21 February 2024

On Today Show
— Iswardy Morni, Lawyer Activist and Political Analyst – No More Attempts at Pardon: Guilty is Guilty

— Denis Along, land rights activist from Mulu – Taib's Achievements and the Ongoing Land Disputes
— TR. Mini ak Ringkai, Residents of Kampung Ruan Surik, Simunjan – blockade Dispute: Court Adjourns Case to March 14, 2024
— Mr. George from Uma Akeh – Road Construction Neglects Maintenance: Inland Communities Left Isolated

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Iswardy Morni, Peguam Aktivis dan Analis Politik – Tak Perlu Cuba Lagi untuk Pengampunan: Bersalah adalah Bersalah
- Denis Along, aktivis hak tanah dari Mulu - Kejayaan Taib dan Rampasan Tanah yang Berterusan
- TR. Mini ak Ringkai, Penduduk Kampung Ruan Surik, Simunjan - Bloakde: Kes Ditangguhkan ke 14 Mac 2024
- Encik George dari Uma Akeh - Pembinaan Jalan Terbiar: Komuniti Pedalaman Terpinggir

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Taib Mahmud died at the age of 87. The people of Sarawak mourned for 2 days.

    2. The case of 9 longhouses vs TH Pelita Simunjan Sdn.Bhd has been postponed to March 14, 2024. Residents remain in blockade until they know the court's decision.

    3. Najib Razak is a criminal and the main planner of the 1MDB scandal. He should be held accountable for the crimes he committed. The people should not believe the narrative popularized by Najib and his team, that Najib is innocent, Najib is the victim in the 1MDB case and Najib should be released and get a full pardon.


    Iswardy Morni, Lawyer Activist and Political Analyst

    *No More Attempts at Pardon: Guilty is Guilty*

    Najib Razak's main lawyer Mohd Shafee Abdullah is getting louder and bolder in fighting for Najib's release. Najib and Shafee build a Narrative that Najib is innocent, Najib is a victim of persecution in the 1MDB case and Najib deserves an immediate pardon. In the "Reform of the National Pardon System" Forum - Shafee said that the court failed to give Najib a fair trial including during the appeal process. In fact, Shafee quoted Najib's words - "I have the right to amnesty from day one, and I don't even need to go to jail, even for a day".

    Iswardy advised Shafee to accept the fact that Najib is guilty and has already been proven guilty through a long trial (over 4 years) through 3 levels of court). In the long trial, Najib's legal team failed to raise reasonable doubt. So the judge found Najib guilty. When making such comments, Shafee can be accused of contempt of court. Why are Najib and Shafee so brave? According to Iswardy- the movement to free Najib through UMNO is gaining momentum. In the past, PH, which strongly attacked Najib, now does not speak out because it wants to maintain unity in the unity government. Making Anwar look weak. Iswardy insists that Najib is a criminal, he is a prisoner. He can apply for forgiveness but it is not Najib's absolute.

    Asked whether the AG and provincial ministers should be on the Pardon Board because they are appointed on the advice of the Prime Minister. That is the requirement of article 42(11) of the federal constitution - Iswardy said. Iswardy advised the people to give a strong mandate to PH and Anwar in GE16. With the big victory of GPS and UMNO, it is no longer needed, so there is no pressure from GPS and UMNO on PMX.


    Denis Along, land rights activist from Mulu

    *Taib's Achievements and the Ongoing Land Disputes*

    Today, Taib has passed away. Denis believes that Taib's achievement of serving the longest tenure as Chief Minister and Governor of Sarawak was truly remarkable, but it discriminated against the Dayaks. Since Taib came to power, the Dayaks have lost their Native Customary Rights (NCR) land. Taib benefited from policies created by his uncle, Tun Abdul Rahman. Their achievements are highly impressive, but the Dayaks have suffered as a result. Taib's contributions to politics have also led to discrimination against the majority in terms of education, job opportunities, development, and more. Both Taib and Tun Rahman have left a tyrannical legacy. Denis feels that discrimination is pervasive in every aspect of life.


    Mr. George from Uma Akeh

    *Road Construction Neglects Maintenance: Inland Communities Left Isolated*

    George also share his opinion about the RM729 million development project that was approved in 2018 for the Telang Usan constituency.

    According to George, there were indeed projects implemented, especially for upgrading roads. However, the quality of the roads built did not meet the allocated budget. The roads are now deteriorating and no longer monitored. Dangerous roads along the hillsides were not equipped with barriers for the safety of road users. Since 2019, no road upgrading has been carried out. This is why when it comes to projects aimed at winning votes, it's just a drama of development projects. Abang Jo once said, "If the elected representative does not work, remove them." Mr. George described this statement as just political theatrics by GPS. Unfortunately, people in the interior areas still want to vote for a political party like GPS, which continues to deceive the people.


    TR. Mini ak Ringkai, Residents of Kampung Ruan Surik, Simunjan

    *blockade Dispute: Court Adjourns Case to March 14, 2024*

    Today the Kuching High Court is sitting to hear the case of Residents of 9 Long Houses in Ruan Simunjan suing TH- Tabung Haji Pelita Simunjang Sdn.Bhd. However, because there is a court order that has been issued in advance for the residents to open the blockade that was set up. So both parties agreed that the case related to the court order should be heard on 28 Feb 2024. Combined with the court case that is currently being heard. So the court made a ruling that the case will be heard again on March 14, 2024. Residents in the 9 longhouses that were blockaded continued their activities as usual. Lawyer Dominic Ng represents the residents of 9 Longhouses.


Guest User
20 February 2024


On Today Show
— Tr. Mini ak Ringkai, Head of Long Ruan, Simunjan – Villagers' 2013 Lawsuit Against TH: Court Date Rescheduled for Tomorrow
— Nick Kelesau, Penan activist from Ulu Baram –Transparency Demanded in Sarawak Development Projects Allocation
— Jeffrery Ngui, Chairperson of Muda Sarawak – No Interference Allowed: MUDA's Stance on Donor Influence


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr. Mini ak Ringkai, Ketua Kampung Long Ruan, Simunjan – Tarikh Mahkamah Dijadual Semula  Untuk Esok bagi Tuntutan Penduduk Kampung pada 2013 Terhadap TH
— Nick Kelesau, aktivis Penan dari Ulu Baram – Permintaan Kejelasan dalam Projek Pembangunan Sarawak
— Jeffrery Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak – Tiada Campur Tangan Dibenarkan: Pendirian MUDA Mengenai Pengaruh Penderma

  • *Special Randau*

    1. 9 Long houses in Ruan Simunjan dragged Tabung Haji Pelita Simunjan Sdn.Bhd to court - for allegedly cheating in a joint venture to develop a palm oil plantation on the residents' NCR land. In fact, residents have been suing Tabung Haji since 2013, but their cases are often delayed. However, TH Pelita Simunjan brought the case to court on February 28, 2024 because the residents held a blockade to prevent the harvesting of palm oil from the Semalatong Farm.

    2. Najib's lawyer Shafee Abdullah demanded that all documents obtained from Hong Kong and Switzerland through mutual legal assistance (MLA) be shared with the defense team. However, MACC Senior Superintendent Nur Aida Arifin disagreed because not all of the documents were relevant. Najib faces 4 charges of using his position to obtain bribes of RM2.3 billion and 21 charges of money laundering with the same amount.

