24 January 2024

On Today Show
— Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan Long House, Mulu – Residents Protest Sec 6 Land Measurement Amidst Allegations of Bribery and Misappropriation
— Janie Lasimbang, Kapayan Assemblywoman – Call to Action: Empowering Indigenous Women in Politics
— Solomon Ngau, activist Sape musician from Ulu Baram – Armed Enforcement and Unannounced Land Surveys: GPS Faces Backlash

Topik Pada Hari Ini:
— Dennis Along, Penduduk Rumah Panjang Long Terawan, Mulu – Penduduk Protes Pengukuran Tanah Sec 6 Sambil Dituduh Suap dan Salahguna Kuasa
— Janie Lasimbang, Ahli Dewan Kapayan – Seruan untuk Bertindak: memperkasakan penyertaan wanita dalam politik
— Solomon Ngau, Aktivis dari Ulu Baram – Penguatkuasaan Bersenjata dan Pengukuran Tanah Tanpa Pemberitahuan: GPS Dihadapi Tentangan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Demonstration in front of the Istana Negara organized by Tun Mahathir to urge the Agong/King to reconsider Anwar Ibrahim's position as Prime Minister. Mahathir was under pressure because his son and cronies were being investigated for possessing an extraordinary amount of wealth.

    2. The 49th witness today told the court that Najib did not allow 1MDB CEO to repatriate the funds raised US$2.7 billion from the Bonds back to Malaysia, the funds raised by 1MDB through the issue of Bonds in 2013. Najib did this on the orders of Jho Low, on the grounds that the money would be used as the UMNO election fund.

    3. Another PN member of parliament declared himself in support of PMX Anwar Ibrahim, making the number of PN members of parliament who support Anwar currently 6 people.

    4. According to MACC, Tun Daim should have been charged in court a week ago. However, it was delayed because Daim was being treated at a hospital in the capital. However Daim's wife Naimah Abdul Khalid insists that MACC is lying. According to Naimah, Daim is ready to be prosecuted and will not use the excuse of health to avoid prosecution in court.


    Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan Long House, Mulu

    *Residents Protest Sec 6 Land Measurement Amidst Allegations of Bribery and Misappropriation*

    Dennis Along and friends will make a report to MACC Miri at 10 am on 25 January 2024, it is about the case of abuse of power and misappropriation of money by some tribal leaders and counselors in the Mulu area.

    In 2009 PUSAKA KTS donated RM2 million in cash to the villagers of Long Terawan and Long Melinau Mulu, However, there is no financial statement of the use of the money. This RM2 million money was given by PUSAKA KTS because of the taking of NCR land from the residents.

    In 2019, the Radian Legon company opened a palm oil plantation in the NCR land area of the residents of Long Terawan and Long Melinau and announced cash assistance of RM 400k for the residents of Long Terawan, RM400K for the residents of Long Melinau and RM200k for the water pipe project for the residents of Long Terawan. Again, there is no financial statement related to the money.

    This time, the land measurement of the residents of Long Terawan and Melinau also witnessed the same method. Dennis Along believe that community leaders and councilors were also bribed until they agreed to the sec 6 measure.

    Before the dialogue and before the residents agreed to the sec 6 measure, the land and survey department along with the staff of private companies have been in their land area. They are strongly protesting and they don't want their land to be measured under sec 6.

    What can he summarize, he said, more and more power is given to GPS, the more greedy they rob the people's land. Dennis is asking people to come and support him on this Friday.


    Janie Lasimbang, Kapayan Assemblywoman

    *Call to Action: Empowering Indigenous Women in Politics*

    Janie Lasimbang attended a domestic seminar on indigenous women and highlighted two noteworthy issues. Firstly, she discussed the issue of underage girls getting married, and secondly, the limited involvement of indigenous women in politics.

    Regarding underage marriage, Janie Lasimbang pointed out that although this issue has been raised in state and national assemblies, there are challenges in amending laws within the Children's Court. While Shariah and civil laws already address related issues, modifications are needed in the Mahkamah Adat (indigenous court), as there is currently no law restricting the age of marriage. Importantly, any new legislation must gain recognition and support within the national parliament to be successfully amended.

    She emphasized that if these underage marriages are not recognized or legally registered, their children may become stateless, affecting the education and economic prospects of the next generation.

    In terms of political participation, Janie Lasimbang highlighted the limited involvement of indigenous women. She stressed the importance of training and accepting indigenous women in political activities, encouraging political parties to initiate relevant training programs. She hopes that by enhancing the political participation of indigenous women, they can become candidates and have their voices heard on higher political platforms. Additionally, Janie Lasimbang urged the organization of more political awareness events in communities to promote broader participation.


    Solomon Ngau, activist Sape musician from Ulu Baram

    *Armed Enforcement and Unannounced Land Surveys: GPS Faces Backlash*

    The land survey arranged by GPS involves fully armed law enforcement personnel on site, appearing as if facing a major threat. Is this an intimidation tactic against the villagers? Such threatening methods are becoming more common, akin to entering a mall with weapons and indiscriminately taking goods – it's nothing short of thuggish behavior.

    According to him, the current land survey bureau enters the villagers' land without prior notification, deploying teams directly into the villages, catching the villagers off guard. This approach, whether based on law enforcement regulations or humanitarian considerations, is deemed incorrect.

    He mentioned that most of the villagers now are elderly and children, and the sudden arrival of law enforcement personnel frightens them. Human rights are completely ignored in this situation. He argued that if Section 6 (sec6) is in line with public sentiment, there is no need to invade community land in this manner. In other words, GPS is well aware that sec6 is unpopular and carries a connotation of land encroachment, prompting them to conduct so-called land surveys in this absurd manner.

    Solomon urged the interior people to be more vigilant and, at the same time, requested GPS to immediately cease the intimidating actions against the villagers.


Guest User
23 January 2024

On Today Show
— Voon Lee Shan, President of the Bumi Kenyalang Party PBK – Sarawak's Call for Constitutional Reform: Ending Malayan Interference
— Faisal Aziz, Chairman of Bersih – Bersih Urges PM Anwar for Swift Anti-Corruption Reforms
— Elias Lippi, PKR Ulu Baram – No More Political Involvement in Headman Appointments: Advocating for Fair and Transparent Processes
—(call-in)Nixon from Miri – Enhancing Governance: Push for Two-Term Limit in Sarawak Premier Position


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Voon Lee Shan, Presiden Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) – Seruan Sarawak untuk Reformasi Perlembagaan: Mengakhiri Campur Tangan Tanah Melayu
— Faisal Aziz, Pengerusi Bersih – Bersih Tekankan Kepada PM Anwar untuk Reformasi Anti-Rasuah yang Cepat
— Elias Lippi, PKR Ulu Baram – Tiada Lagi Campur Tangan Politik dalam Pelantikan Ketua Kampung: Menganjurkan Proses yang Adil dan Telus
— (panggilan masuk) Nixon dari Miri – Meningkatkan Pentadbiran: Dorongan untuk Had Dua Penggal dalam Jawatan Ketua Menteri Sarawak

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The appointment of the new TYT to replace Taib Mahmud marks the end of Taib's political power - after ruling for more than 33 years. That's according to Jeniri Amir, senior fellow of the National Council of Professors.

    2. The former Prime Minister came down to demonstrate in front of the national palace, claiming that 17 Malays committed suicide because they were depressed by economic problems and lost their cause under PMX Anwar Ibrahim's administration. Mahathir urged the Agong/King to take reasonable action against the country's leadership

    3. Naimah Abdul Khalid, Dam Zainuddun's wife was charged in the Kuala Lumpur session court today on charges of failing to declare 12 properties as required by the MACC in December last year.

    4. There is no order from the prime minister to investigate specific individuals, said the communications minister- Fahmi Fadzil.


    Voon Lee Shan, President of the Bumi Kenyalang Party PBK

    *Sarawak's Call for Constitutional Reform: Ending Malayan Interference*

    Viral discussion in Sarawak when the news said that there will be an appointment of TYT to replace Taib Mahmud whose term of office will expire next February. PM Anwar said, the announcement will be made in 2 days. While Premier Johari Openg said, the appointing power of the TYT is the absolute power of the Agong/King. For Voon the statements of the two main leaders are not accurate. First, Taib's successor cannot be announced as long as he does not resign and secondly, the power to appoint TYT should not be the absolute power of the Agong/King. The appointment and proclamation of the TYT should be done in the Sarawak state assembly itself.

