10 September 2024

On Today Show
— John Brian, Sarawak Political Analyst. Once served as SHO Officer during the development of MLNG Bintulu – Sarawak's Push for Green Energy Faces Scrutiny After Fatal Industrial Accidents
— Jimmy, Social activist from Sarikei – Public Slams Government for Importing Sarawak Flag, Questions Misuse of Public Funds
— S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM – PSM Questions Arrests, Calls for Protection of Free Speech


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— John Brian, Penganalisis Politik Sarawak. Pernah berkhidmat sebagai Pegawai SHO semasa pembangunan MLNG Bintulu – Tekanan terhadap Sarawak dalam usaha Tenaga Hijau selepas Insiden Industri Maut 
— Jimmy, Aktivis sosial dari Sarikei – Orang Ramai Kecam Kerajaan kerana Mengimport Bendera Sarawak, Mempertikaikan Penyalahgunaan Dana Awam 
— S Arutchelvan, Timbalan Pengerusi PSM – PSM Mempertikaikan Penangkapan, Menuntut Perlindungan Kebebasan Bersuara 


  • Special Randau
                    1. A large explosion occurred in the Press Metal aluminum smelter early this morning. We the people of Sarawak are waiting for an official media statement from the authorities, especially Sarawak industry minister Awang Tengah Ali Hasan - Said Jihn Brian.

                    2. Trial at the Kuala Lumpur High Court - USD 1.83b claim by 1mdb against Arul Kanda and former treasury secretary Mohd Irwan Serigar Andullah. The UK-based financial fraud investigator admitted that he and PAC Malaysia came to different conclusions regarding the turmoil that hit 1mdb. Richard Templeman put the blame on Arul Kanda as being responsible for the turmoil that hit 1mdb but the PAC put the blame on Arul's predecessor, Shahrol Azral.


    John Brian, Sarawak Political Analyst. Once served as SHO Officer during the development of MLNG Bintulu

    Sarawak's Push for Green Energy Faces Scrutiny After Fatal Industrial Accidents

    John Brian commented on industrial accidents at the Samalaju Industrial Park that are becoming more frequent and costing lives. Two incidents that happened only 3 weeks apart, the first was the explosion at the OCIM sdn.bhd chemical factory which killed 2 lives and injured 8 people on 14 August 2024 and this morning there were several large explosions in the Press Metal aluminum smelting factory in Samalaju. My initial reaction is that the authorities must issue an immediate media statement to allay the public's fears. Samalaju Assemblyman Majang Renggie, Sarawak Industry Minister- Awang Tengah, Niosh chairman and DOSH chairman. So far no one has given an explanation. Both a thorough investigation should be done. I think, in Sarawak's enthusiasm to lead the green energy industry and energy transition. They lack carefulness and weak leadership in the field of job security. The work system is not organized, ministers do not understand their responsibilities and security is not tightened. In the GAS industry, smelting, chemical and so on. Will use a lot of electricity. Therefore the safety aspect is very important. The question is why Korea and Japan are willing to buy green Hydrogen from Sarawak by 2027?. Because the hydrogen production process is very risky. They are willing to buy expensive as long as they don't sacrifice the safety of their people. Due to the negligence of plant operators in the country involved, they face prison terms. This means, if Sarawak is serious about developing the hydrogen industry. The safety aspect is paramount. The explosion at the metal press factory in Samalaju happened 24 hours after the Premier of Sarawak spoke at the PetroleumAsia Pacific 2024 conference in Singapore. In his speech Abang Jo said- Sarawak wants to strengthen its position as a global leader in the green hydrogen market including ASEAN and ASIA PACIFIC


    Jimmy, Social activist from Sarikei

    Public Slams Government for Importing Sarawak Flag, Questions Misuse of Public Funds

    Sarawak has commissioned a manufacturer in China to produce a new giant Sarawak flag (25 meters by 12 meters) to replace the one damaged by strong winds on the 99-meter-high flagpole in Kuching. According to Deputy Minister Dr. Abdul Rahman Junaidi, the previous flag was torn apart, and its cable snapped during a storm. Rahman explained that until a local manufacturer capable of producing a durable flag is found, they will continue sourcing it from China. He declined to disclose the cost of producing the new flag.

    RFS listener and supporter Jimmy from Sarikei expressed his frustration and lack of surprise over the decision to import the Sarawak flag from China to ensure its durability.

    According to Jimmy, it makes no sense that in Malaysia, or even Sarawak, there are no skilled tailors capable of producing the Sarawak flag, which is to be hoisted on a 99-meter-high flagpole that cost RM30 million. He argued that this indicates the GPS government is deliberately mismanaging public funds under the pretense that foreign-made flags are more durable. Jimmy questioned whether this is merely an excuse for Sarawak politicians to misuse public money under the guise of requiring higher-quality flags.

    Jimmy also criticized the logic of replacing the flag every month, calling it nonsensical and pointing out that each new flag likely incurs high costs. He remarked that this wasteful spending is the consequence of a public that continues to support a government that spends lavishly and irresponsibly, using funds that should be directed toward poverty alleviation instead.


    S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM

    PSM Questions Arrests, Calls for Protection of Free Speech

    PSM expressed shock upon learning that two leaders from the United for the Rights of Malaysians party, Gunasekaran Kuppan and Sunthrraju Kuppusamy, were arrested last week for raising questions about the Selangor government's allocation for the Indian community under the iSeed and Sitham schemes on TikTok. According to PSM's Arul, the remarks made by the two leaders contained no seditious or offensive content that would justify such an action.

    What made the situation more unusual was that a police report had been lodged against the two leaders, leading to their detention. Despite this, when the police sought a three-day remand, the court rejected the application, raising further questions about the justification for their arrest.

    PSM emphasized that the government has a responsibility to respond to public inquiries, especially when they involve concerns over community welfare and public funds. In this case, the arrest of individuals for merely asking questions undermines the basic right to freedom of expression.