    3. Rafizi denies (PADU) the main database was hacked. Rafizi explained that only the sub-unit of the LPPKN- the country's Population and Family Development Board, was successfully hacked


    Tr. Mini ak Ringkai, Head of Long Ruan, Simunjan

    *Villagers' 2013 Lawsuit Against TH: Court Date Rescheduled for Tomorrow*

    Blockade 3rd Week Update.

    This week marks the 3rd week for the residents of 9 longhouses in Ruan, Simunjan to hold a blockade to prevent the company TH- Tabung Haji from taking out palm oil from the Semalatong Farm. Semalatong Farm is a farm cultivated by TH as a result of cooperation with developing NCR land of local residents. However, when the oil palm produced the results, TH refused to hand over the profits of the plantation to the people who own the land. When investigated in detail. Apparently TH cheated the residents by taking their land but included the names of other people (who did not own the land) in the agreement document. Residents have taken the case to court since 2013 and the case has been postponed several times at TH's request.

    However - tomorrow (February 21, 2024), at 9.00 am - according to TR. Mini ak Ringkai this case will be tried at the Kuching high court.

    We hope there will be no more delays this time, said TR. Mini ak Ringkai. Lawyer Dominic Ng will represent the residents. On the other hand, on February 28, 2024, TH will sue the residents for holding a blockade. It is understood that TH has obtained a court order to ask residents to lower their blockade. Therefore, the court will hear the arguments of both sides. Although the case will be heard in court, we will continue the blockade - Said Tr. Mini ak Ringkai.


    Nick Kelesau, Penan activist from Ulu Baram

    *Transparency Demanded in Sarawak Development Projects Allocation*

    A post recently circulated on social media regarding the Borneo Post article dated 30th November 2018, stating that YB Dennis Ngau allocated RM 729 million for development projects approved by the Sarawak Government for the Telang Usan area to be implemented in 2019. The projects include 16 initiatives, with 8 aimed at upgrading existing roads to R1 standard and 8 for clean water supply.

    One of the projects involves RM 10 million for clean water supply in Long Kevok, including a water intake and treatment plant, high-level tank, water booster station, and RM 5 million for building a single-lane iron bridge in Long Kevok, Sg. Layun. However, Nick Kelesau, a Penan community leader, stated that there is no visible iron bridge in Long Kevok, raising questions about the utilization of the RM 5 million.

    He acknowledged repairs to roads within the village but noted that the condition of the main road outside the village, particularly in Ulu Baram, is poor, worsened during rainy seasons. Kelesau questioned whether the 2018 project budget announced by Dennis Ngau was utilized effectively and demanded transparency regarding all project details, including the amount spent and the parties involved. This transparency, he argued, would enable villagers to monitor and ensure the successful completion of projects for comprehensive inland infrastructure development.


    Jeffrery Ngui, Chairperson of Muda Sarawak

    *No Interference Allowed: MUDA's Stance on Donor Influence*

    On Daim, it is said that he is a godfather or the biggest funder of MUDA. Jeffrey's opinion is that this is not something new. MUDA has constantly been labeled as having big figures behind the scenes, including Tun Daim. His reaction to all these allegations is what the joke is about in today's headlines. Lately, there seems to be a planned attack against MUDA. Resignations from posts and quitting parties usually happen in every party, but when it happens in MUDA, it becomes a headline.

    On Naimah, it was exposed that she is a member of MUDA and is said to be close to Syaid Sadiq, YB Ameera. This is not true, but we cannot stop anyone from joining the party. There is no endorsement, no scrutiny needed. They want to clear up a wall of load practice. Until they want to become leadership, then they will undergo some tests.

    On funding issues, there is a limit of only RM200,000. Usually, MUDA goes for crowdfunding for any events. For those who donate in large amounts, they must also comply with party policy, which means they must not interfere with MUDA's principles. They cannot make any deals related to donations.

    Regarding Daim's case, investigations must be done.

Guest User
19 February 2024

On Today Show

— Prof Wong Chin Huat, Academician and Political Analyst – Malaysians Should Support and Rally Behind Clare, Because Justice is Universal
— Dennis Along, Activist from Long Terawan, Mulu – Over 600 Tutoh Village Residents Express Anti-Dam Sentiment, Yet Gerawat Sends Only Aide for Discussions
— Barnie Lasimbang, social activist from Sabah – Local Community Discontent: Chinese Company's Silica Sand Mining Project in Kudat
— Mr. James from Tradition Village Usahajaya Tukau Miri – Tradition Village Residents Stand Firm: No Relocation Without Full Compensation for Homes and Crop

Topik Pada Hari In
- Prof Wong Chin Huat, Ahli Akademik dan Analis Politik - Rakyat Malaysia Patut Memberi Sokongan dan Solidariti Kepada Clare, Kerana Keadilan Adalah Universal
- Dennis Along, Aktivis dari Long Terawan, Mulu - Lebih 600 Penduduk Kampung Tutoh Menyuarakan Sentimen Anti-Empangan, Namun Gerawat Hanya Menghantar Pembantu untuk menerima Memo
- Barnie Lasimbang, Aktivis Sosial dari Sabah - Ketidakpuasan Komuniti Tempatan: Projek Perlombongan Pasir Silika Syarikat China di Kudat
- Encik James dari Kampung Tradisi Usahajaya Tukau Miri - Penduduk Kampung Tradisi Berdiri Teguh: Tiada Pemindahan Tanpa Pampasan Penuh untuk Rumah dan Tanaman

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The prison sentence against Clare Brown is politically motivated and intended to intimidate other parties into not daring to speak out.

    2. YB Gerawat Gala refused to meet with NGOs and residents' representatives. Just send a representative. Representatives of 600 Tutoh residents who signed a petition protesting the state government's plans to build a dam in Tutoh have submitted their objections to the representative of Yb Gerawat Gala.

    3. Rafizi is ready to start/debate with Najib's strongmen if approved by the prime minister and deputy prime minister

    4. Former MP from Sarawak Mutang Tagal was sworn in as speaker of the National Assembly today.


    Prof Wong Chin Huat, Academician and Political Analyst

    *Malaysians Should Support and Rally Behind Clare, Because Justice is Universal*

    Prof Wong discussed the impact of the 2-year prison sentence on Clare Brown by the Kuala Terengganu Magistrate's court. Of course it puts pressure on Clare but more unfortunately it scares others and makes them afraid to speak up.

    In this case, Clare was trialed by two courts. First the court of public opinion and second of course the civil court that tried Clare. It would be unfair to sentence Clare without a full trial (in absentia) or Clare not being given a chance to defend herself.

    First the case was filed in the high court in Kuala Lumpur then transferred to Terengganu, where the plaintiff got the upper hand. It would be unfair for Clare to be punished for writing a paragraph that really only needs corrective action. The sentence handed down against Clare sparked an international reaction. The court of public opinion began to question what the Madani government was doing. 1MDB offenders and criminals Najib Razak were given a half amnesty and fines were discounted by 76%, but the main informant of the 1MDB scandal was sentenced to 2 years in prison. Like it or not Madani government should act decisively. In the event of an abuse of court process in the Clare Brown case. So strict action should be imposed on the negligent party. Wong Chin Huat is convinced that there is a political motive in the prosecution of Clare. However - Wong asked that Malaysians do not hesitate to support Clare's actions and efforts, even though she is a foreigner. Justice is universal - Said Prof Wong. It doesn't matter if she is a stranger, as long as she is fair and does the right thing. So her action should be supported. Even local Malaysians, if robbing and corruption. So all Malaysians should reject and oppose.