    According to Voon, the Sarawak constitution should be amended, to enable the appointment of TYT to be made through a name that has been proposed and voted on by a majority in the Sarawak state assembly. If only the Premier proposes (prerogative power) and is installed by the Agong, this means that Sarawak is a state under the Malayan colony. While in the concept of the formation of Malaysia, Sarawak, Sabah and Malaya are equal partners.

    According to Voon again, the time has come for Sarawak to correct and stop Malaya's interference in Sarawak's internal affairs. At the beginning of the formation of Malaysia, Stephen Kalong Ningkan is CM and Jugah is proposed as TYT. This matter was objected by Malaya and they sent a representative of UMNO as a candidate for TYT Sarawak. When many objections, so the compromise step is Kalong Ningkan remains CM but Abang Haji Openg is appointed TYT (Sarawak Malay). This is not an understanding, but this is a political intervention by Malaya at that time. The time has come for Malaya not to interfere in the appointment of Sarawak TYT.


    Faisal Aziz, Chairman of Bersih

    *Bersih Urges PM Anwar for Swift Anti-Corruption Reforms*

    Bersih has urged Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to fast-track vital reforms to combat corruption in Malaysia. The focus is on separating the roles of the Attorney-General (AG) and the Public Prosecutor (PP) for more effective handling of corruption cases. The coalition also emphasizes the need for reforms within the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the introduction of a Political Financing Act.

    Expressing deep concern, Bersih highlights the recurring issue of granting "discharge not amounting to acquittal" (DNAA) in corruption cases involving politicians. The recent case of former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, facing money-laundering charges related to SRC International Sdn Bhd funds, has brought this issue to the forefront, eroding public trust in law enforcement institutions.

    Faisal Aziz, Bersih spokesperson, emphasizes the urgency for Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to announce a clear timeline for the separation of the AG and PP offices. The coalition argues that this separation is crucial to prevent the misuse of DNAA in corruption cases and ensure a fair legal process. Recent statements by the AG, suggesting no need for explanations when withdrawing charges, have raised concerns, especially in cases of public interest and high-level politicians.

    Bersih categorically rejects the practice of DNAA for politicians facing corruption and criminal breach of trust charges. The coalition advocates for a fair legal process, urging individuals to defend themselves in court rather than seeking dismissal through DNAA.

    The call for immediate reforms in separating the AG and PP offices, along with improvements in the MACC and the Political Financing Act, underscores the need for a strong anti-corruption framework in Malaysia. Bersih emphasizes the importance of upholding public trust in law enforcement institutions and urges the government to fulfill pre-election commitments. All eyes are on Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim as Malaysians await decisive action to combat corruption and ensure transparency in the country's legal system.


    Elias Lippi, PKR Ulu Baram

    *No More Political Involvement in Headman Appointments: Advocating for Fair and Transparent Processes*

    Minister in Sarawak Premier’s Department, John Sikie Tayai, underscores the crucial role of the Tatau District Office in overseeing the appointment process of Village, Security, and Development Committee (JKKK) members in longhouses. He specifically stresses that key positions like the chairman, secretary, and treasurer should not be occupied by close family members. This measure aims to ensure transparent financial management within the JKKK or any association.

    Elias Lippi, PKR of Ulu Baram, expresses agreement with the statement, emphasizing that JKKK members should not be chosen from close family circles. However, he raises a pertinent question about the involvement of politicians, elected representatives (YB), or political parties in the appointment of community leaders. Lippi points out that in Sarawak, the selection of community leaders is often influenced by political figures seeking political advantages. This, he argues, contradicts democratic principles, emphasizing that the District Officer's office should play a decisive role in appointments free from political interference.

    Lippi's concerns highlight the need for a transparent and democratic process in the appointment of community leaders, ensuring that it aligns with principles of fairness and impartiality. The ongoing discourse reflects the broader discussion around depoliticizing such appointments to strengthen democratic practices within the region.


    (call-in)Nixon from Miri

    *Enhancing Governance: Push for Two-Term Limit in Sarawak Premier Position*

    Nixon anticipates a significant shift in the successor to Taib Mahmud as the Governor of Sarawak (TYT). He identifies three potential candidates: Jabu, Leo Moggie, and Wan Junaidi. The upcoming day holds great anticipation for the entire Sarawakian populace.

    The prolonged inaction on the implementation of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) raises hopes for a historic occurrence this time around.

    According to Nixon, the position of Sarawak's Premier should have a restricted term, ideally limited to two terms. This proposal aims to prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a single leader for an extended period, thereby mitigating potential abuses of authority.

    As Sarawak awaits the unfolding events, the prospect of change in leadership brings with it the aspirations for adherence to historical agreements and the introduction of governance practices that prioritize transparency and democratic principles. The decisions made in the coming days will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of Sarawak's political landscape.

Guest User
22 January 2024

On Today Show

— Special Randau – Public Opinion and the Appointment of Sarawak TYT: A Call for Inclusivity
— Rebeca Bana from Rumah Panjang Nura Buling, Sungai Teban Bintulu – Armed Enforcement in NCR Lands: Tensions Rise in Bintulu as Villagers Resist Land Measurement
— Jaba ak Mawa, Residents of Ruah Panjang Logan Entasan, Marudi – YB and Political Strings Pulled? Residents React to Plantation Companies reneging on Promise
— Jok Jau Ivong, Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Sarawak Zone) – Urgent Call for Action: Addressing Land Grabbing and Encroachment in Sarawak
— Wille Kajan from Mulu – Petition Power: 80% of Locals Oppose Cascading Dam Construction in Baram
— Nekodimus Singai of Gedong – Gelombang Padi 2030: Nekodimus Questions Feasibility Without Adequate Farmer Empowerment

Topik Pada Hari
— Randau Khas – Pendapat Awam dan Pelantikan TYT Sarawak
— Rebeca Bana dari Rumah Panjang Nura Buling, Sungai Teban Bintulu – Penguatkuasaan Bersenjata di Tanah NCR: Ketegangan Meningkat di Bintulu Apabila Penduduk Menentang Pengukuran Tanah
— Jaba ak Mawa, Penduduk Rumah Panjang Logan Entasan, Marudi – YB dan Politik Pengaruh? Penduduk Bertindak Balas terhadap Syarikat Perladangan yang Ingkar Janji
— Jok Jau Ivong, Koordinator Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Zon Sarawak) – Seruan Mendesak untuk Tindakan: Menangani Penceroboh Tanah dan Penyeludupan di Sarawak
— Willie Kajan dari Mulu – Kuasa Petisyen: 80% Penduduk Menentang Pembinaan Empangan di TBaram
— Nekodimus Singai dari Gedong – Gelombang Padi 2030: Nekodimus Menimbulkan Keraguan tanpa Pemberdayaan Petani yang Memadai


  • Special Randau – *Public Opinion and the Appointment of Sarawak TYT: A Call for Inclusivity*

    1. The announcement of the appointment of TYT Sarawak to replace Taib Mahmud will be made in the near future, PMX Anwar Ibrahim said. The Sarawak Premier said the appointment of TYT is the power of the Muthlak Agong/King, but everyone knows that the proposal is from the Premier of Sarawak. What is your opinion? Who is eligible to be appointed the 8th Sarawak TYT? Why is it that since 1963 there has been no appointment of TYT from among the Dayaks. It is said that there is an understanding among previous Sarawak leaders that the TYT and Premier of Sarawak should be a combination of the 2 largest races in Sarawak, That is Dayak and Malay. But now both positions have been monopolized by the Malays. What do you say? Contact us at 013-5515219.

    2. Land encroachment was reported to have occurred in Long Terawan Mulu more than a week ago. The same was reported to happen in Logan Entasan Marudi. And today it was reported to happen at Rumah Panjang Nura Buling and Rumah Panjang David in Bintulu. With increasing power. GPS and Abang Johari are increasingly greedy in seizing people's land.


