in the Murum area to make way for the Murum dam construction, have faced ongoing challenges since their relocation. The Sarawak government has yet to provide basic facilities, job opportunities, or agricultural plots for Penan farmers. Communication issues in the remote regions of Sarawak have further complicated the situation, making it difficult for external parties, including RFS, to establish contact with Gereng and his community until recently.


    Dennis Along, President of the Tering Community Association Miri

    Tering Community Leader Challenges Deputy Premier on Dayak Development

    Dennis Along countered the statement made by Sarawak Deputy Premier Amar Douglas Uggah, who urged NGOs in Sarawak to work together with the Sarawak Government for the advancement of the Dayak community.

    Dennis Along described the Deputy Premier's statement as foolish, arguing that despite the PBB (Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu) having been in power for over 60 years, the Dayak community remains underdeveloped. He questioned the whereabouts and actions of the Dayak representatives (YBs) over the past six decades, who have failed to advance the Dayak community, even though the government has the capability to do so without the collaboration of NGOs.

    Dennis stated that if he were the Deputy Premier of Sarawak, he would not make such a foolish statement because the government should be able to help the Dayak community without the need for NGO collaboration. He questioned why the Dayak community is lagging behind while other ethnic groups, such as the Malays, are more advanced. He attributed this to the fact that Malay representatives actively support the Malay community, serving as an example for Dayak representatives, who should be able to advance the Dayak community without involving NGOs.


    Jeffrery Ngui, chairman of MUDA Sarawak

    Opposition Unity and Democratic Values: Jeffrey Criticizes GPS's Remarks

    A widely discussed hot topic recently has been the successive public statements by GPS leaders that PKR should not contest in the upcoming state election. In response, Jeffrey asked: Do we still have democracy?

    This is not the ideal pursued by opposition parties. Even MUDA would choose to voice out for the people and contest in state elections. These parties have been working at the grassroots level for decades, gaining grassroots support and hoping for change and development. If they do not contest, it would betray their decades-long persistence and ideals.

    Whether to contest or not should be decided by the respective parties themselves, not by GPS. Opposition parties, including MUDA, should often ask themselves what they want to bring to Sarawak society and whether they have fulfilled their promises to their supporters.

Guest User
1 August 2024

On Today Show
— Peter Ero, Resident of Uma Badeng Bakun Resettlement Scheme – Environmental Crisis: Log Jams in Sarawak Rivers Hinder Local Communities
— Mr. Linggang from Marudi – Youth Vote Could Shape Sarawak's Future

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Peter Ero, Penduduk Skim Penempatan Semula Uma Badeng Bakun – Krisis Alam Sekitar: Halangan Balak di Sungai Sarawak Menghambat Komuniti Tempatan
— Encik Linggang dari Marudi – Undi Belia Boleh Membentuk Masa Depan Sarawak

  • Special Randau

                    1. Bad Log  jam occurs at Bakun and Murum Dams. According to Peter Ero, Log Jam occurred in Sungai Belepeh and Sungai Linau in Bakun. While it happened in the Danum river in Murum. This happens due to logging waste and wood waste that is not properly disposed of during the dam's impoundment process. It's strange that logging companies produce pollution, the government has to spend money for cleanup. Why did the forest department, SFC or Sarawak environment ministry not take action to prosecute these environmental criminals? Is it because they are GPS cronies?

                    2. Sarawak PKR leader - Roland Engan criticized GPS for money politics and vote buying in the last 2021 state election. Roland wants every state election candidate to abide by the rm100 thousand ringgit spending limit. Try to imagine GPS candidates using a helicopter for 11 days during the campaign and spending rm10 thousand per hour on helicopter rental. Roland's response to GPS's insistence that PKR not contest in the next state election.


    Peter Ero, Resident of Uma Badeng Bakun Resettlement Scheme

    Environmental Crisis: Log Jams in Sarawak Rivers Hinder Local Communities

    A recent report by the Facebook social page "BakunParadise" highlights a severe log jam in the Danum River upstream of the Murum Dam. According to the information provided, the log jam is attributed to both logging activities and wood waste that was not properly cleaned before the dam containment process. Peter, an informant, explained that the accumulation of logging waste and inadequately cleared wood during the dam's impoundment has resulted in significant environmental issues.