    Dennis Along, Activist from Long Terawan, Mulu

    *Over 600 Tutoh Village Residents Express Anti-Dam Sentiment, Yet Gerawat Sends Only Aide for Discussions*

    Dennis and friends were disappointed when Gerawat Gala (GPS) Mulu assemblyman - was too busy and could not spare time to meet them as promised (17 Feb 2024).

    Gerawat gave the reason that he had more important and unavoidable meetings and commitments, only sent his secretary, Mr. Simon Julie Lugun to meet anti-dam activists.

    Dennis and friends submitted a petition of 600 Tutoh residents protesting against the proposed construction of the Tutoh dam. Dennis and friends explained that he is not anti-development.

    We are only against the construction of the dam, against the sec 6 land measurement and against the TPA policy of increasing the area of Taman Negara Mulu. We want roads, electricity and clean water. We are only against projects that destroy the environment- Said Dennis Along.


    Mr. James from Tradition Village Usahajaya Tukau Miri

    *Tradition Village Residents Stand Firm: No Relocation Without Full Compensation for Homes and Crop*

    Mr Janmes confirms that the villagers have received a letter from the land and survey department stating that the Parabena company has agreed to provide a relocation scheme by helping to fill in the land with low fertility to ease the burden on the villagers. This is to avoid them having to fill in the land themselves for the purpose of rebuilding their homes after they leave Tradition Village Usahajaya Tukau. However, according to Mr. James, they will not move as long as the government or any relevant department involved in the eviction of the Tradition Village Usahajaya Tukau Miri community does not fully compensate them for the loss of their homes and all the crops that have yielded results for them.

    According to a statement from the land and survey office, the entire community there is said to be squatters, and this disappoints Mr. James as the rights of the people are being undermined by the land and survey department. If they were squatters, why is there 24-hour electricity and plots from the land and survey office have also been given for over 30 years, with some having lived in the village since the 1940s.

    Once again, Mr. James explains that as long as the compensation they demand is not fulfilled, no community eviction can take place.


    Barnie Lasimbang, social activist from Sabah

    *Local Community Discontent: Chinese Company's Silica Sand Mining Project in Kudat*

    A fact-finding mission was conducted in Pkg Andab Bangau, Kudat, regarding silica sand mining by a Chinese company. The project was supposed to provide job opportunities for local communities, but it was found that most workers were Chinese nationals, with only 2 or 3 locals supporting the mining project. Silica sand is a primary material for solar panels.

    Barnie and his team discovered that the water surrounding the area is now polluted. While the water used to be clear, it is now the color of coffee. Additionally, the team learned that two local women were charged in a Sabah Magistrate's Court for trespassing into the factory. Simultaneously, the communities are claiming their Native Customary Rights (NRC) to the area for their livelihoods. Since the mining operation began, their access road has been blocked. However, the charges against the two women were dropped.

    The company is avoiding disclosing their Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report.


Guest User
16 February 2024

On Today Show

— Ngeow Chow Ying, Lawyer and legal practitioner – Justice Denied: The Political Persecution of Clare Rewcastle Brown
— TR. Mini ak Ringkai.Head of Ruan Village, Simunjan – Defending Community Land: The Fight Against Corporate Greed
— Dr Michael Jeyakumar, Chairman of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) – Generations of Cultivation: The Battle for Kantan Farmers' Land
— Ms. Agnes from Dijih – Challenges of Political Alignment in Rural Communities

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Ngeow Chow Ying, Peguam - Keadilan Dinafikan: Penindasan Politik terhadap Clare Rewcastle Brown
- TR. Mini ak Ringkai. Ketua Kampung Ruan, Simunjan - Mempertahankan Tanah Komuniti: Perjuangan Menentang Kezaliman Korporat
- Dr Michael Jeyakumar, Pengerusi Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) - Generasi Penanaman: Pertempuran untuk Tanah Pemilik Tanah Kantan
- Puan Agnes dari Dijih - Cabaran Penyesuaian Politik dalam Komuniti Dalaman

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The blockade by 9 villages in Ruan, Simunjan continues even though TH has obtained a court order for eviction. 11 years ago Tabung Haji TH has conducted a joint venture with 9 villages involved in oil palm cultivation. But when the Palm oil yields. TH refused to share the profits with the residents. We are ready to face the authorities and we also dare to face TH in court - said Tr. Mini ak Ringkai.

    2. The possibility of Clare Brown being extradited to Malaysia will not happen. Such is the view of Lawyer Ngeow Chow Ying. This is because Malaysia and the UK do not have a treaty related to extradition. On Feb 7, Clare was sentenced to 2 years in prison by the Kuala Terengganu Magistrate's Court for allegedly defaming Sultanah Nur Zahirah. Chaw Yin is convinced that the prosecution of Clare is politically motivated. According to Chaw Yin, Book - The Sarawak Report - The Inside story of 1MDB expose. Key clues to the 1MDB case

    3. Larry Sng was almost attacked by 4 men in Julau, because he was not satisfied with the salary he received. It is understood that the angpau distributed by Larry Sng is only RM5 per person. Larry Sng in a visit to the Chinese community in the Julau parliamentary area was almost attacked. But the end result is just an argument. The Julau police are investigating the real motive behind the attempted attack on the president of the Parti Bangsa Malaysia.


    Ngeow Chow Ying, Lawyer and legal practitioner

    *Justice Denied: The Political Persecution of Clare Rewcastle Brown*

    Clare Rewcastle Brown (CRB) was sentenced to 2 years in prison by Magistrate Nik Mohd Tarmizie Nik Mohd Shukri after the Kuala Terengganu Magistrate's Court heard and heard the case of Sultanah Terengganu Nur Zahirah's Defamation Suit against CRB. CRB was accused of slandering the Sultanah of Terengganu in his book The Sarawak Report "The Inside Story of 1MDB expose". Is the judgment valid?

    Ngeow thinks there are clear doubts that the trial conducted was unfair. In any court case, those accused should be given space to defend themselves. In this case, CRB was not informed of the charges against her and her lawyer who was in Kuala Lumpur was also not informed. This leads to doubts about the validity of the sentence imposed.

    Of course there is an argument that states that section 425A of the Criminal Procedure Code allows the trial to be conducted in absentia or without the presence of the accused. But according to Ngeow, this section only applies to trials that have started and halfway through the accused has refused to appear in court. This is different from the CRB case that she was not informed from the beginning. Section 425A was only included in the criminal procedure code in 2016 and should not be misused.

    Is there a remedy to correct this error? Ngeow believes that Clare's lawyers have filed an appeal and there is indeed a chance for Clare to defend herself. However Ngeow is convinced that the prosecution of Clare is politically motivated. Since CRB has written a book that opened the eyes of all Malaysians and the world regarding the 1MDB scandal - the world's biggest financial scandal.