    The party has urged the police or an independent commission to investigate the circumstances surrounding this arrest. PSM also reaffirmed the importance of upholding the public's right to free speech, calling on the authorities to ensure that such incidents do not become a tool for silencing dissent or legitimate concerns.


Guest User
9 September 2024

On Today Show

— Licki Ngau, Residents of Long Bemang, Baram – Costly and Unfair: The Struggles of Fertilizer Distribution
— Stem Liau, an activist from Bakun – ATM Access Crisis in Sungai Asap: A Longstanding Issue Ignored by Authorities
— Veron, from Sarawak, who has been working in Johor – Sarawak's Call for Return: Actionable Plan or Empty Promise?

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Licki Ngau, Penduduk Long Bemang, Baram – Kos Yang Tinggi dan Tidak Adil: Cabaran Dalam Pengagihan Baja
— Stem Liau, seorang aktivis dari Bakun – Krisis Akses ATM di Sungai Asap: Isu Lama yang Diabaikan oleh Pihak Berkuasa
— Veron, dari Sarawak, yang telah bekerja di Johor – Seruan Sarawak untuk Pulang: Pelan Tindakan atau Janji Kosong?

  • Special Randau
                    1. Upland rice fertilizer assistance from the federal government. But when you get to Long Bemang Ulu Baram. The majority of recipients are staunch supporters of GPS, PH/PKR supporters only get a few. More dissatisfied when there are individuals who do not work in agriculture and live in the city are also on the list of recipients.- Said Licki Ngau, who asked for fairer distribution and asked for palm oil fertilizer to be supplied in the future.

                    2. There is no need for an investigation because no offense was committed, said Seputih member of parliament YB Teresa Kok. Teresa was asked to appear at the Bukit Aman police headquarters tomorrow for objecting to the proposal to require halal certification for restaurants that do not serve pork and alcohol. Teresa wondered why her statement regarding the halal certificate issue was considered to touch the 3Rs - religion, race and king. Reportedly 5 police reports were made against Teresa. The police are expected to investigate Teresa under sections 298 and 505 of the penal code and section 233 of the MCMC Act.

                    3. There is no need to obtain a halal certificate for all restaurants that do not serve pork and alcohol - said the prime minister's political secretary - Azman Abidin. Halal certificate and halal food are two different prisons - said Azman. For example, 100% of Malay restaurants in this country serve halal food, but more than 90% do not have halal certificates. Azman said applying for a halal certificate is a difficult process.


    Licki Ngau, Residents of Long Bemang, Baram.

    Costly and Unfair: The Struggles of Fertilizer Distribution

    The residents of Long Bemang recently received rice fertilizer assistance from the federal government for the year 2024. This assistance has been provided almost every year. However, the fertilizer distribution for this year has become increasingly irregular. There are 160 recipients in Long Bemang, and each recipient is supposed to receive 11 sacks of fertilizer. However, they are required to pay RM3 for each sack, totaling RM33 for the 11 sacks provided. For the villagers, this is considered expensive, as there was no need to pay anything in the past.

    In addition, the villagers have expressed that they need fertilizer for their oil palm plants, but the government provided hill paddy fertilizer instead. At present, the villagers no longer plant hill paddy, so they are requesting that the government provide oil palm fertilizer rather than hill paddy fertilizer.

    Moreover, the fertilizer distribution process has been deemed unfair. Some families who do not live in the village or engage in agricultural activities are also receiving the fertilizer assistance. Most of the recipients appear to be supporters of GPS, despite the fertilizer aid coming from the federal government. Therefore, the villagers are calling for an investigation into this matter, especially why they are being charged RM3 per sack, allegedly for transportation costs, but without any receipt being issued. They also want the distribution process to be fairer, regardless of political ideology, and are requesting that officials from the federal Ministry of Agriculture investigate and monitor the situation.


    Stem Liau, an activist from Bakun

    ATM Access Crisis in Sungai Asap: A Longstanding Issue Ignored by Authorities

    There is a video showing the people of Sungai Asap queuing to receive STR cash aid from a mobile ATM. Stem Liau, an activist from Bakun, stated that the lack of an ATM in Sungai Asap has been an ongoing issue. Despite acknowledgment from various YBs and political secretaries, the issue remains unresolved. The state government has cited the absence of a fixed telephone line as the reason. This problem affects not only local communities but also clinics and schools, which are unable to withdraw money due to the lack of an ATM. The community questions why the Sarawak government can't resolve this longstanding problem.


    Veron, from Sarawak, who has been working in Johor

    Sarawak's Call for Return: Actionable Plan or Empty Promise?

    Veron working in Johor for the past 8 years, welcomes the Sarawak Premier's proposal to create more job opportunities in Sarawak, encouraging Sarawakians working in Johor, especially in Peninsular Malaysia, to return and contribute to their home state.

    However, Veron questions whether the Sarawak government can promise that wages in Sarawak will be the same as in the Peninsula. If it's just an empty political promise, then there is no need to call Sarawakians back.

    In Johor, a salary for a coffee shop assistant can reach RM2,500 per month. Can Sarawak offer such a high wage? Yes, it is undeniable that the cost of living in Johor is high, but with a decent salary, the rising cost of living in the Peninsula does not become an issue.

    Without comparable wages or real job creation, he argues, it is impractical for Sarawakians to return, as current promises feel more like political rhetoric than actionable solutions.