    Rebeca Bana from Rumah Panjang Nura Buling, Sungai Teban Bintulu

    *Armed Enforcement in NCR Lands: Tensions Rise in Bintulu as Villagers Resist Land Measurement*

    Today an enforcement team armed with M16s entered the NCR area of Rumah Panjang Nura Buling and Rumah Panjang David in Bintulu. They introduced themselves as security enforcers accompanying the land and surveying department, to measure the land of villagers involved in the construction project of the electricity transmission line from Bakun to Samalaju Bintulu. But the residents protested and did not want their land to be measured before any written explanation and dialogue. Residents do not believe that the measure is for a project to build an electricity transmission tower. They believe that the land and survey department wants to confiscate their land to allow the Sebekai Plantation company to increase the area of oil palm plantation next to their longhouse.

    Rebeca explained that the people in the area have been working on their NCR land with oil palm cultivation for a long time and have produced satisfactory results. The question is why the government wants to take the land away from them and give it to a richer plantation company. We do not fight with violence. We just want dialogue, said Rebeca Bana.

    According to residents, this is not the first time such an incident has occurred. It has happened several times in the past. But can be stopped by longhouse residents. According to Mrs. Rebeca again. Today, along with the armed enforcement. Someone introduced himself as "Dato" from the Sarawak Premier's office - Abang Johari.


    Jaba ak Mawa, Residents of Ruah Panjang Logan Entasan, Marudi

    *YB and Political Strings Pulled? Residents React to Plantation Companies reneging on Promise*

    Logan Entasan Longhouse is one of the 30 longhouses whose NCR land was seized by the Universal Palm Oil plantation company Pelita Marudi Plantation. In 2017, the villagers of Logan Entasan were surprised by the presence of bulldozers to encroach on their NCR land. The villagers managed to hold back 5 bulldozers and forced the plantation company to negotiate with them. The result of the consultation is some residents are willing to give up their land for a payment of RM500 per hectare. For residents who oppose, the company will not enter their land.

    The area of land that is not entered/encroached is around 138.31 hectares. But lately the company has started encroaching on this area. Therefore, the residents set up restrictions and held the "Miring nabur beras Kuning" ceremony, a religious ceremony to prevent the entry of intruders into their land spiritually. Trespassers who violate the established mark, Bad luck will befall you.

    Jaba is not sure who owns Universal Pelita Marudi Plantation, But he believes it has something to do with YB and someone who have powers.

    Jok Jau Ivong, Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Sarawak Zone)

    *Urgent Call for Action: Addressing Land Grabbing and Encroachment in Sarawak*

    Jok Jau informed that Universal Pelita Marudi Plantation is one of the subsidiaries of PELITA which owns 50,000 hectares of land in Marudi. This company has many cunning tactics and ways to trick the villagers into giving up their land. Besides Logan Entasan, residents in Lubok Nibong, Stapang, Tutoh Island and Tanjung Menawa are also facing the same problem. They have reported dozens of cases of encroachment on their land to the police and other authorities, but so far no action has been taken.


    Wille Kajan from Mulu

    *Petition Power: 80% of Locals Oppose Cascading Dam Construction in Baram*

    Willie Kajan questions Datuk Gerawat Jala's statement regarding his assertion that it is too early for the Baram community to oppose the Cascading Dam issues as it is still under discussion. Mr. Willie questions why the Premier himself had previously stated that they had already obtained consent from the community in the area to allow the construction of the Cascading Dam.

    Nevertheless, the protest campaign will continue despite the government's changing statements over time. They will not allow the project to proceed because they do not want deception to occur against the people, namely, constructing a Cascading Dam but actually building a mega Dam. They cannot trust the words of the YB or the Premier.

    So far, the petitions have garnered 500 signatures from the surrounding community, with 80% expressing disagreement with the construction of the Cascading Dam.


    Nekodimus Singai of Gedong

    *Gelombang Padi 2030: Nekodimus Questions Feasibility Without Adequate Farmer Empowerment*

    On govt wish to strengthening padi farmers for modern farming to achieve Gelombang Padi by 2030 , in which Nekodimus in the opinion that is quite impossible unless the govt really want to empowering the farmers by providing technical support and other kind of support . For example in his village now no one is planting padi due to many reasons. Firstly due to climate change. Prolong draught will cause drop of padi yield and constant floods all over the year during high tide also damage padi. Another reason is only elderly people stay in the village. Now most rural communities turn to oil palm small holders as it can produce better income. That is why Gedong rice factory closed down now as no one planting padi

Guest User
19 January 2024

On Today Show
— Special Randau – Caught in a Lie: Abang Jo's Hollow Assurances on Cascading Dams
— Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst from Sarawa – Malaysian Power Players Face Accountability: Anwar Ibrahim's Bold Move
— Thomas Jalong, indigenous rights activist – Dammed Disagreements: Assessing Environmental Impact and Community Opposition
— Paul Nunggang from Long Liam – Logging Profits vs. Environmental Preservation
— Muna Getor of Bau – The Green Struggle: Small Padi Farmers in Sarawak Facing Climate Crisis


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Randau Khas – Abang Jo Bohong terhadap Jaminan mengenai Empangan
— Iswardy Morni, Analis Politik dari Sarawak - Pemain Kuasa Malaysia Menghadapi Siasatan: Langkah Berani Anwar Ibrahim
— Thomas Jalong, Aktivis Hak Asasi Orang Asli - Menilai Impak Alam Sekitar dan Penentangan Komuniti terhadap Empangan
— Paul Nunggang dari Long Liam - Keuntungan Penebangan vs. Pemeliharaan Alam Sekitar
— Muna Getor dari Bau - Perjuangan Hijau: Petani Padi Kecil di Sarawak Menghadapi Krisis Iklim

  • Special Randau - *Caught in a Lie: Abang Jo's Hollow Assurances on Cascading Dams*

    1. Sarawak Prime Minister Johari Openg's claim - cascading dams do not affect the environment, residents in 3 areas wrote letters asking for dams to be built. Meanwhile Gerawat Gala said the decision whether or not to proceed with the Sarawak government’s proposed cascading dam projects is still subject to a feasibility study which has to be carried out to assess their technical and commercial viability. This is Johari's open lie for the opening of 2024. In tonight's broadcast - we insert Sarawak Prime Minister's media statement regarding GPS's intention to build a dam.

    2. Tun Mahathir Mirzan's son is required by the MACC to declare his assets within 30 days.

    3. The investigation into the untouchables puts Anwar Ibrahim's government at risk. But it was still done by Anwar to fulfill his promise of reform.


    Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst from Sarawa

    *Malaysian Power Players Face Accountability: Anwar Ibrahim's Bold Move*

    According to Iswardy, the PMX-led government is at risk of being overthrown for investigating "untouchable persons". Currently the government led by Anwar is investigating Daim, his wife and 2 children, related to the Za Star Trust with a wealth value of RM244 million in the Cayman Islands. Tun Mahathir Mirzan's son was also investigated with the wealth collected in the BVI. Muhyiddin and his son-in-law were investigated in the JanaWibawa case and most recently former PM Ismail Sabri was also investigated in relation to funds promoting "Malaysian Family". Najib's case is still long and in trial. The former PMs 4,5,6,7,8 and 9 are being investigated.

    The risk according to Iswardy, these figures have followers and wealth. They have skillfully hidden their wealth and they are the ones who created the system that allowed them to be rich and powerful. They can spend RM750 or more to buy MPs to support them or sponsor candidates or political parties in elections. Actually this value is too small for them compared to the amount of wealth they stole.

    But in order to reform, PMX Anwar Ibrahim dared to do this even though he was aware that his actions would have a bad effect on the government. Asked if this investigation was ordered by Anwar? Directly or indirectly. Anwar detects/suspects irregularities, it is the duty of the authorities to investigate. Previously - if known by the previous Prime Minister. They are afraid to act because they love position and power. Iswardy called on Malaysians to support the PMX administration. However according to Iswardy. Not all rich people in Malaysia are under investigate. Ananda Krisnan, Syed Moktar and many others who have extraordinary wealth. Don't feel intimidated by PMX administration.