    Peter further elaborated that the situation in the Danum and Murum rivers mirrors similar occurrences in the Belepeh and Linau rivers in Bakun. The extensive dumping of hundreds of thousands of tons of wood has created substantial difficulties for the local communities, particularly fishermen who struggle to catch fish. Navigating through the log-covered areas can take at least two hours, severely hampering their movement and daily activities.

    In Bakun, there was previously a company appointed to clean the log jams, receiving a monthly payment of RM2 million. However, the current handling of the situation remains unclear, according to Peter Ero. He expressed concerns over the inefficiency of the log jam cleaning contract, stating that the work is often incomplete despite payments being made.

    For the log jam in the Danum River upstream of the Murum Dam, a Penan friend who wished to remain anonymous revealed that Shin Yang Timber Company operates upstream, along with two oil palm plantation companies, Adam Estate and Semalong Estate. Mr. X, the anonymous source, suggested that these companies are also contributing to the log jam.

    Murum residents have raised complaints about the log jam to the local assemblyman for several years, yet no cleanup efforts have been undertaken. There is growing frustration and suspicion among the community regarding the lack of action by the Forest Department and the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) against the logging and oil palm plantation companies responsible for the severe environmental pollution. There is speculation that Shin Yang's wealth and connections with the GPS minister may be a factor in the inaction. The community hopes that logging will be halted and the log jam cleared to facilitate their movements upriver for hunting and fishing.


    Mr. Linggang from Marudi

    Youth Vote Could Shape Sarawak's Future

    Linggang described Abdul Karim Hamzah's statement urging PKR not to contest in the upcoming Sarawak state election as nonsensical. Even though PH leads the Federal government and is allied with GPS, Mr. Linggang believes that GPS fears the impact of Federal and PKR winning several seats in the State Legislative Assembly. GPS fears that PH's attention during the administration of Sarawak would highlight the lack of comprehensive progress by the State government. Without any PKR representatives, it is certain that there will be no watchdogs for the Federal government.

    However, according to Mr. Linggang, it cannot be denied that it is difficult for Sarawak to change governments because many still fear the GPS's political intimidation. What Mr. Linggang hopes for is that votes from the young people who are now eligible to vote will have an impact on Sarawak's politics. But will the young people dare to change for Sarawak's future? Enough of 61 years of being ruled by a party that has long failed to advance the people and the state.

    What is there to be proud of in GPS's achievements when even the roads in the interior are not built for the people's needs? The unity of the Dayak community is also weak because there are still too many associations that only operate independently for their own interests.

Guest User
31 July 2024

On Today SHow
— Iswardy Morni- Sarawak PKR Strategy Director – Iswardy Confirms PKR’s Participation in 2026 Sarawak Election: A Game Changer?
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – NCR Landowners Beware: Detecting Encroachment with Legal and Community Support
— Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0 – Election Watchdog Bersih Opposes Social Media Licensing, Cites Freedom of Speech Concerns

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Iswardy Morni- Pengarah Strategi PKR Sarawak – Iswardy Mengesahkan Penyertaan PKR dalam Pilihan Raya Sarawak 2026: Satu Perubahan Besar?
— Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – Pemilik Tanah NCR Berhati-hati: Mengesan Pencerobohan dengan Sokongan Undang-Undang dan Komuniti
— Faizal Aziz, Pengerusi BERSIH 2.0 – Badan Pemantau Pilihan Raya Bersih Menentang Pelesenan Media Sosial, Menyatakan Kebimbangan Kebebasan Bersuara

  • Special Randau

                    1. Update- the case of the eviction of the villagers of the agricultural heritage of the Batin SIMILAJAU river. According to the village chief Panting ak Baling - At the moment they are unable to enter their garden area to collect the produce because the entrance has been fenced off by SFC. But in the near future they will still open the fence. They are still waiting for all the villagers to be able to attend and they are still waiting for the confirmation of the NGO who will also attend to open the fence.