    Will Malaysia request that Interpol arrest and extradite CRB so that he can serve his sentence in Malaysia? and will Interpol obey without question to follow the wishes of Malaysian courts? Ngeow said that there is no treaty/cooperation/agreement between Malaysia and the UK regarding extradition. Under the UK extradition act - the person to be extradited must have committed an offense under UK law. If there is no treaty between Malaysia and the UK, then Interpol will not be able to act.


    TR. Mini ak Ringkai.Head of Ruan Village, Simunjan.

    *Defending Community Land: The Fight Against Corporate Greed*

    Tr. Mini explained that until now no police or Semelatong Farm authorities have come to evict them. Although yesterday they were told by their lawyer Dominic Ng that TH Tabung Haji had obtained a court order to evict them from the blockade site.

    Tr. Mini raised the question is how dare they evict the community, this is the community’s land, not TH's Haji Fund land.

    The land area of 9 villages that was fraudulently taken by TH is more than 2000 hectares. Tr. Mini said the community has made a police report since the first day their land was invaded and they have also sued the parties involved in court. But they always failed to appear in court so the trial could not be conducted.

    The Community hope that the court will make a decision to return community land along with compensation for losses.


    Dr Michael Jeyakumar, Chairman of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

    *Generations of Cultivation: The Battle for Kantan Farmers' Land*

    On the eviction of Kantan farmers in the Tambun constituency, which is represented by a Member of Parliament Anwar, these farmers, who are now in their fourth generation occupying the area, have been cultivating it since before the Second World War.

    These farmers are responsible for supplying food to the surrounding areas as well as to mining workers. During the state of emergency in those days, they were evacuated to Kampung Baru but were allowed to continue their farming activities during the day to meet essential needs.

    They continue to reside in Kampung Baru. These farmers have applied for land titles and so forth, but the Perak State policy is not to grant titles to this group. Even to this date, the majority have not received titles.

    There are about 400 farmers here who can produce 40 tonnes of fruits and vegetables daily. This is the main area for supplying essential products.

    What has happened now is that PKNP has been allocated over 700 acres by the Perak state government. PKNP is one of the GLCs, in which the Chairman is the Menteri Besar. Among all the farmers, 7 farmers were evicted.

    The farmers have tried to bring up the issue in court, claiming that they were promised other land. However, this promise has yet to materialize. So, the farmers are applying for the eviction to be suspended until their land is replaced.


    Ms. Agnes from Dijih

    *Challenges of Political Alignment in Rural Communities*

    Agnes commented on the statement by the Bukit Begunan assemblyman, Mong Dagang, who called on the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) to act as a bridge between the people and the government. However, according to Agnes, political differences in longhouses have greatly caused disunity among the community, especially in the distribution of government development projects where there are still those who practice favoritism towards the people who support the opposition. Usually, those who oppose are often marginalized from receiving any form of development assistance from the government. For example, a few years ago, the village head who supported the ruling party (which was then BN before changing to the GPS brand) divorced his wife because she strongly opposed and supported the opposition party, which should not have happened.

    Ms. Agnes calls for the people under the Unity government led by PMX to practice unity towards each other for the sake of mutual harmony.

Guest User
15 February 2024

On Today Show

— Tr. Mini Ak Ringkai- Head of Ruan Village, Simunjan – Corporate Land Use in NCR Leaves Villagers Empty-Handed After Harvest
— Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan –3000 Kelantan Indigenous People Continue to Oppose Dam Construction
— Voon Lee Shan, Lawyer-Politician – Legally, Clare has been treated unfairly

Di Today Show:
- Tr. Mini Ak Ringkai- Ketua Kampung Ruan, Simunjan – Penggunaan Tanah Korporat di NCR Meninggalkan Penduduk Tanpa Apa-apa Selepas Menuai
- Nasir Nash, aktivis dari Gua Musang Kelantan – 3000 Orang Asli Kelantan Terus Menentang Pembinaan Empangan
- Voon Lee Shan, Peguam-Politikus – Secara undang-undang, Clare telah diperlakukan secara tidak adil

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Residents in 9 Long Houses in Ruan, Simunjan staged a blockade - claiming to have been deceived by Tabung Haji (TH) with the concept of NCR land development cooperation.

    2. Aman Palestine CEO Awang Sufian and Aman Palestine executive chairman Abdullah Zaik were accused in court with 52 charges and had bought 131 kg of gold using Aman Palestine funds.

    3. The 50th witness of Najib Razak's trial for the case of misuse of power and money laundering of RM2.27 billion 1MDB funds - Jasmine Loo told the court that it was Jho Low's idea to produce a letter of donation from the royal family of Saudi Arabia to former prime minister Najib Razak. When he realized that a lot of 1MDB money went into Najib's account. So the idea arose to produce an Arabic donation letter to Najib to cover the embezzlement.


    Tr. Mini Ak Ringkai- Head of Ruan Village, Simunjan.

    *Corporate Land Use in NCR Leaves Villagers Empty-Handed After Harvest*

    Tr. Mini reported that 9 longhouses held a blockade for the past 2 weeks to prevent the Semalatong Tabung Haji Plantation Company (TH) from taking palm oil out of the plantation.

    About 7 years ago TH opened a palm oil plantation in the area of Kampung Ruan Simunjan (known as Semalatong Farm) with the cooperation of NCR landowners who live in the area. The joint venture was successful with the residents handing over their NCR land and in return they were given shares in the TH company. But after 7 years have passed and after the palm oil has yielded, TH does not share any profit from the farm to the residents.

    Residents felt deceived and staged a blockade and demanded that their NCR land be returned and that TH should pay compensation for the damage to the land and the losses they have suffered over the years, as long as their land was handed over to TH.

    From the beginning, the residents were suspicious of the joint venture but did not know the right way to fight TH. They are asking for a dialogue, but ignored by TH. It is understood that TH has obtained a court order for the eviction of the residents who held the blockade. It is also understood that lawyer Doinic Ng will meet with the residents later this afternoon.

    NCR land development cooperation like what happened in Kampung Ruan is a method that is said to benefit the residents if it is implemented well. The developer was not given a PL as usual but was given a "Development Area". In this case, the residents who own NCR land in those 9 villages own the land. But the other party invited by TH represented them. Further reports will be explained by resident lawyer Dominic Ng.


    Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan

    *3000 Kelantan Indigenous People Continue to Oppose Dam Construction*

    Over 3000 individuals Orang Asli community in Gua Musang decided to continue their struggle to protest against the construction of Nengiri Dam.

    This is a large scale project in Gua Musang in Nengiri area. The local communities can foresee that this Nengiri dam will cause great impact on their daily livelihoods, losing their lands, and living in chaos . This dam will also cause force eviction, such as those in Kuala Rias, Pos Tohoi, and several other surrounding villages.

    There are other villages which are not directly affected, but they will face problem of travelling much longer time. They have to go through alternative route to Gua Musang.

    Those affected directly will be relocated to Kuala Panir which belong other territories. This will cause conflict. As it will overlapping of rights.

    And it will also causing social economy growth. In which they have to start from scratch

    In 2013, the media reported that an 8th-century heritage site in the Bujang Valley, Kedah, was allegedly destroyed by a property development company. The Kedah government at the time denied any knowledge of the demolition. The Nenggiri dam project is expected to commence construction in June 2027, and both the Indigenous peoples' groups and NGOs involved remain undeterred.

    Last August, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad stated that although the government would no longer be constructing large hydroelectric dams, the Nenggiri project falls outside federal jurisdiction.