Guest User
6 September 2024

On Today Show
— Tonny Ung, Bintulu DAP Chairman – The Impact of Split Votes: Why GPS Triumphed in Samalaju

— Joseph Jinggut from Kapit – Crowdfunding Abroad for Village Repairs: What is the Role of GPS?
— Thomas Fann, Chairman of Engage – Ensuring Impartiality: Reforming the Speaker Selection Process in Parliament

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tonny Ung, Pengerusi DAP Bintulu – Kesan Undi Berpecah: Mengapa GPS Menang di Samalaju
— Joseph Jinggut dari Kapit – Mengumpul Dana di Luar Negara untuk Pembaikan Kampung: Apakah Peranan GPS?
— Thomas Fann, Pengerusi Engage – Memastikan Kecenderungan Tidak Terhadap: Mereformasi Proses Pemilihan Speaker di Parlimen

  • Special Randau
                    1. The MACC has not decided whether it will summon the 2 former prime ministers of Malaysia, namely Najib Razak and Mahyuddin Yassin, regarding the 1BestariNet false claims investigation. According to MACC chief commissioner Azam Baki, the case is being investigated and he has not yet decided to summon the two. BestariNet Project 1 was awarded to YTL Comm SDN.BHD in 2011 by the Ministry of Education to equip 10,000 schools throughout Malaysia with broadband services with a RM4.47 billion contract. At that time Muhyiddin was the education minister while Najib was the prime minister.

                    2. The formula to beat GPS is one to one. A split vote will win GPS. Said former DAP candidate in DUN Samalaju - Tony Ong.


    Tonny Ung, Bintulu DAP Chairman

    The Impact of Split Votes: Why GPS Triumphed in Samalaju

    Tonny shared his experience of competing in the 12th Sarawak state election in 2021 and losing badly in a 5-cornered contest in Samalaju state assembly. Acknowledging that Samalaju is a Dayak Iban majority area. But preliminary surveys show the attitude of Iban voters who can and will vote for anyone regardless of race. However, the DAP candidate for this area was initially DAP CEC John Anthony Brian. But because John Brian wants to compete in his own village in Kemena state assembly. So I was given the task of competing in Dun Samalaju. I prepared for a year. But because the area is very wide. I think even if given 5 years is not enough time. I only had time to campaign for one round, before the voting. The strongest factor wins the GPS by a large majority of errors - the 5 corner competition. According to Tony, the Iban people are smart in politics. They know- if 1 against 1. I have a chance to win. Many iban longhouses are not satisfied with GPS. But when there are 5 candidates volunteering. Then they can predict the vote will split and GPS will win. So they will decide to vote for GPS so that it is easy to get the project. But according to Tony, DAP will make a decision soon to determine the candidate who will represent DAP in the next state election. The formula according to Tony is one to one against GPS. Chances of winning are bright. Because the people of Sarawak know that GPS is not a reliable party.


    Joseph Jinggut from Kapit
    *Crowdfunding Abroad for Village Repairs: What is the Role of GPS?*

    A photo exhibition, spearheaded by the Sarawak Trade and Tourism Office Singapore (Statos), successfully raised funds for upgrading facilities at Rumah Sambon in Nanga Kesit, Lubok Antu. Despite the longhouse already having modern amenities like treated water and electricity, there is still a need for further improvements, according to a statement. The funds raised will be used to purchase and install 27 wall fans for the longhouse’s ruai (communal area).

    Joseph Jinggut expressed strong support for any organization willing to contribute funds towards upgrading longhouses. He noted that it has become clear that even Dayak representatives themselves are unable to assist their people effectively through government funding from Sarawak. As a result, the Dayak community has often been denied their rights in various matters.

    As understanding, the fund raising is for essential materials such as zinc, pipes, and other supplies should be provided for longhouse renovations.

    He further emphasized that, regardless of whether a longhouse supports the opposition, the government should work harder to gain the trust of the people and help upgrade any longhouses in need.


    Thomas Fann, Chairman of Engage

    Ensuring Impartiality: Reforming the Speaker Selection Process in Parliament
    Thomas opined that the Speaker of Parliament must be impartial, especially when making decisions, such as in the case of the six Bersatu MPs who crossed over to the Madani government without vacating their respective seats. Many people, including those from Project SAMA, felt this was a wrong decision, which tarnished the Speaker's image in Parliament.

    In light of this, Project SAMA held discussions on how to ensure that future Speakers remain impartial. Thomas emphasized the importance of having an impartial Speaker because MPs represent the people, and the Speaker must provide equal space for all MPs—whether they are from the government or the opposition—to voice their concerns.

    If there is a perception that the Speaker is biased towards the government, it could undermine the voices of the opposition and affect parliamentary fairness. Thomas Fann hopes that those following this panel discussion will understand the complexity and significance of this issue.

    He suggested reforming the selection process for the Speaker of Parliament to ensure greater impartiality.

Guest User
5 September 2024

On Today Show
— Tr Panting ak Baling, Head of Sungai Patin Agricultural Heritage Village- Similajau Bintulu – Fight for Land Rights Amid Accusations of Encroachment
— Diog Dios, the head of the PKR Puncak Borneo branch – Uncontrolled Logging and Flooding: The Dire Consequences for Sarawak's Schools
— Dr. Edwin Bosi, a politician from Sabah – Citizenship Rights for Sabah’s Indigenous People: The Long Struggle Continues

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— TR Panting ak Baling, Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian Sungai Patin - Similajau Bintulu - Memperjuangkan Hak Tanah di Tengah Tuduhan Menceroboh
— Diog Dios, ketua cabang PKR Puncak Borneo - Pembalakan Tidak Terkawal dan Banjir: Kesannya yang Kritikal kepada Sekolah-sekolah di Sarawak
— Dr. Edwin Bosi, seorang ahli politik dari Sabah - Hak Kewarganegaraan untuk Penduduk Asli Sabah: Perjuangan Panjang yang Berterusan

  • Special Randau
                    1. Malaysia will continue to explore for oil and gas in the South China Sea despite China's objections claiming that Malaysia is violating the permitted boundaries. About the area that China claims is theirs. That is our area but we are open to talk - said prime minister Anwar Ibrahim. Beijing sent a note of protest because they consider it their territory. But we need to continue oil and gas operations for the sake of our country's economic survival, said `Anwar Ibrahim.

                    2. TR Panting was interrogated by bintulu police officers because of a report made by Bintulu SFC officers claiming that he trespassed into the national park. After testifying for more than 2 hours. I was released. Acts of intimidating us like this will not weaken our spirit to continue to demand our rights which have been confirmed by the forest department, land and survey department and former chief minister Adenan Satem's officials.