    Thomas Jalong, indigenous rights activist

    *Dammed Disagreements: Assessing Environmental Impact and Community Opposition*

    Sarawak Prime Minister Johari Openg claims that the proposed construction of three cascading dams along the Gaat River, Tutoh River, and Belaga River will have no adverse environmental impact. However, residents from these areas have written letters expressing their support for the dams to be built. In response to community objections, Gerawat Gala stated today that the decision on whether to proceed with the Sarawak government’s proposed cascading dam projects is still pending a feasibility study. This study aims to assess the technical and commercial viability of the projects.

    Thomas Jalong emphasized that any project involving villagers and land should prioritize community discussions as a primary and crucial condition. He highlighted the potential impact of projects in inland areas on the lives and livelihoods of local communities. Blindly initiating projects without proper communication may lead to community backlash, and proceeding without assessing the environmental impact could result in unforeseen issues.

    Jalong expressed his belief that the announcement by Abang Jo to construct three dams faced strong opposition from affected communities, with significant support gathered through collected signatures. This indicates that the GPS government's dam construction plans lack approval from the local population. Jalong stressed that without obtaining local consent, such plans should not proceed.

    He urged the government to prioritize communication with relevant communities and conduct ecological assessments before considering any projects.


    Paul Nunggang from Long Liam

    *Logging Profits vs. Environmental Preservation*

    Paul Nunggang provides insights on the demands of Sabah and Sarawak for the transfer of environmental autonomy from the federal government under MA63.

    He states that what is outlined in the MA63 agreement does not need further negotiation because it is the right of Sabah and Sarawak as per the MA63 agreement. Why has the MA63 issue been continuously negotiated for so long?

    Regarding Sarawak, what is the plan behind seeking environmental autonomy when Sarawak's forests have already been extensively destroyed by the government issuing logging licenses for the sake of their own profits? Paul Nunggang does not trust the Sarawak government's management of the environment because they are keen on constructing many dams, and dams are projects that will harm the environment.


    Muna Getor of Bau

    *The Green Struggle: Small Padi Farmers in Sarawak Facing Climate Crisis*

    In the pursuit of achieving the ambitious goals set by the federal government's 'Gelombang Padi' initiative by 2030, special attention must be given to the empowerment of small padi farmers with modest plots in Sarawak. The recent announcement emphasizes the importance of uplifting the agricultural sector, particularly for those cultivating rice on a smaller scale.

    Muna, a small padi farmer in Sarawak, shares the challenges she faces due to global climate change, making it increasingly difficult to achieve a bountiful harvest. Several factors contribute to her struggles, the foremost being prolonged droughts and floods that disrupt the delicate balance required for successful padi cultivation.

    The changing landscape plays a significant role in Muna's predicament. With vast forest areas now converted into oil palm plantations, the natural habitats of various animals, including birds, have been disrupted. These creatures, struggling to adapt to the altered environment, turn to padi farms for sustenance. As a result, they become a menace to the crops, causing further distress to small-scale farmers like Muna.

    The government need to look seriously into those issue and must find ways to help the padi farmers. Especially farmers who are doing padi planting along the riverside or seaside to build bund or waterblockade.

Guest User
18 January 2024

On Today Show
— Robertson John from Rumah Labang Nanga Seridan and Asan Banta from Rumah Putik, Sungai Bok Tinjar – Bumpy Roads, Silent GPS Gov and Timber Giants:  Sarawak's Interior Villagers Bear the Burden of Repairs
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – Community Engagement Urged Before Sungai Belaga Dam Construction
— Bill Jugah, Founder of Independent Coalition Of Natives (ICON) – PAS Seeking Support from Non-Muslims? Sarawak's Diverse Cultural Ideologies May Pose Challenges for PAS


Topik Pada Hari Ini

— Robertson John dari Rumah Labang Nanga Seridan dan Asan Banta dari Rumah Putik, Sungai Bok Tinjar – Jalan Berlubang, Kerajaan GPS dan Syarikat Balak Senyap: Penduduk Pedalaman Sarawak Menanggung Beban Yang Susah

— Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – Penglibatan Komuniti Digalakkan Sebelum Pembinaan Empangan Sungai Belaga

— Bill Jugah, Pengasas Independent Coalition Of Natives (ICON) – PAS Mencari Sokongan dari Bukan Muslim? Ideologi Budaya Pelbagai Sarawak Mungkin Menjadi Cabaran untuk PAS

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The residents of Tinjar Baram Area requested that a paved road be built in their Area, but the GPS government came with a proposal to build a dam. There is money to build mega dams, but no money to build safe roads for the people.

    2. Another Trust Fund - Za Trust is linked to the wife and 2 children of former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin who is currently being investigated. Its value is RM244.06 million.

    3. The MACC is investigating and taking evidence from the former Prime Minister's son who built a wealth empire in the late 1990s.

    4. The door of the Boeing plane that was torn off on the flight last Jan 5, 2024 was made in Malaysia.


    Robertson John from Rumah Labang Nanga Seridan and Asan Banta from Rumah Putik, Sungai Bok Tinjar

    *Bumpy Roads, Silent GPS Gov and Timber Giants: Sarawak's Interior Villagers Bear the Burden of Repairs*

    A video lasting almost 3 minutes went viral today. Showing a bulldozer repairing the red dirt road leading to Hulu Tinjar. According to the background voice of the video, The people of Tinjar are so disappointed with the administration of Sarawak Premier Johari Openg who uses state revenue for his own benefit and his cronies.

    According to Robertson, what the video shows is a normal situation for Tinjar residents. Many longhouses spent their own money to improve the road because the GPS government's promise to improve the log road to their village was not fulfilled.

    He said that, the road leading to his long house was impassable after being hit by floods a week ago. The background voice from the video urges the people to choose wisely in the upcoming elections.

    Asan Banta also shares the road situation in Ulu Tinjar.

    He said that the road to his house is a log road, only four-wheel drive vehicles can pass through the rickshaw and muddy road. They have repeatedly requested to be given a paved road, Until YB even came and saw the bad condition of the road that the villagers pass every day, but so far no action has been taken.

    What is more difficult for them is that their agricultural products and palm fruits cannot be marketed because of the badly damaged roads. Even more unfortunate according to Asan, the road that has been paved starting from Lapok town is also badly damaged because everyday Shin Yang log trucks pass through it.

    He suggest that the main roads to the longhouses must be paved for the convenience of the residents. Last week, Baram residents from Long Bemang had to collect a Toll of RM30 for each car passing through the Long Bemang log road. The money collected was used to hire a bulldozer to repair the road.

    RFS urged ppl who facing same problem, please contact 60 13-551 5219


    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak

    *Community Engagement Urged Before Sungai Belaga Dam Construction*

    Abun Sui urged the GPS government to engage in comprehensive consultations with affected communities before proceeding with the construction of cascading dams along Sungai Belaga. He emphasized that while the communities in the Belaga district support development, they seek active involvement and communication from the state government.

    He pointed to the history of unfulfilled promises associated with the construction of Bakun and Murum dams in the Belaga district. He questioned the necessity of cascading dams, highlighting that the existing dams already generate sufficient electricity to meet current demand.

    Abun Sui also raised concerns about the lack of information regarding the party or parties that initiated the request for the construction of cascading dams along Sungai Belaga. As of now, no local group or individual has come forward to claim responsibility for communicating with the state government on this matter.

    If the state government is genuinely committed to developing the Belaga district, it should consider elevating the district to the 13th division of Sarawak. He expressed confidence that such a move would attract more development to the region.


    Bill Jugah, Founder of Independent Coalition Of Natives (ICON)

    *PAS Seeking Support from Non-Muslims? Sarawak's Diverse Cultural Ideologies May Pose Challenges for PAS*

    PAS Unity Bureau Chairperson Dr. Halimah Ali envisions a future where non-Muslims view the Islamist party as their top choice by the year 2030. While this aspiration may signal a shift in PAS's outreach strategy, political analysts assert that substantial changes to the party's stances and policies will be essential to achieve this ambitious goal.