    Voon Lee Shan, Lawyer-Politician

    *Legally, Clare has been treated unfairly*

    Sarawak Report’s founding editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown has brushed off a Magistrates’ Court ruling sentencing her to two years’ jail for defaming Terengganu Sultanah Nur Zahirah in a book, saying that Malaysia would make a spectacle of itself if it attempted to arrest her.

    Voon Lee Shan comment that, the court's judgment was unfair to Clare. Firstly, Clare claimed she was unaware of the situation, and therefore did not appear in court. If this is the case, how can there be a trial?

    This trial took place in Malaysia, but Clare herself is not in Malaysia, nor is she Malaysian. She does not recognize Malaysian law. Only if the case is brought to a court in the UK and she is found guilty can she be sentenced. There is no jurisdiction over her.

    This is about defamation. If a report is made, the police can investigate, but the court cannot directly decide on guilt.

    Voon pointed out that even if Interpol is involved, it is difficult to do anything, as Clare is not Malaysian, and the Malaysian police have no authority to arrest her. Unless the case is moved to a court in the UK.

    Regardless, he believes that legally, Clare has been treated unfairly.


Guest User
14 February 2024

On Today Shw
— Nick Kelesau, Spokesperson for Penan Keruan Association (Baram) - The fact is Samling threatens Penan to continue logging
— Denis Along, social activist from Mulu - Road to Mulu? Always next year and next year
— Mr. Nixon, a social activist - dont pay allowances directly to the Community leaders who are mostly appointed by GPS


Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Nick Kelesau, Jurucakap Persatuan Penan Keruan (Baram) - Hakikatnya, Samling mengugut Penan untuk meneruskan pembalakan.
- Denis Along, aktivis sosial dari Mulu - Jalan ke Mulu? Sentiasa tahun depan dan tahun depan.
- Encik Nixon, seorang aktivis sosial - Jangan bayar elaun secara terus kepada pemimpin komuniti yang kebanyakannya dilantik oleh GPS.

  • Special Randau

    1. The 50th prosecution witness - Jasmine Loo (former 1MDB legal advisor gave evidence that Jho Low was Najib's proxy and acted on Najib's will and instructions. Naib was tried on four charges of abuse of power and 21 charges of money laundering involving RM2.27 billion 1MDB funds.

    2. Various parties at the international level condemned the 2-year prison sentence handed down by the Kuala Terengganu Magistrate's court on the founder of Sarawak Report Clare RB. Clare is accused of slandering Sultanah Terengganu in a book she wrote. In your opinion should Clare be jailed or should the Malaysian government give him an award for his indiscretion in revealing the 1MDB scandal.

    3. 205 million Indonesians started voting to elect a new president today.

    4. The Sarawak government easily approved the logging license to Samling which will definitely affect the environment. But at the same time refused to recognize the Penan people's NCR rights.


    Nick Kelesau- Spokesperson for Penan Keruan Association (Baram).

    The fact is Samling threatens Penan to continue logging

    Media reports mention that Samling's sustainable timber certificate which was suspended in July 2023 has already been resumed to allow Samling to log in the 117,941 hectares of Revenscout FMU forest. According to the senior general manager of the Sirim QAS international forest management system certification department - MD Adha Rahmat. Samling has made a serious effort to dialogue with the Penan people in the area involved. However according to Nick- what you heard from the report is inaccurate and untrue. What actually happened was the threat against the Penan people.

    "Now that Samling is closed, who will pay the salary and allowance to our village chief?". All this time Samling has been giving salaries and allowances to Penan village leaders. By protesting logging in the Ravenscout area, wages and allowances will be stopped. According to Nick there is a possibility that the audit work is not carried out in an orderly manner. The auditor may only accept reports and forms that have been processed by the assembly itself. Samling's party went to Penan villages with ballot forms. In the end, the decision is certainly in their favor. In general, Penan are completely opposed to logging because it affects life and the environment. But the main cause of our problem is because the state government does not recognize our NCR rights. Samling was used as a tool to rob us. We should be encouraged to take care of the forest so that it remains for future generations. Nick said faintly. The Samling Group was given a logging license in 2 areas, namely- Gerenai starting from 2018 to 2027, with an area of 148,305 ha (Samling Playwood (Miri) SDN.BHD) and Ravenscout Forest with an area of 117,941 ha. (Samling Timber SDN.BHD).


    Denis Along, social activist from Mulu

    _Road to Mulu? Always next year and next year

    On Statement by Premier constructing road of 100 km from Miri, marudi mulu and Long Terawan next year. Denis says they welcome and appreciate it if indeed the road be constructed. They have been waiting for decades. But this announcement is very confusing. It has been announced randomly over the years.

    And yesterday statement the road to be built next year. It has always next year for many times now. So people are fed up with this agenda. The previous announcements are yet to be implemented. But instead they implemented difference issues such implementation of sec 6 , with Baram dam and DPA. And of course it will involve NRC. Notice been release in such a short period for Land and Survey for the people to make claim and many do not know about Master Plan for this road. Currently master plan is still a secret. They are not transparent on this project.


    Mr. Nixon, a social activist

    dont pay allowances directly to the Community leaders who mostly appointed by GPS

    Chairman of MPN, Sarawak, Roland Engan suggested PMX to pay allowances to community leaders instead of the government paying the shadow cabinet of PN.

    But Nixon comment that, for the case in Sarawak, many community leaders, especially in Sarawak, are appointed through the political power of GPS. Nixon suggests that the Unity government appoint special officers as liaisons between the people and the government, as there are not many PH representatives in Sarawak, and we must not forget that in Sarawak, PH is the opposition. It is not appropriate to pay the PN shadow cabinet. Nixon requests PMX to focus on the people's economic issues, as the cost of living is very concerning.

Guest User
13 February 2024

On Today Show
— Richard Engan, Social and Political Activist from Baram – The Importance of Indigenous Rights in Leadership: A Focus on Chief Ministers like Stephen Kalong Ningkan and Tawi Seli
— Barnie Lasimbang, environmental activist – The Agrovoltaic Farming Initiative in Baram: Ensuring Land Rights and Sustainability

— Jeffrey Ngui, Chairperson of Muda Sarawak – Fair Trial or Political Interference? Controversy Surrounding Clare Rewcastle-Brown's Trial


Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Richard Engan, Aktivis Sosial dan Politik dari Baram - Kepentingan Hak Asasi Orang Asli dalam Kepimpinan: Tumpuan kepada Ketua Menteri seperti Stephen Kalong Ningkan dan Tawi Seli
- Barnie Lasimbang, aktivis alam sekitar - Inisiatif Pertanian Agrovoltaic di Baram: Memastikan Hak Tanah dan Kelestarian
- Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak - Perbicaraan Adil atau Campur tangan Politik? Kontroversi Berkaitan dengan Perbicaraan Clare Rewcastle-Brown

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Activist and NGO representatives sent a request to meet YB Gerawat Gala, Mulu assemblyman - to hand in a protest petition against the construction of the Tutoh dam. It is understood that more than 800 Tutoh people have signed a petition protesting the construction of the Tutoh dam. The meeting is expected next week. Information from Dennis Along.

    2. Taib Mahmud was transferred to a hospital in Kuala Lumpur for further treatment. Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib's case against Ragad should have been scheduled for Monday 12 February 2024.