    Tr Panting ak Baling, Head of Sungai Patin Agricultural Heritage Village- Similajau Bintulu.

    Fight for Land Rights Amid Accusations of Encroachment

    Residents are preparing for the "Miring" ceremony, praying to the old traditional beliefs of the Dayak Iban tribe - so that the residents will be given strength in facing the problems they face. Residents also prayed that justice would be given to them in an effort to claim the rights to the land that had been given to them. The Miring ceremony will be conducted on the morning of Sept 7, 2024 in front of the entrance to the resident's garden/farm lot. All sympathetic and interested parties are invited to attend. Some NGOs from home and abroad will also be present. In the excitement of the residents make preparations. Superintendent of SFC - Azlan - filed a police report at Bintulu police station - accusing TR Panting ak Baling of encroaching on Similajau national park. Reports call for him to be investigated and arrested immediately. TR Panting was summoned to testify at the Bintulu police station. For more than 2 hours testifying. The police are satisfied with the information and evidence provided. He was released.  TR Panting appealed to all activists in Sarawak to attend this Saturday at the agricultural lot of Warisan Pertanian villagers of Patin Bintulu river. We want you to record a video and go viral on how unfair the GPS government is to us poor people who only need a few acres of land to survive- said TR Panting ak Baling


    Diog Dios, the head of the PKR Puncak Borneo branch
    *Uncontrolled Logging and Flooding: The Dire Consequences for Sarawak's Schools*

    The recent flood in the central region of Sarawak severely affected two schools, with water levels reaching the rooftops, rendering them unsafe. It was the worst flood ever experienced in the area. As a former teacher with over 30 years of experience in educational institutions, I can attest that whenever a disaster strikes schools, it becomes extremely difficult for students and teachers to continue their normal activities. This is due to the damage to materials, equipment, and facilities such as chairs, desks, projectors, TVs, and more. This disruption has a comprehensive impact on both students and teachers.

    The state government, led by GPS, along with the education department, should have been monitoring or at least aware that floods could happen at any time, especially since this is not the first occurrence. Complaints from the local communities must be taken seriously, and drastic action should be taken to build new schools in higher areas to avoid future flooding.

    Flooding is a human-made issue, exacerbated by uncontrolled logging activities that destroy biodiversity and the environment.


    Dr. Edwin Bosi, a politician from Sabah
    *Citizenship Rights for Sabah’s Indigenous People: The Long Struggle Continues*
    Dr. Edwin Bosi welcomes the possibility of the government establishing a special committee to address the issue of citizenship in Sabah. This citizenship issue has been a heated topic for a long time, as Sabah has been flooded with illegal immigrants (PATI), and during the administration of Tun M, the "Project IC" was witnessed, which granted citizenship to foreign nationals entering Sabah. Meanwhile, the indigenous people of Sabah did not receive citizenship, forcing them to become foreigners in their own land.

    Dr. Edwin Bosi, the former assemblyman for Kepayan (DAP) from 2013 to 2018, frequently raised the issue of citizenship in the assembly during his term in office.

Guest User
4 September 2024

On Today Show
— Dennis Along- Environmental Activist from Mulu, Sarawak – Gazetted Without Consent: Baram's Struggle Against Forest Exploitation
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park – Walking for Water: 150KM Journey to Aid SFI Families

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Dennis Along - Aktivis Alam Sekitar dari Mulu, Sarawak – Diwartakan Tanpa Persetujuan: Perjuangan Baram Menentang Eksploitasi Hutan
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Penduduk Taman Perumahan SFI – Berjalan untuk Air: Perjalanan 150KM untuk Membantu Keluarga SFI

  • Special Randau
                    1. We protest TPA, SFC and Samling are not worthy to be guardians of our forest - Said Dennis Along. We should be recognized for taking good care of the forest in Mulu, instead of being banned from entering the forest. We don't need to fill out a form to get the right and privilege to enter the forest. That is indeed our forest and land. GPS government through SFC is using various tactics to ban and drive us from our own forest and land- Dennis Along.

                    2. China warned Malaysia through a protest note sent to the Malaysian embassy in Beijing last week. Thus reports the Philippine Daily Inquirer.  China asks Malaysia to stop oil and gas activities in the Luconia Reefs area. But what is strange. The Luconia Reefs area is located 100km from the Sarawak Coast - on the other hand, 2000km from mainland China. Call us on 0135515219, the RFS wants your opinion.

    Dennis Along- Environmental Activist from Mulu, Sarawak

    Gazetted Without Consent: Baram's Struggle Against Forest Exploitation

    Today, we Baram residents - especially those living in the Tutoh and Data Julan area were surprised by the official memorandum by the Miri regional forest officer dated 28/8/2024 - informed that 2 areas will be gazetted as TPA- Totally Protected Area- namely-SURO- TUTOH Protected Forest and Julan Protected Forest Data. The forms that were distributed did not ask for our opinion. Whether we agree or not. Instead we were asked to fill in our name and residential address so that we would be given rights and privileges in the area to be gazetted. First of all - we do not agree that the area should be made a protected forest, because surely the SFC will prevent us from entering the area and secondly - why suddenly the area wants to be protected when there have been dozens of rounds of timber companies logging in the area. We are the ones who should declare the area as a no-go area for loggers or SFC. Because that is our land and forest area.  The forest department and GPS Sarawak government that have allowed logging in the affected area so far. We also don't need special privileges, because we have been free to hunt and fish in the restricted area, for self-sufficiency. Since it is our land, we prohibit logging. But the GPS government still gave logging licenses to Samling and Shin Yang. Now they want to turn the area into a landfill. We can feel that they want to completely seize the area from us to make it a Carbon Trading area in the future. This is the trick of GPS and working with logging companies. I am sad because many retired teachers are employed by logging companies to obtain information and distribute forms on behalf of the SFC. Many tribal leaders work closely with the SFC to maintain their salaries and allowances. However. We TuToh residents still object to the 4400 ha area being gazetted as Protected Forests.