    Dr. Halimah, hailing from Marudi, Sarawak, stand for Kapar seat of Selangor in the last election, Sarawak activist Bill Jugah, commenting on Dr. Halimah's vision, points out the potential challenges that PAS may face in realizing this goal, particularly in states like Sarawak.

    Bill Jugah highlights the cultural and religious diversity in Sarawak and expresses skepticism about PAS's ability to become the party of choice for non-Muslims without revisiting some of its core ideologies.

    Jugah emphasizes that as long as PAS adheres to its current ideology, achieving widespread support among non-Muslim voters, especially in multi-racial and multi-religious states like Sarawak, seems improbable. The importance of acknowledging and addressing the diverse perspectives and needs of the population is crucial for any political party aspiring to broaden its appeal.

Guest User
17 January 2024

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Randau Khas – Protet Menentang Cadangan Empangan Hidro di Sarawak
— Nick Kelesau, Jurucakap untuk Organisasi Penan Keruan – Protet Penan: Seruan Untuk Membatalkan Pembaharuan Lesen Pembalakan Samling
— Nicholas Mujah dari SADIA – Peranan Utama NGO dalam Hak Tanah Orang Asli Melalui Ukur Tanah yang Telus
— Anyi Lah dari Long Tebangan – Cabaran Rangkaian Dalaman yang Tidak Stabil: Peningkatan Infrastruktur Komunikasi

On Today Show
— Special Randau – Protests Emerge Against Hydro Dam Proposal in Sarawak
— Nick Kelesau, Spokesperson for the Penan Keruan Organization – Penan Protest: Calls to Revoke Samling's Logging License Renewal
— Nicholas Mujah of SADIA – NGOs' Key Role in Indigenous Land Rights through Transparent Land Surveys
— Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan – Challenges of Unstable Interior Networks: Urging Improvement in Communication Infrastructure

  • *Special Hightlights*

    1. Residents in two different locations protested against a false statement from the Premier of Sarawak stating that the residents of Belaga, Tutoh and Gat agreed to a hydro dam being built in their area. According to the Chairman of Save Rivers- residents launched a protest because the construction of the dam will destroy the environment and affect the lives of the community. While Willie Kajan who led the protest in Mulu National Park - said- If the Tutoh dam is built. It will affect the Mulu National Park which has been declared a world heritage site by Unesco. We disagree and it should be cancelled.

    2. While Penan residents in 6 settlements wrote to the MTCC - protesting the logging license that was given back to Samling, even though it was canceled in July last year. We want the No Logging Zone to be declared first.

    3. GPS government policy to develop green energy. Is it by building more dams or giving more logging licenses. Said green energy policy?. Is this right or will it destroy the environment. Contact us, we want your opinion. 013-5515219


    Nick Kelesau, Spokesperson for the Penan Keruan Organization

    *Penan Protest: Calls to Revoke Samling's Logging License Renewal*

    MTCC's action of approving logging licenses to Samling in the Penan area of Long Gita, Long Tevega, Ba Nyakit, Long Adang, Ba Beresek and Long Daun, this is very surprising. Although such a license was canceled last July 2023. My question to MTCC, has Samling met all the conditions required by the government?. Nick asked. The Penan people in the 6 areas involved in Ulu Limbang wrote a letter to MTCC asking that the logging license to Samling be canceled because Samling did not consult or dialogue with them. FPIC is not implemented. We ask SIRIM to withdraw the license that has been granted. Until now there is no dialogue with the local population in the area. According to Nick again, what Samling did was. After learning that their license was revoked in July 2023. They approached several Penan groups in the area and built houses for them and promised jobs and help. It is possible that the statement of agreement from this small group was reported to the MTCC to allow the license to Samling to be approved. Nick urged MTCC, SIRIM and other authorities, to go down to the ground and hear for themselves what happened. Disappointed with what happened, the Penan people in the 6 areas involved requested that the logging ban zone be declared first before a license is issued to Samling.


    Nicholas Mujah of SADIA

    *NGOs' Key Role in Indigenous Land Rights through Transparent Land Surveys*

    In a recent collaboration between SDNU and DBNA, a perimeter survey seminar unfolded as a crucial initiative to address land rights issues faced by Indigenous communities. The seminar, hosted by SDNU President, welcomed various Dayak-based NGOs to participate in the comprehensive survey, shedding light on the importance of securing Native Customary Rights (NCR) in the region.

    For years, SADIA has been at the forefront of NCR surveys, utilizing GPS devices to map out territories, particularly for NCR court cases across Sarawak since 2000. The organization has consistently provided detailed maps to the government, aiding in the identification and protection of NCR lands.

    Nicholas Mujah said that, the inclusion of NGOs in the survey aims to ensure the government's adherence to ethical practices and to prevent any controversial land acquisitions under Section 6. The current perimeter survey operates in compliance with Section 6, with subsequent production through Section 6(A) of the Sarawak Land Code, focusing on areas ranging from 500 to 1000 hectares.

    However, concerns have been raised about potential violations of customary rights under the current survey system.

    In contrast, the older survey method, employing Section 5, provided a clearer definition for surveying NCR lands of Indigenous Peoples. Titles were then produced under Section 18 of the Sarawak Land Code.

    As Sarawak navigates its path towards sustainable development, collaboration between academia, NGOs, and government bodies becomes increasingly vital. The perimeter survey seminar represents a step forward in safeguarding the rights and livelihoods of Indigenous communities, fostering a harmonious balance between development and environmental preservation.


    Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan

    *Challenges of Unstable Interior Networks: Urging Improvement in Communication Infrastructure*

    CONNECTme NOW, a high-speed wireless satellite broadband service, has expanded its coverage to 2,000 locations across Sarawak, benefiting rural communities and serving around 200,000 Sarawakians, constituting about 10% of the state's population. With nearly 4,000 services nationwide, this initiative aligns with Sarawak's focus on enhancing connectivity as part of the state government's initiatives.

    Despite this positive development, challenges persist in some rural areas, as highlighted by Mr. Anyi from Long Tebangan. He expressed dissatisfaction with the existing broadband coverage in his village, emphasizing the need for reliable internet access. Anyi's concerns shed light on the ongoing difficulties faced by residents, including limited mobile phone network coverage, especially in remote areas like Baram.

    Anyi's experience underscores the importance of comprehensive connectivity, as he faces challenges in communication during his journeys. The lack of network coverage poses significant obstacles, particularly in emergencies when immediate assistance may be required.

    Mr. Anyi's concerns reflect a broader need for continued efforts and investment in improving communication systems for the benefit of residents in remote areas.

Guest User
16 January 2024

On Today Show
— Richard Engan, Resident of Long Terawan, Mulu – Dual Challenges in Long Terawan: Fighting Land Survey and Rejecting Tutoh Dam
— Madam Mag, resident from Long Bemang – Unanswered Questions: Logging Profits, Broken Promises, and Dam Concerns in Long Bemang
— Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project - Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek SAMA) –Ensuring Political Stability: Project SAMA's Call for Fixed Terms in Malaysia
— Charles Santiago, ex MP of DAP – Unity Under Threat: Chales Santiago Addresses Mahathir's Racially Charged Statements

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Richard Engan, Penduduk Long Terawan, Mulu – Cabaran Berganda di Long Terawan: Melawan Sukat Tanah dan Bantah Empangan Tutoh
— Puan Mag, penduduk dari Long Bemang – Soalan Tak Terjawab: Keuntungan Pembalakkan, Janji-janji Yang Kosong, dan Kebimbangan Terhadap Empangan Tutoh
— Ngeow Chow Ying, Penganjur Projek SAMA - Kestabilan dan Ketanggungjawaban untuk Malaysia (Projek SAMA) – Memastikan Kestabilan Politik: Seruan Projek SAMA untuk Tempoh Tetap di Malaysia
— Charles Santiago, bekas MP DAP – Bersatu di Bawah Ancaman: Charles Santiago Menanggapi Kenyataan Perkauman oleh Mahathir

  • *Special Highlight*

    1. The proposal to build a dam was protested by residents in Sg. Belaga, Gat and Tutoh. The Premier's propaganda stated that residents agreed with the proposal.