    3. The collaboration between UMNO and PBB in Sarawak deceives the Dayaks. It has been 54 years since Malays and Melanaus have been chief ministers of Sarawak. While the majority race was left behind and remained poor. Will the Dayaks continue to remain silent and what can the government led by Anwar Ibrahim be able to do to defend the Dayaks?


    Richard Engan, Social and Political Activist from Baram

    *The Importance of Indigenous Rights in Leadership: A Focus on Chief Ministers like Stephen Kalong Ningkan and Tawi Seli*

    Richard commented on how Taib Mahmud and Rahman Yakub were able to maintain power for 44 years as Sarawak's chief minister when Melanaus were only 5% of Sarawak's population. And when talking about the administration of Adenan and Abang Johari as Chief Minister of Sarawak (they are both Malays), the total time that the Malays and Melanaus dominated Sarawak politics was 54 years.

    Richard got the First Chief Minister Stephen Kalong Ningkan and the second Chief Minister Tawi Seli too honest and naive in politics. They are also not highly educated but have the principle of defending the rights of Sarawak. This is not liked by UMNO as the government in the federation. UMNO cooperated with Rahman Yakub and Taib to seize the rights of Sarawak in return for Rahman Yakub and Taib remaining in power. The same policy was used during the administration of Adenan and Johari openg until now. The Iban Dayaks in particular are confused, they are said to be part of the government when they have representatives in the PBB (PESAKA) but that is just a mask.

    The Dayaks in the PBB are only given small ranks and positions but the greatest power is held by the Malays and Melanaus. The clearest evidence is that the Malay and Melanau areas are advanced with various facilities while the Dayak areas remain backward. The Dayaks remain poor but the Malays and Melanaus work with capitalists to build dams, logging and oil palm plantations that take away the Dayaks' land.

    Richard asked the Dayak people to realize this fact and stop supporting GPS. Only then can Dayak become Chief Minister again. The real question is not which race becomes the Chief Minister, but the most fair and honest Chief Minister- Said Richard.


    Barnie Lasimbang, environmental activist

    *The Agrovoltaic Farming Initiative in Baram: Ensuring Land Rights and Sustainability*

    Sarawak markets will have access to both sustainable energy and poultry prices for decades to come once a privately-funded 1,000 MWh Solar Plant integrated with Sustainable Animal Feed Economics (SAFE) in Baram is completed. Premier Sarawak Abang Johari Tun Openg was recently briefed on the investment and development of this project by Planet QEOS and China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC). The patent-applied technology powering the SAFE Agrovoltaic farm will enable the energy farm to generate annually 1,430 GWh of energy; 170,000 MT of carbon neutral animal feed; and 25 million carbon neutral broiler chickens at fixed, predetermined and sustainable prices for 30 years.

    Barnie Lasimbang comment on the agrovoltaic farm which is a combination of agro griculture and solar energy. This solar farm needs a huge area to install solar panel to gain bigger energy. So there shouldn’t be any other activities in these area.

    He said that the latest trend installation of this solar also for plantation such as poultries or livestocks. In olden days solar panel were place very close to each other that cause no sun ray underneath . New ways to install solar panels are to leave some space. Thus allows sun rays underneath. So underneath solar panel now can plant vegetables or rearing of lives stocks, so not to waste the areas .

    When he heard this program to be introduce in Baram area, he then thinks this is not the very first time done in Malaysia. This kind of program also been done in Perak and Selangor, where aquaculture and rearing of lives stocks.

    But not sure if the area would cause land grabbing. Its all depand on approval. But indeed the areas are involve NCR, there should be consent from the communities


    Jeffrey Ngui, Chairperson of Muda Sarawak

    *Fair Trial or Political Interference? Controversy Surrounding Clare Rewcastle-Brown's Trial*

    Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown was sentenced to two years in absentia by a Malaysian court for defaming Sultanah Nur Zahirah of Terengganu. The verdict was delivered by Magistrate Nik Mohd Tarmizie Nik Mohd Shukri after she was found guilty under Section 500 of the Penal Code. The trial was conducted in her absence, and an arrest warrant was issued earlier for her failure to attend proceedings.

    This case has attracted domestic attention, and Jeffrey asked whether Clare was given a fair chance to defend herself. He questioned whether the accusations were truly defamation. Jeffrey pointed out that this case originated from the previous government and has dragged on for years. He inquired whether Clare was given the opportunity to defend herself and whether the trial was transparent. Otherwise, issuing a verdict against Clare would be unfair.

    He said this case has garnered international attention, with everyone watching whether Malaysia's judiciary handles it fairly and transparently. Jeffrey mentioned that PM Anwar Ibrahim talked about reform, but after over a year in power, something has hindered him, causing reforms to stall. He pointed out that it's clearly the influence of the "shadow UMNO," especially evident in Zahid's DNA and Najib's 1MDB case where they received pardons reducing their prison sentences and fines.

    He emphasized that the people are waiting for reforms under a Unity government, including judicial fairness and transparency. Clare's case has also put Malaysia in the spotlight, raising concerns about freedom of speech becoming increasingly restricted. He hopes Malaysia's judiciary will give Clare a fair trial.

Guest User
8 February 2024

On Today Show
— N.Surendran, Former PKR Vice President, Former Padang Serai MP, Lawyer and Legal Practitioner – Investigation under the Sedition Act against Tony Pua- Shameful
— Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project - Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek SAMA) – Projek Sama urges AG to ensure pursuit of Najib’s pending cases without DNAA
— Jeffery Ngui, chairperson of MUDA Sarawak – Global Perceptions of Malaysia: Assessing Najib's Pardon and Zahid's Acquittal

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- N. Surendran, Bekas Naib Presiden PKR, Bekas MP Padang Serai, Peguam - Siasatan di bawah Akta Hasutan terhadap Tony Pua – Memalukan
- Ngeow Chow Ying, Pengerusi Projek SAMA - Projek Sama mendesak Peguam Negara untuk memastikan pengejaran kes tertunda Najib tanpa DNAA
- Jeffery Ngui, Pengerusi MUDA Sarawak - Persepsi Global tentang Malaysia: Menilai Pengampunan Najib dan Pembebasan Zahid

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Former TYT Sarawak Taib Mahmud is at his home in Demak Jaya to receive treatment at Home. Has the family conflict been resolved?

    2. Did Najib's lawyer - Shafee Abdullah break the law by disclosing the confidential information of the voting to determine Najib's pardon and how Shafee knew Agung/King wanted to give full pardon to Najib?.

    3. The Board of Pardons advised the Agong/King that Najib serve the full sentence. As decided by the court. Why is this not followed- asked Surendran.

    4. Clare was sentenced to prison for speaking out in the public interest. Because of that we have been fighting for the repeal of section 500 of the penal code for a long time. This is an oppressive law.


    N.Surendran, Former PKR Vice President, Former Padang Serai MP, Lawyer and Legal Practitioner

    *Investigation under the Sedition Act against Tony Pua- Shameful*

    N.Surendran strong comments against the use of the sedition act against Tony Pua are fair and in the public interest. Tony Pua has the right to speak and the right to speak is guaranteed by the federal constitution, so using oppressive laws against the public is a mistake. he direct his criticism towards the Prime Minister and the government because PKR/PH has been the backbone party of the government since 2018 (22 months) and now - after GE15, it has been over a year, there is no clear reform, hardly a reform at all.