    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park
    *Walking for Water: 150KM Journey to Aid SFI Families*

    Jeffrey Baudi has transformed the event into a 150KM walk while wearing traditional attire from various ethnic groups. The event will take place from 12/09 to 16/09, and at the end of the 150KM journey, Jeffrey Baudi will be welcomed by Saffie Aqdal. What makes this event unique is that students from a secondary school will join Jeffrey Baudi for a short distance walk to show solidarity with the SFI community, in an effort to raise funds for a tube well project that aims to provide water for over 400 SFI families who have been without a water supply for 13 months. The event also symbolizes a powerful act of unity and support, showcasing the commitment of diverse communities and youth to address critical issues affecting the SFI community.

Guest User
3 September 2024

On Today Show
— Nicholas Mujah, Secretary General of SADIA – Forest Clearing for Palm Oil: Hidden Logging Practices Exposed in Sarawak
— Dominique Ng, Lawyer activist and PKR Bandar Kuching branch chief – Kampung Marakai Residents Stand Firm to Protect NCR Land from Oil Palm Company
— Michael Kong Feng Nian, Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Dapsy) Kuching chief – Disappointment in Sarawak Over Fallen Flag and Alleged Misuse of Funds

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Nicholas Mujah, Setiausaha Agung SADIA – Pembalakan Tersembunyi Dalam Penjelasan Penghutan Hutan Untuk Kelapa Sawit di Sarawak
— Dominique Ng, Aktivis Peguam dan Ketua Cabang PKR Bandar Kuching – Penduduk Kampung Marakai Teguh Mempertahankan Tanah NCR daripada Syarikat Kelapa Sawit
— Michael Kong Feng Nian, Ketua Pemuda Sosialis Parti Tindakan Demokratik (Dapsy) Kuching – Kekecewaan di Sarawak Terhadap Bendera yang Jatuh dan Dakwaan Penyalahgunaan Dana

  • Special Randau            

    1. Corruption and abuse of power is the cause of environmental pollution that occurs and repeats itself in Sarawak - SADIA secretary general Nicholas Mujah said. Commenting on the logjam incident that occurred in the Balai Ringin catchment area. Environmental criminals can get away easily by bribing YB, village head, NREB or forest department. To stop this happening. The people of Sarawak should elect a political leader who formulates firm policies and integrity.

    2. Hydrogen produced through the electrolysis process using electricity from hydro dams is not entirely environmentally friendly. Because the process of hydropower generation itself produces countless amounts of greenhouse gases, polluting rivers and cutting down trees. You can read an interesting article written by Sarawak Report regarding the Sarawak government's desire to be a leader in green hydrogen production.


    Nicholas Mujah, Secretary General of SADIA

    Forest Clearing for Palm Oil: Hidden Logging Practices Exposed in Sarawak

    The Borneo Post reported a logjam in the catchment area of the water treatment plant at Balai Ringin, Sri Aman. According to the Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB), legal action has been taken against the company responsible for the pollution. The NREB stated that the incident was caused by uncontrolled forest clearing activities.

    However, Nicholas Mujah claims that the forest clearing is actually being conducted for commercial palm oil cultivation. Before planting, the entire area is cleared of all weeds and trees. Plantation companies often take the opportunity to sell the logs from the designated plantation area. Nicholas notes that some companies apply for permits to establish oil palm plantations just to gain access to areas for logging. After the trees are cut down, the areas meant for palm oil cultivation are sometimes left abandoned.

    According to Nicholas, this situation is common due to widespread corruption among elected representatives (YBs) in Sarawak. The forest department and the oil palm plantation companies bribe village heads to keep them from reporting these environmental crimes. The current fines range from RM30,000 to RM150,000, depending on the size of the contaminated area. However, these fines are negligible compared to the environmental damage caused and the substantial profits from selling logs in the designated plantation areas, which can reach tens of millions of ringgit.

    To change this situation, the people of Sarawak need to realize the importance of electing responsible representatives who are not involved in corruption. Additionally, there is a need for a government committed to protecting the environment by introducing stricter laws that include prison sentences.


    Dominique Ng, Lawyer activist and PKR Bandar Kuching branch chief

    Kampung Marakai Residents Stand Firm to Protect NCR Land from Oil Palm Company

    Dominique Ng and his team recently visited the community of Kampung Marakai, including the community leader, who are defending their Pulau Galau against an oil palm plantation company attempting to encroach on their land. It is understood that around 90 families are involved, including women and children, who have been staying at their campsite for over two months. Their action is not a blockade or roadblock but rather an occupation of their own Native Customary Rights (NCR) land.

    From Dominique Ng and his team's observation, the community remains in high spirits despite having been at the campsite for over two months. Dominique is aware that their struggle is well-known throughout Sarawak. It is understood that the community had previously won a court case against a nearby oil palm plantation company in the High Court, affirming their rights over the land in Kampung Marakai. However, the oil palm plantation company claims that the community does not have NCR rights. Dominique, who has experience handling NCR cases since 2000, stated that the company's claim is incorrect.

    Currently, the community of Kampung Marakai has not yet engaged a lawyer. During his visit, Dominique provided some advice on the next steps to be taken and suggested giving the community space to discuss their options. He also noted from social media reports that the community has faced threats, with the oil palm company allegedly sending a group of thugs. However, it is understood that the police have been fully cooperative in monitoring the situation without siding with the company.

    Several Dayak NGOs, including SADIA, are supporting the community in their efforts.


    Michael Kong Feng Nian, Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Dapsy) Kuching chief

    Disappointment in Sarawak Over Fallen Flag and Alleged Misuse of Funds

    DayakDaily reports that the giant "Ibu Pertiwi" flag of Sarawak, installed at the Kuching Waterfront, fell due to heavy rain and strong winds. The flag, celebrated as the largest state flag in Malaysia, was hoisted in honor of Sarawak Day. The incident has led to public disappointment and concerns about the quality of the materials used for the flag, especially considering its high cost.