    2. UMNO youth are angry when a documentary film links Najib Razak to the murder of altantuya and Kelvin Mories. Ask NETFLIF to cancel the showing of the movie.

    3. Daim Zainuddin was sick and admitted to hospital. The MACC investigation was rescheduled.

    4. Daim files a judicial review against MACC's actions investigating him, his wife and 4 children.

    5. The investigation will not be completed and will not be completed if Daim is allowed to challenge the MACC investigation in Court. That is according to senior federal lawyer Shamsul Bolhassan. “ In each case, the court repeatedly reiterated that investigative powers cannot be challenged and if allowed would interfere with the investigative process.


    Richard Engan, Resident of Long Terawan, Mulu

    *Dual Challenges in Long Terawan: Fighting Land Survey and Rejecting Tutoh Dam*

    Richard is sad because, despite protesting and making a police report, Sec 6 land survey is still done in Long Terawan village. The Sarawak Government's reason is because there are residents who agree and are approved by the village head. Even though Kampung Long Terawan has 98 families, only 20 percent of the population lives in villages. So they are easily manipulated, they don't even know what the effect of land measurement sec 6 is. Also the dialogue notice in the village is too short and the villagers who live far away can't/have time to return to the village after the holidays during the Christmas season.

    In relation to the Sarawak Premier's claim that the residents of Sungai Tutoh (located in the Mulu area) agreed for a hydro dam to be built, this is a lie- said Richard. In a massive meeting for 2 days in the village, before Christmas last year, the question of building a dam was not discussed at all. How the Premier said the residents agree?

    He said they protested the construction of the dam after seeing the lives of the communities in Bakun, Batang Ai and Murum. After the hydro dam was built and they were moved to a new area. Their life is more difficult than in the old place. Murum for example, there is no road to their village yet, and no clinics or schools, so what is the rationale for continuing to build dams if the people and the environment become victims. The only ones who benefit are private companies, the Sarawak government and their cronies.

    We in Tutoh will protest and defend our land from being invaded by the dam – Richard said.


    Madam Mag, resident from Long Bemang

    *Unanswered Questions: Logging Profits, Broken Promises, and Dam Concerns in Long Bemang*

    Long Bemang is situated within the River Tutoh area and is one of the locations where Premier Abang Jo claims to have obtained community consent for the construction of three dams – Sungai Gaat, Sungai Belaga, and one of them being the Tutoh Dam. However, Madam Mag questions which community's consent Abang Jo has truly acquired.

    She mentioned that since childhood, she had heard from her grandfather that the government would build roads for the interior villages. However, after several decades have passed, and as she has aged, there is still no sign of the promised roads. Instead, she continues to encounter issues of land rights exploitation and the construction of dams, whether it be the Baram Dam ten years ago or the current Tutoh Dam.

    Madam Mag questions where the billions in profits from logging companies, which seized timber from the interior areas, have gone. She argues that these funds should rightfully be used to build roads for the interior communities.

    She believes that neither the current state assembly members nor the parliamentarians can effectively represent the people's interests and should be replaced. Madam Mag emphasizes the need for representatives who listen to the people's voices and actively work to solve their problems, contrasting with those who do nothing and ignore the will of the people.


    Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project - Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek SAMA)

    *Ensuring Political Stability: Project SAMA's Call for Fixed Terms in Malaysia*

    Project SAMA, standing for Stability and Accountability for Malaysia, is spearheading crucial reforms aimed at stabilizing the political landscape in the country. One of the key proposals under consideration is the implementation of a Fixed Term Parliament Act (FTPA). This straightforward initiative advocates for a government to serve a fixed term of 5 years, barring specific circumstances.

    The proposed FTPA outlines that a Prime Minister would be required to dissolve the parliament in two scenarios: firstly, if they lose a vote of no confidence in Parliament, indicating a loss of support. Alternatively, a two-thirds majority is needed to pass a resolution for an early election. Without these conditions, the Prime Minister would complete the full term, reflecting the mandate given by the people.

    The significance of this proposal lies in providing a clear definition of what constitutes a loss of confidence in Parliament. This framework aims to prevent distractions such as the Dubai Move, ensuring that the government, civil society, businesses, and all Malaysians can plan their activities for the next four years with certainty. The 15th Parliament, for instance, would automatically dissolve on 18 December 2027, and General Election 16 could be expected around February 2028.

    Fixed electoral calendars, a practice observed in various democracies, including presidential systems like Indonesia and Taiwan, as well as parliamentary democracies like Norway, Sweden, and certain Australian states, contribute to stability. It is now time for Malaysia to adopt a similar approach, affirming its commitment to stability and accountability.

    **Projek SAMA is an initiative to advocate for institutional reforms to bring about political stability and accountability at a time when our nation steers through the uncharted waters of hung parliament and coalition governments. In Malaysia, we share the common (sama) destiny.


    Charles Santiago, ex MP of DAP

    *Unity Under Threat: Chales Santiago Addresses Mahathir's Racially Charged Statements*

    Charles Santiago explains the racially charged statements made by Tun M, asserting that Indians and Chinese are disloyal to the country. Charles considers Mahathir's remarks bankrupt of substantial issues. Indians have been in Malaysia for over 100 years, arriving during British administration as rubber planters and agricultural workers, contributing significantly to Malaysia's progress, just like the Chinese.

    He said that, Mahathir’s attitude has the potential to divide the harmony in the country for a long time. Many people are now becoming aware and rejecting Tun M's statements.

    While acknowledging the recent truthful remarks by Datuk Ambiga, Mr. Charles Santiago emphasizes that PMX has brought about many changes since becoming the Prime Minister. He acknowledges that religious issues are often brought to Parliament by the opposition to destabilize the government, but he advises PMX not to lose hope in the face of dirty political games, as the people stand firm with PMX.

Guest User
15 January 2024

On Today Show

— Celine Lim, Managing Director of Save Rivers – Sarawak Premier Abang Jo Silent as Residents Against Unwanted Dam Projects In Sarawak
— Kulleh Selong, Residents of Long Bangan Belaga and Micheal Jok, Secretary General of SCRIPS – Belaga Voices: Rejecting Dam Construction Amidst Lessons from Bakun and Murum
— Nunggang from Ulu Baram – Beyond the Timber Road: Logging Companies' Neglect, GPS’s irresponsibility and Community Action
— Abdul Aziz Ismail, Selangor Anti Human Trafficking Council – The Plight of Unemployed Migrants: Seeking Equitable Solutions

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Celine Lim, Pengarah Urusan Save Rivers – Abang Jo, Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Diam Apabila Penduduk Menentang Projek Empangan yang Tidak Diingini di Sarawak
— Kulleh Selong, Penduduk Long Bangan Belaga dan Micheal Jok, Setiausaha Agung SCRIPS – Suara Belaga: Menolak Pembinaan Empangan dalam Pengajaran dari Bakun dan Murum
— Nunggang dari Ulu Baram – Lebih Daripada Jalan Balak: Pengabaian Syarikat Pembalakan, Ketidakbertanggungjawaban GPS, dan Tindakan Komuniti
— Abdul Aziz Ismail, Majlis anti penyeludupan manusia Selangor – Cabaran Pekerja Migran: Mencari Penyelesaian yang Adil

  • *Special Highlight*

    1. Sarawak Premier Abang Johari lied; residents in Tutoh, Gaat, and Belaga never gave approval for dam construction.

    2. BERSIH 2.0 Chairman, Ambiga, expresses disappointment over slow and inadequate reforms promised by PMX. Acts of sedition and communication and multimedia acts are still enforced.

    3. Attorney General Ahmad Terriruddin states that it is not the prosecution's duty to provide reasons for dropping charges. Zaid Malik, Executive Director of Lawyer for Liberty, disputes the Attorney General's statement. If the AG does not provide reasons for dropping cases, it implies a lack of accountability to the public.

    4. Chief Justice Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, however, asserts that the national judiciary unfairly criticized when prosecutors withdraw criminal charges.