    On the other hands what happens Oppressive laws are enforced. PH sold in their campaign that they will do reforms. He don't think there is any reform at all. If you want to list the oppressive laws that are being enforced now, The list will be very long.

    In relation to the decision of the Pardon Board that reduced the sentence against Najib. There should be no confusion. At a glance we know that Agung/King should follow the advice given as required by the federal constitution except in the matter of appointing the PM, dissolving parliament and calling a meeting of the council of kings related to the privileges of the kings. The pardon board has advised that Najib serve the full sentence. So the advice should be followed by Agung/King. But that is not the case and it clearly violates the Federal Constitution.

    A 2-year prison sentence against the founder of Sarawak Report for allegedly slandering the Sultanate of Terengganu. I cannot comment in detail on the court process that took place. But for a long time we have been fighting to abolish section 500 of the penal code which is an oppressive law that suppresses freedom of expression. Not only Clare Brown, but all Malaysians have the right to speak based on fundamental rights and public interest.- I have left PKR- I want Malaysians to choose a party that really does reforms without delay


    Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project - Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek SAMA)

    *Projek Sama urges AG to ensure pursuit of Najib’s pending cases without DNAA*

    PROJECT Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek Sama) has urged the Attorney General (AG) to formally commit to vigorously pursuing the three pending cases against former Prime Minister Najib Razak.

    Ngeow said that, Projek Sama aimed to prevent any potential application by the Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC) for the discharge of the cases.

    Expressing concerns over AG Ahmad Terriruddin Mohd Salleh’s involvement in Najib’s partial pardon, Projek SAMA emphasized the importance of maintaining the ongoing charges against Najib.

    Projek SAMA call is warranted given the AGC’s track record, exemplified by cases such as Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and former 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) CEO Arul Kanda Kandasamy, where both were either discharged without acquittal or acquitted.

    Furthermore, Projek Sama asserted that if AG Terriruddin fails to provide this public assurance, he should consider resigning in the public interest.

    To address systemic issues, the Madani government must expedite the separation of the office of Attorney General and the Public Prosecutor and ensure the independence of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) from political influence.

    On February 2, the Pardons Board reduced Najib’s jail term and fine in the SRC International misappropriation case. However, Najib still faces three pending cases, including an RM27 million money laundering trial related to SRC International and the 1MDB corruption trial.

    Additionally, the former premier is charged with criminal breach of trust alongside former Treasury Secretary-General Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah involving RM6.6 billion in payments to the International Petroleum Investment Company, with the trial set to commence on June 4.


    Jeffery Ngui, chairperson of MUDA Sarawak

    *Global Perceptions of Malaysia: Assessing Najib's Pardon and Zahid's Acquittal*

    Jeffery Ngui from MUDA Sarawak shares his opinion on the issue of Najib's pardon. Jeff sees it as disrespectful to the court's decision to reduce Najib's sentence. Previously, the Pakatan Harapan (PH) strongly opposed Najib's abuse of power in the SRC International and 1MDB cases, which globally tarnished Malaysia's reputation, with Najib being referred to as MO1 (Malaysia Official 1). Najib's imprisonment was a moment of success for PH and brought joy to the people. However, recent events raise concerns. Zahid has been acquitted of charges, and now Najib's sentence has been halved. This may affect international perceptions of Malaysia's legal system. It's no surprise that issues surrounding Najib are arising, especially with UMNO in the ruling coalition, suspected of aiming to free Najib for political reasons. The people desire legal reforms for a better Malaysia, but UMNO's agenda within the government complicates matters. With the Royal Pardon Board in place, more requests for pardons may follow. Will the Unity government retain the people's trust? Nonetheless, the Federal Pardon Board plays a crucial role and can advise the King on pardon matters.


Guest User
7 February 2024

On Today Show
— Ngang Kuja, Penan residents of Kampung Long Tanyit, Linau River Belaga – Severe Flooding Strikes Five Penan Villages along Linau/Belaga River: Should the Sarawak Government Construct More Dams?
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak and lawyer – Even someone holds the title of TUN, they must still be investigated for crimes, and the seriously ill Taib is no exception
— Muhammad Faisal abdul aziz, Chairperson of Bersih – Reform Demands to be Reinforced Before Taking to the Streets

On Today Show
— Ngang Kuja, penduduk Penan Kampung Long Tanyit, Sungai Linau Belaga - Banjir Teruk Melanda Lima Kampung Penan di sepanjang Sungai Linau/Belaga: Patutkah Kerajaan Sarawak Membina Lebih Banyak Empangan?
— Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak dan peguam - Walaupun seseorang memegang gelaran TUN, mereka masih perlu disiasat atas jenayah, dan Taib yang sakit teruk tidak terkecuali
— Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz, Pengerusi Bersih - Tuntutan Reformasi Perlu Diperkukuh Sebelum Melakukan Demonstrasi di Jalanan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The Inspector General of Police issued a statement that Taib Mahmud was not kidnapped or escaped. The police have received a report - there may be incorrect facts and the reported news is not accurate.

    2. Najib's lawyer wants to submit another pardon application to the new King/Agong. Claiming that Najib did not get a fair trial. Meanwhile, senior lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla is worried that the AG will drop another case that Najib is currently facing, given that his sentence has been reduced. The AG is also a member of the Pardon Board.

    3. Tun M-Mirzan and Mokhzani's children will be prosecuted, if they fail to declare their assets. A week ago Daim and his wife were charged for failing to declare assets under section 36 of the MACC Act

    4. BERSIH 2.0 chairman - The 6th BERSIH demonstration will be launched if there is no total reform - said BERSIH 2.0 chairman Muhammad Faizal Abdul Aziz.

    5. Sarawak Report editor, Clare Rewcastle-Brown, was sentenced to two years' jail in absentia by the Magistrate's Court here today for defaming the Sultanah of Terengganu, Sultanah Nur Zahirah.

    Ngang Kuja, Penan residents of Kampung Long Tanyit, Linau River Belaga

    *Severe Flooding Strikes Five Penan Villages along Linau/Belaga River: Should the Sarawak Government Construct More Dams?*

    Ngang Kuja reported that 5 penan villages have been flooded by the Linau river which has been overflowing with flood water for the past 4 days. The villages involved are Long Abit, Long Kajang, Lusong Laku, Long Lidem and Long Tanyit.

    According to Ngang Kuja, this is an extraordinary flood as far as I know as long as I live in the linau area. We lost everything like rice crops, livestock and houses. The long house of Long Kajang is no longer habitable because it has almost collapsed due to being washed away by the water. When asked if logging is the cause of this extraordinary flood. Probably not, he said- because there is no more active logging in our area. But I expect it is the effect of global climate change. Because the part of Indonesia that borders us is also badly affected by the flood. We are asking for immediate help. The aid sent to us at this time can only cover our lives for 2 days only. It is difficult for us to connect with the outside world because the telephone line is not stable. Long Kajang 25 doors and 38 households. Other longhouses have not been able to identify the number of affected. The government came to send us aid very slowly, using boats and land. But if you use a helicopter it will be faster - said Ngang Kuja.