    Michael Kong, the special assistant to YB Chong, voiced his frustration over the situation. He criticized the expenditure of tens of millions of public funds on a flag that does not reflect prudent use, given the poor quality of the materials. Kong contrasted this with the flags at Dataran Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur, which have flown for a long time without similar incidents, highlighting the apparent disparity in quality.

    Kong suggested that the funds spent on the flag could have been better used to assist the people, particularly in efforts to reduce poverty. He expressed the hope that the GPS government will provide a clear explanation regarding the flag's quality and the incident.

Guest User
2 September 2024

On Today Show
— Tr Panting ak Baling- Head of Sungai Patin Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Village – We were afraid of being arrested
— Paul Nunggang, from Ulu Baram – Call for Fair Distribution of Development Funds Across Baram’s Villages

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr Panting ak Baling - Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian Sungai Patin Similajau, Bintulu – Kami takut ditangkap 
— Paul Nunggang, dari Ulu Baram – Seruan untuk Pengagihan Dana Pembangunan yang Adil di Kampung-kampung Baram 


    Special Randau

                    1. The SFC used various tactics to thwart the blockade that the residents of the Sungai Patin agricultural heritage village of Bintulu tried to set up. This time they reattached arrest warrant notices to some parties in the past and if we continue the blockade. Then we will also be arrested. We are not afraid of the bluff and will still set up a blockade - said tr Panting ak Baling.

                    2. The Swiss court did not mention Jho Low as Najib's representative - said Najib's main lawyer Mohammad Shafee Abdullah. Shafee stated that during the trial at the Kuala Lumpur High Court today. Najib was tried on allegations of abuse of power and illegal money laundering of rm2.27 billion and 1 mdb. Najib's lawyer tried to portray that Najib had nothing to do with Jho Low.


    Tr Panting ak Baling- Head of Sungai Patin Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Village

    We were afraid of being arrested

    Tr Panting provided an update on the efforts to set up tents in preparation for the blockade and welcomed the presence of SUHAKAM and a group of NGOs, both local and international, who are expected to visit Similajau next week. In response to these developments, the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) posted an arrest warrant notice that had been issued in the past against an Indonesian citizen and a Chinese national who had trespassed into the national park.

    Upon seeing this notice, a concerned individual went to see the Bintulu police chief to inquire about the purpose of the SFC posting it. Mr. Billy, the police officer on duty, explained that the notice has nothing to do with the residents of Taman Warisan Pertanian. According to the police, the notice was likely posted to intimidate the residents.

    The individual felt relieved because the police also sympathize with the residents who were evicted from the area recently designated as part of an additional national park. The police informed them that the SFC is organizing a meeting with all involved parties, which will be attended by YB Kawasan Similajau, Majang Renggi.

    The residents welcome this meeting and plan to provide evidence that their presence in the area has been with the blessing and permission of the former Chief Minister of Sarawak, Adenan Satem. They also intend to request that SADIA attend the meeting to support them, although the date for the meeting has not yet been finalized.


    Paul Nunggang, from Ulu Baram

    Call for Fair Distribution of Development Funds Across Baram’s Villages

    Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau has announced a rural transformation project of over RM70 million that will soon be taking place in Long Bemang, Baram. The three major projects will involve the construction of a riverbank erosion barrier, a water plant, and road works starting from the Long Bemang village junction.

    Paul Nunggang has stated that while this is a positive development for Long Bemang, it will not entirely solve the long-standing issue of flooding in the area. He emphasized that as long as logging activities continue in the interior, the problem of riverbed elevation and subsequent flooding will persist.

    He also questioned why only Long Bemang is receiving this RTP development fund while other interior villages are seemingly neglected. He highlighted that in his own village, Long Liam, the roads have deteriorated and have not been repaired. Many other interior areas are also dealing with broken bridges and impassable roads, leaving villagers stranded and cut off from the outside world.

    Paul Nunggang called on Dennis Ngau and other representatives to treat all villages fairly by providing basic road infrastructure and other essential facilities. He stressed the need for equitable development across all rural areas, ensuring that no village is left behind or forgotten.

    Furthermore, he urged the government to address the root causes of the problems faced by these villages, such as deforestation and poor land management, which contribute to frequent flooding and infrastructure damage. By focusing on sustainable development and protecting natural resources, Paul believes that the government can create a more stable and prosperous future for all communities in Baram and beyond. He also called for greater transparency and accountability in how development funds are allocated and utilized, advocating for a participatory approach that involves the voices and needs of local communities in decision-making processes.

Guest User
30 August 2024

On Today Show
— Jok Jau Ivong. Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Sarawak region – From Reforestation to Profit: The Hidden Motives of Sarawak's Tree Planting Efforts
— Richard Engan from Baram – Baram's Forgotten People: The Need for True Development


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Jok Jau Ivong, Penyelaras Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Wilayah Sarawak – Dari Penghutanan Semula ke Keuntungan: Motif Tersembunyi di Sebalik Usaha Penanaman Pokok di Sarawak 
— Richard Engan dari Baram – Rakyat Terpinggir di Baram: Keperluan untuk Pembangunan Sebenar

  • Special Randau
                    1. The claim by the Sarawak government that they have succeeded in planting 35 million trees is false - said the Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Makaysia Sarawak Region. What the Sarawak government claims can be questioned. What they are doing is a monoculture tree planting scheme to be sold by logging companies. Trees are indeed planted but cut down again when they are mature. This is not what the green Malaysia campaign wants. What do we really want, we plant a tree to replace what has been cut down and the tree remains forever. It is better to plant a tree than a local tree species.

                    2. The Singapore High Court allowed 1MDB's RM1.7 billion claim against BSI to continue.

                    3. The MACC opened investigation papers against 5 employers for allegedly using false documents in the application for Employment Passes for foreign workers under the RTK2.0 program. This information is in line with what was reported by the spokesperson of Penan Metalun Murum-Gereng Jadum who claimed that the company Danum Sinar employed Indonesian foreign workers without valid work permits. We are waiting for further investigation as to whether companies from Sarawak are also involved.