    5. Former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim disagrees with the Permanent Parliament Act.


    Celine Lim, Managing Director of Save Rivers

    *Sarawak Premier Abang Jo Silent as Residents Against Unwanted Dam Projects In Sarawak*

    Today Save Rivers held a meeting with residents from Tutoh, Apoh and Mulu areas. Residents in this area will be affected if the government's plan to build a cascading dam in Tutoh is implemented. They expressed their dismay at Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Openg's statement, who claimed that the residents of the Tutoh, Gaat and Belaga river areas agreed for a mega hydro dam to be built in their area. They questioned who met and agreed to the proposal?

    As a community that lives in villages and longhouses, there has not been any discussion with them regarding the proposal to build a hydro dam in Tutoh. They sent a letter to the Premier in November 2023 asking the question and stating their objection. But until now the Premier of Sarawak has not responded to our letter.

    According to Celine Lim, residents from Mulu, Tutoh and Apoh have launched a protest petition since last September 2023 and there have been over 500 signatures of residents protesting the GPS government's plan to build a hydro dam.

    She said that the communities know the environmental damage and social impact on them if dams are built. They are protesting and want the construction of the dam in their place to be cancelled. They do not believe building dams is an effective measure to control the crocodile population.


    Kulleh Selong, Residents of Long Bangan Belaga and Micheal Jok, Secretary General of SCRIPS

    *Belaga Voices: Rejecting Dam Construction Amidst Lessons from Bakun and Murum*

    Kulleh responded to Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Openg's statement which stated that he had received approval from the community in 3 locations, namely Sungai Belaga, Tutoh and Gaat, who have agreed to have a dam built in their area.

    Kulleh was surprised by the Sarawak Premier's statement and insisted that This is the first time he heard such a suggestion. They from the village have never discussed the proposal to build a dam. They all disagree if a dam is built in their area. Kulleh said that they have seen what happened in Bakun and Murum.

    According to Michael Jok, they at Belaga have over 20 years of experience dealing with dam issues. Their question to Premier and GPS, what are the real benefits of dam construction? Residents in Bakun and Murum faced severe hardship when the dam was built in their area.


    Nunggang from Ulu Baram

    *Beyond the Timber Road: Logging Companies' Neglect, GPS’s irresponsibility and Community Action*

    Mr. Nunggang's statement also highlighted the irresponsibility of logging companies. He emphasized that after these logging companies withdraw, it is essential for the government to not only focus on road repair but also address the environmental damages caused by the irresponsible logging practices. The logging companies, in their pursuit of profit, often engage in unsustainable logging, deforestation, and environmental degradation, leaving the local communities to deal with the aftermath.

    Mr. Nunggang expressed concern about the lack of accountability on the part of these logging companies, urging the government to hold them responsible for the ecological impact on the forests. He emphasized that the government should not only revoke permits for such irresponsible companies but also enact stricter regulations to prevent further environmental harm. The toll imposed by the LG Bemang community is seen as a measure to compensate for the neglect and damage caused by these logging activities.


    Abdul Aziz Ismail, Selangor Anti Human Trafficking Council

    *The Plight of Unemployed Migrants: Seeking Equitable Solutions*

    A follow-up operation to crackdown on illegal immigrants will be carried out by the Department of Internal Security and Public Order (KDNKA) of Bukit Aman. The police, during enforcement actions, discovered that some individuals did not possess proper documentation, indicating a possible involvement in human trafficking or being deceived into the situation.

    When questioned about the treatment of these illegal immigrants, Azizi, who has long been advocating for the rights of undocumented foreign workers, expressed that the ongoing crackdown is a standard procedure in every legalization program. The intensified enforcement aims to prevent any potential misconduct by the government that brings in foreign workers without ensuring ready employment.

    Azizi highlighted a concerning trend where, in the past sixty months alone, 4773 Bangladeshi migrant workers entered the country, with 90 percent arriving without secured employment. These individuals often face unfair treatment, and the law, while comprehensive, lacks effective enforcement practices by the statutory bodies.

    Azizi emphasized the importance of a balanced approach that not only addresses illegal immigration but also ensures the fair treatment of foreign workers brought into the country. The current enforcement actions are seen as a crucial step to rectify past shortcomings and uphold the principles of a just and lawful system.

Guest User
12 January 2024

On Today Show
— Ebau Emang, Residents of Long Bemang Baram – Baram's Log Roads in Disrepair: Toll Collection Highlights Government Inaction

— George Laeng from Uma Akeh – Fairness for All: Demanding Equal Land Rights Treatment from GPS
— Agnes from Selangau – Empowering Communities: The Journey to Protecting Land Rights
— Dennis, activist from Ulu Baram – Government Faces Prolonged Issue of Illegal Workers in Sarawak


Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Ebau Emang, Penduduk Long Bemang Baram - Jalan KayuBalak Rosak: Tol Menonjolkan Kurang Tindakan daripada Kerajaan
- George Laeng dari Uma Akeh - Keadilan untuk Semua: Menuntut Rawatan Hak Tanah Sama Rata dari GPS
- Agnes dari Selangau - Memperkasakan Komuniti: Perjalanan Menjaga Hak Tanah
- Dennis, aktivis dari Ulu Baram - Kerajaan Menghadapi Isu Pekerja Haram yang Berpanjangan di Sarawak

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Residents of Kampung Long Bemang started collecting a RM30 toll to repair the logging area around Long Bemang Baram. The GPS government failed to upgrade or improve 578 KM of Balak road as promised last year.

    2. Najib's lawyer wrote a letter to the Minister of Communications to force NETFLIX to stop showing the documentary Man on the Run.

    3. The Speaker of Parliament advised the opposition to submit a motion of no confidence against Anwar, instead of making false statements. Dewan Rakyat Speaker Johari Abdul criticized the PAS information chief who said many no-confidence motions were submitted but were rejected by the Speaker. However, according to parliamentary records, the opposition has never submitted a no-confidence motion against PMX.


    Ebau Emang, Residents of Long Bemang Baram

    *Baram's Log Roads in Disrepair: Toll Collection Highlights Government Inaction*

    Today, RFS received information from a resident of Baram who refused to be named. Stating that residents around Long Bemang started collecting a RM30 toll for every car passing through the log road around the village. According to him the matter was done to collect as much money as possible to repair the damaged road (log road) around their village.

    RFS spoke to Ebau Emang who confirmed that the log road leading to Long Bemang was badly damaged. In particular the part of the Interhill logging concession that they have abandoned due to running out of logs. According to Emang again, many log roads in Baram were damaged and abandoned by logging companies that closed their operations because the area had run out of logs. Meanwhile, the GPS government did nothing.

    Last March 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said that a large allocation was given to upgrade the log roads around Baram, Limbang and Belaga, the entire route is 578 km long. And the repair and upgrade work must be completed before December 25, 2023. But according to Emang, there are only minor repair works. Making the log roads to villages and longhouses in Baram very dangerous to travel at this time.

    Please contact us to express your opinion regarding this issue


    George Laeng from Uma Akeh

    *Fairness for All: Demanding Equal Land Rights Treatment from GPS*

    Recently, the Mulu land surveying issue has garnered attention and discussions within the inland community. Many have expressed their preference for the use of Section 18 to survey land instead of the state government's requirement of Section 6, which categorizes the land as native communal title.

    George Laeng stated that the GPS government is biased towards Muslim communities, allowing them to use Section 18 to survey land and claim land rights. However, they employ Section 6 to target the inland people, aiming to seize their land rights. He strongly demands fair treatment from GPS for every ethnic group.

    Furthermore, he mentioned that GPS uses various means to take away the land rights of the inland people, including buying off village chiefs to create division within the villages. He pointed out that in a recent road construction project involving the land rights of inland people, GPS did not engage in discussions with the affected villagers but dealt directly with the village chiefs, providing compensation without clarifying how it should be distributed among the affected villagers.

    He emphasized that the compensation distribution should consider the varying crops and quantities planted by individuals on the relevant land. Arbitrary compensation from GPS could lead to severe divisions within the village.

    He believes that for any development project affecting the land rights of villagers, everyone must be convened for discussions, not just relying on the village chief alone. He urges GPS not to manipulate the situation.