    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak and lawyer

    *Even someone holds the title of TUN, they must still be investigated for crimes, and the seriously ill Taib is no exception*

    Regarding Taib, many previously believed that anyone holding the title of Tun is immune from the law. This is incorrect because every offender will face the courts. As we know, Tun Mahathir and Tun Daim will also face legal action for their mistakes, as will Taib Mahmud.

    Abun Sui argues that the Najib pardon case represents a separation of powers among Malaysia's judiciary, legislative branch (Parliament), and executive administration by the Malaysian government. Within the Malaysian constitution, there is also the royal pardon institution. The executive branch has apprehended Najib and will bring his case to the judiciary for trial. This pardon institution is an independent body where the government cannot interfere but is granted authority under the Federal Constitution under Article 42, and we cannot blame anyone for this matter. Many understand the provisions under Article 42, and many point fingers at PMX as the Prime Minister and blame the Unity government, even though Najib's pardon case is under the authority of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. It is unfair if the pardon institution under the Agong makes the decision, but the people blame PMX. We must respect this system. However, it is hoped that there will be amendments to this pardon institution in the future if it receives one-third in Parliament to change the law by this pardon institution. Thus, we as citizens must accept the decision made under the Agong.


    Muhammad Faisal abdul aziz, Chairperson of Bersih

    *Reform Demands to be Reinforced Before Taking to the Streets*

    Bersih is extending an open invitation to opposition parties and NGOs to join forces in their latest campaign, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and collaboration across party lines. At the core of Bersih's agenda is combating corruption, a pervasive issue that erodes public trust in governance. They urge the Attorney General to stop granting DNAA to influential figures implicated in corruption scandals, as this perpetuates impunity and undermines confidence in the justice system.

    Additionally, Bersih stresses the need for the separation of powers, particularly regarding the roles of the Attorney General and the Election Commission (EC). They propose detaching the Attorney General from the Public Prosecutor's office and the EC to ensure impartiality and integrity in overseeing the rule of law and electoral processes.

    Bersih aims to push for legislative reforms in Parliament to address systemic issues and foster a more inclusive and accountable political environment. They also remain open to grassroots activism, including street campaigns, to amplify their message and garner public support for reform efforts.

    As Bersih prepares for their latest rally, they reaffirm their commitment to championing democratic principles and advocating for meaningful change. Through public participation and pressure, Bersih seeks to catalyze the transformative reforms necessary to strengthen Malaysia's democratic institutions and uphold the rights and interests of its citizens.


Guest User
6 February 2024

On Today Show

— Peter John Jaban, Sarawak Veteran Activist – Peter believes Police are investigating Raghad for allegedly stealing Taib's property
—Dr. Michael Teo, ex-Miri MP – Protecting Patient Safety: Dr. Michael Teo Highlights Risks in Ragad's Unauthorized Removal of Taib Mahmud
— Voon Lee Shan, President of Bumi Kenyalang Party (PBK), lawyer – Najib's Pardon: Still on Criminal Status

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Peter John Jaban, Aktivis Veteran Sarawak – Peter percaya bahawa Polis sedang menyiasat Raghad atas tuduhan mencuri harta Taib
— Dr. Michael Teo, bekas MP Miri – Menjaga Keselamatan Pesakit: Risiko dalam Pengeluaran Tanpa Kebenaran Ragad terhadap Taib Mahmud
— Voon Lee Shan, Presiden Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK), peguam – Penggampunan Najib: Masih dalam Status Jenayah.

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Raghad denied running Taib from Normah Specialist Medical Center, instead claiming to have permission from the nurse. But Peter John Jaban believes that Raghad is at war with his stepchildren to seize Taib's wealth.

    2. BERSIH 2.0 may hold a demonstration protesting the reduction of sentence against Najib. The matter was discussed in yesterday's meeting. The final decision will be announced tomorrow - said its chairman Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz.

    3. Tony Pua was investigated under the sedition act 1948 - this is very shameful said the former vice chairman of PKR- N. Surendran. According to Surendran, PH in the manifesto in GE15 is determined to abolish the act of sedition. According to another former PKR member Latheefa Koya - other countries that are also investigating 1MDB are watching Malaysia's behavior. Will they cooperate now, when Najib's sentence has been reduced?


    Peter John Jaban, Sarawak Veteran Activist

    *Peter believes Police are investigating Raghad for allegedly stealing Taib's property*

    Update related to the news of Tun Taib Mahmud being forcibly taken out by his wife Raghad Kudi from Normah Specialist Hospital in Kuching while receiving treatment in the ICU. Several police reports were made and confirmed that it really happened. However, the Sarawak police do not allow the public to speculate about it.

    According to Peter, what happened was a fight over Taib's property. Raghad made preparations to pack hundreds of boxes of Taib's property to be taken abroad, a viral photo shows that. This caused unease among Taib's children. They accused Raghad of stealing their father's property. Depressed by that, Raghad brought Taib home from the hospital's ICU so that he could take a picture with him with the treasures that had been packed in the hundreds of boxes, this will justify that it is not stolen property,it is a gift from Taib. According to Peter again, since 2014, Raghad did not allow Taib's children to meet their father.

    The follow-up, at 1.21am this morning, through a post on his Instagram account, Raghad denied the matter and asked to stop the bad suspicions against him. She said, she will not run away from the country and will continue to be in Sarawak - I am indeed a foreigner, but I am a Malaysian citizen - she said.

    Raghad also denied reports that Taib was kidnapped from the hospital. He took Taib out with the nurse's permission. Peter questioned Raghad's statement by asking a question. Who has the authority to discharge patients? Doctor or nurse. With this irresponsible action, Peter urged the Sarawak government to revoke the Malaysian citizenship given to Raghad. The native status owned by Raghad can be misused to increase the amount of wealth, get involved in politics or distribute property to his relatives. Don't be surprised if members of the Raghad family dominate Sarawak's politics or wealth. Said Peter John Jaban.


    Dr. Michael Teo, ex-Miri MP

    *Protecting Patient Safety: Dr. Michael Teo Highlights Risks in Ragad's Unauthorized Removal of Taib Mahmud*

    Dr Michal Teo, as a medical practitioner of 50 years, is deeply disappointed by Ragad's actions in taking Pehin Sri Taib Mahmud, who was receiving treatment at Normah Hospital. This is highly endangering Taib's health as he was taken home and unable to receive proper medical care. Taib Mahmud's health history includes a cancelled colonoscopy while seeking treatment in Singapore, and in the last ten years, he has been suffering from memory loss, requiring more careful attention from the hospital. Ragad's actions in taking Taib out can also warrant police action.


    Voon Lee Shan, President of Bumi Kenyalang Party (PBK) , lawyer

    *Najib's Pardon: Still on Criminal Status*

    On the issue of Najib's pardon, Voon Lee Shan expresses his opinion that according to the law, the meaning of a pardon implies that one has been found guilty and subsequently pardoned for that guilt. Merely being released from prison does not constitute a pardon. This type of pardon leaves a record of guilt or criminal charges. Alternatively, a pardon can be granted without an admission of guilt. However, in Najib's case, the pardon serves to shorten his period of imprisonment, indicating that he is still considered a criminal. Nonetheless, he would be released after serving six years. According to prison procedures, if an inmate maintains good behavior, their sentence can be reduced by one-third. Therefore, if one-third of six years is deducted, Najib could potentially be released in approximately four years. Hence, Najib could be released sooner than expected.


Guest User