    Jok Jau Ivong. Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Sarawak region

    From Reforestation to Profit: The Hidden Motives of Sarawak's Tree Planting Efforts

    The success of planting 35 million trees as claimed by the Sarawak government is a lie and a fraud. There is no clear evidence that they succeeded in planting trees as claimed. How can we prove they are lying, ie the trees that are claimed to be planted are cultivated under the forest plantation management scheme by the logging companies. The trees that are planted are monoculture and when it reaches a certain time it will be cut down for sale as well. The main motive of the Green Malaysia Campaign is to plant trees to replace those that have been cut down and the trees that are planted cannot be cut down again for commercial purposes. It is clear that what the Sarawak government is doing is a fraud and publicity to cover up the environmental crimes they are committing. Another example of their failure is related to FMU. The government claims that 26 FMUs that they work on have been certified and the same goes for 8 FPMU schemes that have also managed to get recognition and certification. But what actually happened according to Jok Jau was. Studies, surveys and certificates obtained from local residents are information that has been falsified or modified. Residents were also not given copies of the documents they had signed. If it is true that the Sarawak government wants to conserve the environment and be an example and leader in this campaign. The first step is transparency in all certification processes, replanting local wood species that cannot be cut down and logged again. Stop commercial logging and plantations and plans to build mega dams - Jok Jau Ivong says.


    Richard Engan from Baram

    Baram's Forgotten People: The Need for True Development

    Richarh Engan explained that many road and bridge projects have been canceled in Baram, including Marudi, since the 1970s. Indeed, for more than 60 years, progress in Baram has not been made for the people of Baram. There has been no master plan for the development of Baram over the past 60 years. For example, road projects have been more focused on the route from Miri to Kuching, but there are still areas along the road that have not experienced any development. The Sarawak government has a budget surplus of up to 40 billion ringgit, but allocations are not given to the Baram area, which is effectively a part of Pahang state.

    The people are not asking for continuous financial assistance from the government; what they have wanted for decades are roads, 24-hour electricity, clean water supply, health clinics, and comfortable schools for teachers and students in remote areas.

    People often point fingers at the government for not providing progress, but the real problem lies with the hands that vote for a government that consistently oppresses the people.

Guest User
29 August 2024

On Today Show
— Gereng Jadum - Spokesperson for Penan Murum – Sudden Layoffs at Danum Sinar: Penan Workers Fight for Their Rights
— Komeok Joe, CEO and Founder of Keruan – Ba Data Bila Penan Call for Government Intervention on Logging Activities
— Agnes Padan, Activist from Lawas – Children of Mixed Marriages See Improvements in IC Application Process

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Gereng Jadum - Jurucakap Penan Murum – Pemberhentian Mendadak di Danum Sinar: Pekerja Penan Berjuang untuk Hak Mereka 
— Komeok Joe, CEO dan Pengasas Keruan – Penan dari Ba Data Bila Menyeru Campur Tangan Kerajaan Terhadap Aktiviti Pembalakan 
— Agnes Padan, Aktivis dari Lawas – Anak dari Perkahwinan Campur Melihat Penambahbaikan dalam Proses Permohonan IC 

  • Special Randau
                    1. Tarek Obaid was jailed for 7 years and Patrick Mahony was jailed for 6 years by the Swiss Federal Criminal Court for their role in embezzling the funds of 1 mdb. They were accused of creating a false impression that the Saudi Arabian government supported their company, in a joint effort to convince the 1mdb board of directors to establish a joint venture with their company in 2009.

                    2. The 126 Penan workers who were dismissed by the Danum Sinar plantation company in Murum Sarawak and replaced by foreign workers without valid work permits is an injustice and a violation of the law, according to Murum Penan spokesman Gereng Jadum.

                    3. Sarawak should be ashamed of destroying the environment, instead of proudly claiming to have succeeded in planting 35 million trees. Sarawak continues to actively grant timber concessions to the main timber companies in Sarawak, in addition to PL for Palm oil plantations and plans to build 10 more hydro dams. In a speech during the launch of the Asia-Pacific regional conference on forest landscape restoration, Sarawak's deputy premier Awang Tengah claimed that Sarawak is an example and leader in forest conservation because it successfully planted 35 million trees before 2025.


    Gereng Jadum - Spokesperson for Penan Murum

    Sudden Layoffs at Danum Sinar: Penan Workers Fight for Their Rights

    Gereng provided an update regarding the case of 126 Penan Murum workers who were suddenly dismissed by the Danum Sinar Palm Oil Plantation company, citing the closure of two plantations where they worked. The two plantations in question are Kelayan Plantation and Lakin Plantation. Three days ago, the lawyer representing the Penan workers informed that the company is willing to pay compensation to the dismissed workers, calculated at 20 days per year and paid at RM57.69 per day. This means that each worker is entitled to compensation of RM1,153.80 multiplied by the number of years worked. For those who worked for 6 years, they will receive RM6,922.80, while those who worked for 4 years will receive RM4,615.20.

    The Penan workers reluctantly accepted this compensation because the amount is very small, and Danum Sinar refuses to pay 3 months' salary for the sudden termination, even though it had been agreed upon in previous discussions. The Penan community is appealing to Danum Sinar to be given contracts in the remaining plantations so they can continue their livelihood.

    The process of collecting palm fruits in the supposedly closed Lakin and Kelayan Plantations will be carried out by Indonesian workers without valid work permits and by the remaining 86 Penan workers still employed. These remaining workers are still working in Jabon Plantation and Marong 1 and 2 Plantations, which are also owned by Danum Sinar.

    "We will continue to demand the 3 months' salary for the sudden termination. We will refer this matter to the Sarawak Department of Labour," said Gereng.