                    2. GPS warned that pKR should not contest in the upcoming Sarawak election. The matter was voiced by the vice president of the UN Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah. Karim's reason is because the results of the contest will affect the unity government. However, Iswardy Morni said PKR will still compete and this time PKR's chances will be brighter compared to the previous Sarawak PRN. Iswardy reminded Karim that GPS has no right to ban PKR from contesting because there is no cooperation between the two parties at the state level.

                    3. Najib Razak's representation for the charge of money laundering of SRC international company funds amounting to RM27 million has still not received a response from the attorney general even though it has been almost a year. In fact, the trial was postponed to April 2025. On 3 February 2019, Najib was charged with three counts of money laundering. He is accused of receiving income from illegal activities amounting to rm27 million - through 3 bank accounts.


    Iswardy Morni- Sarawak PKR Strategy Director.

    Iswardy Confirms PKR’s Participation in 2026 Sarawak Election: A Game Changer?

    The hottest political issue discussed in Sarawak for the past week is whether PKR will contest in the 2026 Sarawak state election. PBB vice president Karim Rahman Hamzah said it is not appropriate for PKR/PH to contest. In order to maintain the security of the prime minister until the end of the term. Karim also said that it is not appropriate for PKR to contest because in the past it lost all the seats and this time it may also lose. Iswardy insisted that, whatever the situation - PKR / PH will still compete. According to Iswardy- the scenario at the moment is different from the past in Sarawak. At that time Anwar Ibrahim was not the prime minister and Ph was not the ruling party. Now Anwar is the prime minister and Ph is the main party of the unity government. Will pkr compete affect the unity government in the federation. Iswardy said- won't affect. Because the unity government is only in the federation and will only be re-formed by any party that agrees to join after the election. While in Sarawak there is no formation of a unity government and GPS itself refuses to cooperate in forming a unity government at the state level. So we have no ties and GPS has no right to prohibit us from contesting in the next state election. I'm not saying PKR/PH Sarawak will definitely win. But our chances in the next Sarawak prn will be brighter. Iswardy revealed that PKR Sarawak will hold a congress at the state level in August to streamline the election machinery to face the state election in 2026. We will make sure that we have enough time to prepare to face the Sarawak state election.


    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak
    *NCR Landowners Beware: Detecting Encroachment with Legal and Community Support*
    Abun Sui explains how to recognize if NCR (Native Customary Rights) land is being encroached upon by crony companies.

    According to Abun Sui, cases of NCR land encroachment typically occur when a company exceeds boundary limits. As a result, when a company exceeds these limits, the NCR landowners often do not realize the encroachment is happening until machinery enters the land.

    The best way to know the status of NCR land is by using the services of a lawyer who is dedicated to NCR issues.

    Additionally, it is better if community mapping can be conducted to establish the status of NCR land as proof of ownership.


    Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0

    Election Watchdog Bersih Opposes Social Media Licensing, Cites Freedom of Speech Concerns

    Election watchdog Bersih has joined calls for the government to halt plans to implement licensing for social media platforms, describing the move as hasty and prone to abuse.

    Bersih noted that the government has previously used draconian laws, such as Section 8A of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1987 and Sections 211 and 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, to investigate and silence critics.

    Faizal said that, Bersih asserts that the new law will open the door to power abuse and disproportionate actions by the authorities, potentially denying justice to social media service providers, internet messaging service providers, and ultimately stifling freedom of speech.

    Bersih supports the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) and Article 19's suggestion for the government to halt the decision and establish a social media council to gather stakeholder input. This includes forming an independent committee to address cyberbullying and other abuses on social media and to evaluate a more inclusive regulatory framework.

    He said that, Bersih emphasizes that any new legislation should be based on principles of transparency, fairness, accountability, inclusivity, and respect for human rights.

    Last Saturday, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) announced that all social media services and internet messaging services with at least eight million registered users in Malaysia must apply for a Class License for Applications Service Provision. The new measure, set to be introduced on August 1 and enforced from January 1 next year, aims to tackle cybercrimes, including online fraud, cyberbullying, and sexual crimes against children.

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