    Agnes from Selangau

    *Empowering Communities: The Journey to Protecting Land Rights*

    Agnes has a successful experience to defended her ancestral land from being encroached upon by plantation companies. Until now, no one dares to disturb Agnes' property rights and also the community land rights.

    During an interview about land measurement, Agnes firmly stated that she does not allow government agencies to survey their community land because they does not want their land to be surveyed under Section 6. Agnes does not trust the practice of surveying first under Section 6 and then under Section 18.

    According to her, this is a deception against the indigenous people. She questions why the Malay community can easily obtain grants under Section 18, while the Dayak people are subjected to Section 6.


    Dennis, activist from Ulu Baram

    *Government Faces Prolonged Issue of Illegal Workers in Sarawak*

    In an incident, the Immigration Miri Team arrested 37 individuals for failure to produce valid working permits at a food center in Miri. Denis is of the opinion that this issue is a prolonged and very serious problem that has persisted since previous governments, and the particular incident is just the tip of the iceberg. It is believed that due to non-transparency, there are thousands of illegal workers in other sectors, especially in oil palm plantations. This has also led to untouchable corruption in Sarawak, causing lax entry control.

    However, there seems to be a positive change, as nowadays public servants appear to be more vigilant and efficient under the current government. The impact of these illegal workers includes tax evasion, and the issue exacerbates problems such as fewer job opportunities for local people, as big companies prefer to employ foreigners.

    Denis urges the government to be stricter with money changers, especially regarding foreigners sending money to their home countries. He suggests implementing a monitoring system to limit the amount that can be sent out, thereby addressing the economic impact of illegal workers.

Guest User
11 January 2024

On Today Show
— Dennis Along- Activist from Long Terawan, Mulu – Gerawat's Legal Threats vs. Dennis's Villager Allegations on NCR Lands
— Ramould Siew of Tahabas – High Costs, Hidden Consequences: Undocumented Workers in Sarawak
— Paul Wan from Long Lama – Forgiveness Possible, But Justice Must Prevail: People's Resistance to Najib's Pardon

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Dennis Along- Aktivis dari Long Terawan, Mulu – Ancaman Undang-Undang Gerawat terhadap Dakwaan Penduduk Terhadap Tanah NCR oleh Dennis
— Ramould Siew dari Tahabas – Kos Tinggi, Akibat Tersembunyi: Pekerja Tanpa Dokumen di Sarawak
— Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Keadilan Harus Menang: Perlawanan Rakyat terhadap Pengampunan Najib

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Dennis Along vs Datuk Gerawat Gala: Differences in opinion regarding the Native Customary Rights (NCR) Land Section 6 compel Dennis Along to challenge the Mulu assemblyman, Datuk Gerawat Gala, to a debate.

    2. Delayed justice is injustice. The Judicial Review case of the village head in Ba Abang has been repeatedly postponed. Similarly, the Punan Ba case against Samling, TAAN, and the Sarawak State Government has been postponed more than 10 times without reasons provided. The residents await the court's decision, but logging companies continue their operations in the forest.

    3. Tun Daim and family seek a court order to halt the MACC investigation against them. Daim requests the cancellation of the investigation, arguing that it is unconstitutional.


    Dennis Along- Activist from Long Terawan, Mulu.

    *Gerawat's Legal Threats vs. Dennis's Villager Allegations on NCR Lands*

    A few days ago, Dennis and his community villagers made a police report and complained to the Marudi District office that a group of people from the land and survey department (JTS) had come to the village of Long Terawan to measure the residents' land with sec 6. Dennis and the villagers did not agree on the land they are measured in sec 6 because their NCR land will be changed ownership to government land.

    Today Mulu assemblyman, Gerawat Gala responded and criticized what Dennis and his community villagers did. According to Gerawat, the sec 6 land survey was conducted throughout Sarawak at the request of the residents, as well as in Long Terawan. Gerawat said, according to the definition of the Sarawak NCR Land Code, all lands explored before 1957 are NCR. Explored after 1957 without a letter of permission from the District Office - is Sarawak government land. The land measured by sec 6 will not be taken as state land. The proof is according to Gerawat, the land of the residents of Long Panai was measured with sec 18, after being measured with sec 6. The argument that the measure of sec 6 is an attempt by the government to seize the people's land is false. Gerawat also claimed that the majority of Long Terawan residents agreed with the measure of sec6 and finally Gerawat objected. Anyone who prevents government officials from carrying out their duties can be reported to the police and prosecuted.

    Dennis questions the understanding of lawyers like Gerawat towards NCR, How can Gerawat and GPS deny the rights of Sarawakians to the land inherited by their families for generations, with only numbers and dates before and after 1957. Why Gerawat and GPS do not provide adequate provisions to measure the land of the people using sec 18 and give individual land title deed.

    In 2022, Sarawak state income are RM11.9 billion and in 2023 it will increase to RM13.1 billion, why is there no NCR land measurement allocation and additional JTS staff? Gerawat complained that he will make a police report and will prosecute anyone who obstructs the land measurement of sec 6. According to Dennis, they found that the majority of the villagers did not agree and they found that there were employees of a private company (Geometric)in their land area. This means they are intruders.

    Dennis challenged Gerawat to debate on the Land issue - because Gerawat's understanding is far different from the wishes of the majority of the people. Gerawat is campaigning with a manifesto- Effective solution to NCR problem in 2021. Dennis is ready to face Gerawat for the next state election, If given the chance.


    Ramould Siew of Tahabas

    *High Costs, Hidden Consequences: Undocumented Workers in Sarawak*

    Addressing the Challenge of Illegal Foreign Workers in Sarawak

    In a recent crackdown named 'Ops Selera' on January 5, the Immigration Department arrested 37 foreigners in Miri city, Sarawak, for not having valid working passes. The detainees include 36 Indonesians and one Filipino, all caught in various food premises.

    This issue of foreigners lacking proper working permits in Sarawak is not new; it has been a persistent problem. The root cause appears to be related to government policies. The high costs imposed on obtaining legal foreign workers, ranging from 7,000 to 10,000 per person, create a significant burden. Middlemen exploit this situation for substantial profits, leading many employers to prefer hiring undocumented workers.

    The problem is particularly prevalent in the plantation sectors, where a significant number of these illegal workers are employed. Sarawak relies on foreign labor, especially in plantations, highlighting the crucial role they play in supporting various industries.

    While acknowledging the need for foreign workers, especially in plantations, it is crucial for the government to reconsider its approach. Affordable and accessible avenues for employing foreign workers could help mitigate the issue of undocumented labor. The current situation not only fuels illegal employment but also poses challenges for law enforcement.

    In addition to the plantation sector, foreign workers are essential for various other industries, including domestic help. Striking a balance between protecting national interests and ensuring a feasible system for employing foreign workers is crucial for the sustained growth of Sarawak's economy.


    Paul Wan from Long Lama

    *Forgiveness Possible, But Justice Must Prevail: People's Resistance to Najib's Pardon*

    Najib Abdul Razak's lawyer, Shafee Abdullah, has mentioned that even Najib is unsure if the Pardons Board will meet this month to discuss his pardon request. Shafee emphasizes that as of December 4th last year, there has been no response to Najib's pardon application. He urges for a quick resolution, asserting Najib's innocence and stating that any extra day in prison is unjust.

    Recent reports from Channel News Asia, report that Najib's pardon application was discussed in a December Pardons Board meeting, but it was postponed to this month. The report hints at a potential resolution during the Federal Pardons Board meeting in the third week of this month.

    Paul Wan believes that Najib's corrupt actions against Malaysians might be forgiven in several years, but forgiveness doesn't mean escaping punishment; those who deserve to serve their sentences should continue to do so. He mentions that last year, there was a movement within UMNO to release Najib, but it was not acknowledged by the Agong.

    Given the numerous corruption cases involving Najib, people have not forgotten his actions. Therefore, regardless of the accuracy of Channel News Asia's reporting, Paul Wan believes that the public never expects Najib to be granted a pardon.

    RFS also repeatedly recommends the currently popular Netflix documentary "Man On The Run," which delves into the 1MDB scandal, encouraging everyone to watch the film.

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