    Komeok Joe, CEO and Founder of Keruan
    *Ba Data Bila Penan Call for Government Intervention on Logging Activities*

    Last Tuesday, August 27, 2024, Komeok led a group of Penan from Ba Data Bila in upper Baram to submit a petition to Deputy Premier Awang Tengah. The Premier was not in the country at the time. The group also held a small symbolic protest by displaying placards during the Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Forest Landscape for Restoration. The conference took place in Kuching on Tuesday. The team also submitted the petition to the Director of the Forest Department during the event. Yesterday, they had a meeting with Suhakam Sarawak, where the Suhakam Commissioner agreed to pay a visit to the logging site in Ba Data Bila, upper Baram.

    The petition highlights the serious logging activities occurring in Ba Data Bila and Suling Selaan, which are destroying forests that are supposed to be protected. The Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Forest Landscape for Restoration appears to be effective only on paper, while the reality on the ground is quite the opposite. Communities are being divided by their leaders, and many of the logging workers are reportedly illegal.

    Komeok urges the government to address the complaints made by the communities. Despite two police reports being lodged by the communities, no action or investigation has been conducted to date.


    Agnes Padan, Activist from Lawas

    Children of Mixed Marriages See Improvements in IC Application Process

    Agnes Padan explained the process of applying for an identification card (IC) for children from mixed marriages, which has always been difficult. However, under the MADANI government, there is now a sense of relief as many IC cases have been resolved smoothly. Previously, children born from such unions were automatically assigned the status of a foreign national, following the nationality of the foreign parent.

    But now, cases of mixed marriages can apply for an IC as long as the couple has sufficient documentation and a valid marriage certificate. Since 2023, there have been applications from two students: one in Form 6 and the other in Form 5, both of whom are still waiting for their ICs. It would be a great loss if their applications were rejected, as these local children are among the top students at their school.

Guest User
28 August 2024

On Today Show
— George Laing - Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram – Vote-Buying Politics and Poor Infrastructure: The Reality in Baram
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – Why Is Sarawak's RM40 Billion Reserve Not Being Used for Infrastructure?

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— George Laing - Penduduk Uma Akeh, Baram – Politik Beli Undi dan Infrastruktur yang Lemah: Realiti di Baram 
— Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – Mengapa Rizab RM40 Bilion Sarawak Tidak Digunakan untuk Infrastruktur? 

  • Special Randau

                    1. Diesel oil smuggling syndicate busted in Sibu Sarawak. MACC arrested an enforcement agency. A 40-year-old enforcement agency director in Kuching was detained by the MACC. The arrest of the suspect following the raid was carried out by SPRM's special operations unit through OP Liter at a diesel fuel depot in the Bidut-Sibu river. The suspect will be investigated under section 16 (b) (B) of the MACC Act 2009.

                    2. The difficulties faced by the people of the interior of Sarawak at the moment and the existence of YBYB GPS who is not responsible as a result of money politics and selling votes during the election. Gorge Laing explained that YB who have low morals and do not care about the people's problems because they are not afraid of losing the election. GPS is confident that they must win because the rural people will easily sell their votes. That's what happened in Baram- according to George. However, he urged that the culture of selling votes be abandoned so that the people can elect YB who is truly competent and responsible. George commented on YB GPS in Mulu Area who does not care about the people's problems.


    George Laing - Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram

    Vote-Buying Politics and Poor Infrastructure: The Reality in Baram

    Today, George contacted Radio Free Sarawak to report that the road conditions, including logging roads used by the residents of Baram, are becoming increasingly unsafe to use. The main bridge in Long San is deteriorating. Landslides are occurring everywhere due to the heavy rains that happen almost daily. While George was speaking with RFS, his car got stuck in deep and slippery mud. He is currently waiting for assistance. Yesterday, the Borneo Post reported that the Chairman of PKR Sarawak urged the relevant agencies to promptly repair the worsening road conditions in Baram, particularly in Leo Mato. It takes 9 hours to reach Leo Mato. Frequently, residents in emergencies from the Leo Mato clinic on their way to Miri Hospital get stranded in the middle of the road due to the muddy conditions and collapsed bridges. Leo Mato is located in the DUN (state constituency) of Mulu, represented by Datuk Gerawat Gala of GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak). George feels sad because when the people are suffering, the GPS assembly members do not help them, but when the election comes, they come asking for votes. The road to Leo Mato is also shared by several other longhouses, such as Long Selaan, Selongo, Long Tungan, and Long Semiyang. In Leo Mato, there is also a school, an agricultural station, and a clinic. Despite the many problems faced by the residents of Baram, they continue to vote for GPS. According to George, this is due to vote-buying politics. During the elections, GPS distributes millions of ringgit to secure their candidates' victory. However, George advises Baram voters to be aware that selling their votes results in them being left poor and lacking infrastructure for a long time. Uma Akeh, for example, still does not have electricity or water supply from the government. We drink water from the hills and use generators, which are very costly.


    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak

    Why Is Sarawak's RM40 Billion Reserve Not Being Used for Infrastructure?

    The Sarawak government must use the RM40 billion reserve it proudly boasts of to address the issues faced by the people, particularly the increasing floods and lack of basic public facilities, said Senator Abun Sui Anyit.

    Abun Sui frequently calls for allocations in the House to improve infrastructure and development for Sarawak, especially to resolve issues related to floods, roads, and bridges in the state. However, the main issue he often debates is the road access from rural areas, which is crucial for helping the people sell their agricultural products.

    What is surprising is the issue of roads; according to the Federal Government, the construction of state roads falls under the jurisdiction of the state government. The budget allocated by the Federal Government should be used by the state government to manage development plans for the people of Sarawak, but the Sarawak government has not been using these funds appropriately.

    The RM40 billion Sarawak reserve is not just to be kept idle. According to Abun, the RM40 billion reserve could be used to solve the infrastructure shortages in Sarawak. Roads in Sarawak should be improved, flood problems should be resolved, and damaged bridges should be repaired.

    The state of Sarawak has the capability to address these issues, yet they are not taking action.

Guest User